The “runner’s tan”

By , June 20, 2010 3:07 pm

Even though I can’t run, that doesn’t mean I can’t sport the female runner’s tan, right?

Female Runner's Tan

Or in my case, female runner’s burn. I wear sunscreen like it’s my job, but I still end up like this. I guess I need to re-apply.

Now of course, the men don’t have this problem, because they can run shirtless if they want. Jealous!

Is anyone else sporting a funky tan (or burn) right now?

I refuse to have a ridiculous farmer’s tan like I did all of last summer (see below), so I’ve been wearing tank tops when working out outdoors and when working in the garden. My hope is that by the end of the summer, I will have actually earned the female runner’s tan!

Ridiculous Farmer's Tan

Got that burn in May 2009… the tan lines stuck around all summer. Awesome. Not.

25 Responses to “The “runner’s tan””

  1. Ha, I have that “farmer’s tan,” only mine is from three-quarter sleeves. NOT a good look. Same goes for my unfortunate sock tan. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    <3 <3

  2. Erin says:

    Yes! Most of my running and golf polos are short sleeves. Not pretty. I had awful tanlines for a wedding I was in a couple of years ago because of it!

  3. Wow…you are REALLY burnt!!! I am sporting a cool (read: not cool) tan on my thighs right now from shorts. And I have that good ol razorback tan too…but along with it, I have cami strap tan lines to. I am awesome!

  4. Holy mama! I’ve got a bit of a tan line in the front… apparently we were running opposite directions? :p

    Aloe baby… aloe, aloe, aloe…ouch!

  5. diane says:

    I went to a street art festival yesterday and got burned. ALWAYS the first full nice sunny day outside I forgot to put on sunscreen! The rest of the summer I am fine but I always screw up that first day. :p

  6. hahah I’m glad to know I’m not the only one rocking a “runner’s tan” a.k.a farmer’s tan ๐Ÿ™‚

    I also have creases right where my arm bends (other side of my elbow). It’s really weird looking!

  7. Kristie says:

    Yikes! I don’t get too much of a runner’s tan, but I also try to do my running in the morning when possible (although I just realized this summer it really hasn’t been possible Tues-Fri when I’ve started work at 6:30 – boo).

  8. Bethany says:

    Yikes, that must hurt! I have a small burn on my front from biking, but not like that! Yikes…

  9. J says:

    OUCH!! I get burned easily too and it is no fun! Get some aloe on that!

  10. I find that if I go to the beach/pool a few times and get an overall tan, my runner’s tan is not so obvious. It all depends on what I get first — the runners tan or the beach one. If it’s the beach, I’m ok for the summer, if it’s while running, it’s too late to fix it ๐Ÿ™

    Do you use a sweatproof sunscreen? That might help. I like Neutrogena ones.

  11. k8 says:

    I’m a huge fan of re-applying. But I am also a big fan of wearing different shirts and getting burned in different designs over time. I figure the mosaic of tans and burns will even out?

    Well. I just kinda end up looking like I have leprosy, but still…

  12. I wear sleeveless shirts from Target when running in the summer. ๐Ÿ˜€ I do however have stupid tan lines on my feet! I sometimes wear these like mary-jane type tennis shoes when I walk Rocky and even though my feet aren’t exposed for very long, it is long enough. Now I have sandal tans. BAH!

    I also have a tanline on the back of my neck. One year I got burnt really bad there because I forgot to put sunscreen on and now it is always a darker area. So in the summer when it gets sun it gets even darker. Sexah!

    Coppertone sport is my sunscreen of choice. ๐Ÿ˜€

  13. Adam says:

    GAH!! Wow, that looks like it hurts. The kind of burn where the water beads off of your skin in the shower. I will say that I am the exact same as you. I don’t want to have the farmers tan, so I do almost everything outside w/out a shirt on (yeah, I’m THAT guy in the neighborhood). In fact, I stopped wearing my heart rate monitor when I ran because it was giving me a dorky looking tan line. ๐Ÿ™‚ yeah, i’m vain.

    The last time I was burned by that, I wanted to post a similar picture (i believe that mine was taken from the front to show my burn line from my shorts) but my wife wouldn’t let me!! Obvs your husband is a lot cooler.

    • kilax says:

      So now we know why all of your summer running data does not include your HR! ๐Ÿ˜›

      Ha. I forgot to ask for Steven’s permission to post. Oops. Last year I wanted to take a pics of all the bugs that got in my bra during a run and he said that would be “inappropriate.”

  14. Oh my! That burn looks like it hurts! I just got my first burn of the summer on saturday, thank goodness I was sporting a tank top. But I have a feeling that I will end up with some funky lines after a summer of running outside.

  15. Mica says:

    Harrison wants to volunteer that he has a very noticeable runner’s tan from his huge Garmin.

    Your runner’s “tan” is intense! Aloe! Stat!

  16. Holly says:

    Holy sunburn, girl! Ouch. ๐Ÿ™ I do have a bit of a farmer’s tan, but these days I’ll just take some color. Casper here is just begging for some color!

  17. Kate says:

    I got burned on Saturday while we were on the Chicago River boat tour. I had a ton of sunblock on, but I still managed to get a burn on my shoulders and a really stupid-looking burn on my legs. Why must I be the whitest girl on Earth? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  18. Kim says:

    I currently have a sleeve line just like that! I’m trying to fade it out! ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. RunningLaur says:

    Oh no, your runner’s tan is so dark!
    My legs look like layers of the Grand Canyon right now. A line at swim suit, a line for shorts, a line for spandex shorts, a BIG line for capris, and then blinding white feet. It’s sad really.

  20. Susan says:

    Yikes! Ouch! Aloe that up!

  21. Erin says:

    Oh man, you’re right that it looks like you still have a tank top on! I’m thinking that perhaps Coppertone is not the right sunscreen for you…

    I have a lovely sock tan line that, thankfully, got a little less noticeable after sitting out in that parking lot yesterday. However, my shorts tan line is now AWESOME. Not.

  22. martymankins says:

    I call mine “tard tans” because my step daughter calls them that. I have one now on my chest. I have a nice protected zone on my shoulders, but my whole left side of my chest is red, with an obvious dividing line just before it reaches it reaches my shoulders.

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