End of Summer

By , August 11, 2010 5:07 am

Even though the official end of summer is more than a month away, there are a few things that make me feel like summer is ending:

  1. My birthday – it’s the last day of July, so all of my life, August 1st has felt like the end of summer and time to dread going back to school (it’s gotten better now that I am working).
  2. Cicadas – I don’t know what it is about their song, but it makes me feel like summer is ending.
  3. Back to school sales. Everyone talking about going back to school.
  4. Shorter days (less daylight) – what happened to it being light out until 9:00?!
  5. The end of fun summer events – the free Tuesday night concert series we were attending ended last night (until next summer).

Is there anything that makes YOU feel like summer is ending?

Ha. You know what ISN’T making me feel like summer is ending?! These RIDICULOUSLY hot days.

And believe me, I will ride summer out for as long as I can… it just feels like it is ending.

Here are some pictures from the concert we attended last night. The singers/musicians stand up on this circular platform, and people sit/stand/dance all around them. The group last night was called “Libido Funk Circus.” They played/sung a lot of popular songs – even some Lady Gaga. Ha!

Last night 3500 people attended!

We sit far away since we smell… interesting after running.

Our view – the band is in the very back of the photo.

Steven made yummy sandwiches. And we stayed as long as we could until the mosquitoes ate us up. Aww. I will miss these free concerts. Until next summer!

23 Responses to “End of Summer”

  1. Erin says:

    We started discussing projects for September and I freaked out… I mean, SEPTEMBER?! This will be my third September *without* going back to school but I still feel like I should be stocking up on notebooks and number two pencils. 😉

  2. Back to school sales really never meant much to me… mostly because I worked retail and they always seemed to start a week after school was out for the summer… lol

    But yes, the end of summer is near. And as much as I whined, it makes me a bit sad. Because we’re that much closer to the cruel winter! Such a vicious cycle…

  3. Megan says:

    Hearing people tell the tales of their vacations makes me feel like summer is coming to a close– too bad I haven’t gone on one yet 🙂

  4. No end of summer feelings for me. Here in Miami, it is just as summery as ever, and probably going to stay that way until November or so. Ugh. I’m jealous of everyone who gets to experience fall!

  5. I’m probably one of the few naysayers, but I actually don’t mind the end of summer. As much as I like warm temperatures, I kind of detest hot and humid. To me, fall is perfection, so I look forward to September, October and even November.

  6. Kandi says:

    My roomie is almost finished going on vacations for the summer (she’s a teacher and seems to have been on a permanent vacation all summer! I got the place to myself a lot though!). My Sept 12 half marathon is sneaking up awfully fast.. but so is my beach vacation! And I can’t WAIT for these temperatures to calm down. I can’t handle this heat/humidity much longer!

  7. Mica says:

    Ugh, it feels like the end of summer to me because next week is completely booked with TA training and departmental orientation. Then classes start on the 23rd. Gross. I have to go buy books soon too–grosser!

  8. J says:

    End of summer for me is when the mornings start to get dark! It makes me feel like we are headed for winter!

  9. BostonRunner says:

    The big thing for me is shorter days, specifically less daylight in the morning – I hate waking up in the dark : (

  10. Christina says:

    The days are shorter and the back to school sales always remind me that fall is aroud the corner. But I love autumn so I am ready.

  11. k8 says:

    Even thought it’s blasting hot out there, the sun has lost it’s intensity. Seriously. I almost cried.

  12. Joanne says:

    Once the July race is over, here in Utica (The Boilermaker) it seems that the summer days speed by way too quickly.

    Great concert. Hope you had a super time.

  13. Susan says:

    What signifies the end of summer to me? I have no idea right now! It’s different when you’re not in school anymore, I’ve realized…oh how I miss summer break! It’s also a little weird with my 3-11pm schedule because I sleep through the sunrise and I’m at work when the sun goes down, so the days seem about the same length to me. (That being said…when it gets dark at 5pm in the winter and its my day off, I get kind of freaked out because I don’t realize when the sun goes down!)

  14. My vacation is the last week of August and first week of Sept- I feel like if I get too excited for vaca then I am wishing my summer away. But the closer it gets, the closer the end is, I know! Also, the teachers are back in rooms next week and kids have been coming in asking for their supply lists and teachers for next year, so that makes me recognize that it is over.

    i love summer and I am always sad to see it go!

  15. Erin says:

    On the one hand I’m looking forward to cooler running temperatures. On the other hand, I’m not looking forward to it being dark when I get up and when I leave work. I noticed last night that it was dark when we were grilling. When did that happen? Also, now that I get off early on Fridays in the summer, summer definitely has an end date. And this year it’s September 3rd!

  16. Kim says:

    I still get that feeling of dread when I see the “back to school” commercials. Ha. We haven’t really had a summer this year in CA. It’s been weirdly cool. I do love the long days though. I won’t feel like summer is really over until September is here…and when the berries leave the market.

  17. Leah says:

    I always feel like summer is over when the corn maze by my house opens up. For me that always meant back to school. Ick!

  18. Pauline says:

    Question: Why is that summer always seems to zoom by but winter seems to drag on forever!! 😛

  19. I don’t mind the end of summer either. Every year Hazel and I look at each other and go “so, why do we live in Phoenix again?” 😉

  20. teamarcia says:

    I feel like things start to wind down right after the 4th of July…makes me sad…although I will NOT miss this heat…or the mosquitoes!

  21. Kristie says:

    Funny, but circadas always just make me feel like heat waves are coming down… but that could be related to it just seems so dang hot when you hear them all the time! 🙂

  22. ChezJulie says:

    When my husband goes back to work (he’s a teacher). Also getting catalogs with fall clothes in them.

  23. martymankins says:

    The end of summer for me happens when the weather change hits Utah. It goes from hot heat to cool and crisp temps.

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