Freeze Your Thorns Off Virtual 5K Race Report

By , January 8, 2011 9:11 pm

One of my favorite bloggers, Adam, hosted a virtual/real 5K today – the Freeze Your Thorns Off 5K. I decided to participate as my first virtual race!

Have you ever done a virtual race before?

Those lucky enough to live near Phoenix (not me) got to run the 5K, with friends, in a beautiful setting, in 45°F weather. I am not really sure if they can say they froze their thorns off.

Me though? I did (wait, do I have thorns?!). It was 10°F where I was running, with nasty wind. I was so cold, the only picture I took was when I got done running, in my car. Now, you know that is not like me. I am the Queen of Taking Too Many Pictures.

That is how cold it was – no cheesy running photos.

While I did not have the same weather conditions as the real 5K, I did get to run with friends. In fact, 11 new ones! It was my first run with the Grayslake Running Club, and I really enjoyed it.

Oh yeah, my time? Did I mention it was cold? And I did the 30 Day Shred yesterday and felt super sore? Pretty sure I didn’t mention that. Oh yeah, and that I am a bit heavier now than I was before the holiday…

Do you still want to hear my time? 31:13 (10:09, 10:16, 9:49, 00:59)

Gulp. Um, I was running slow because that was the start of my run? I went on to run 7.3 miles? Ha ha. Just kidding! That is a good time for me, right now! I am happy with it!

13 Responses to “Freeze Your Thorns Off Virtual 5K Race Report”

  1. I wish I had known—I would have run. My Auburn Tigers are in Phoenix. BCS Championship!!!

  2. Oh, and hesitating on 30 minutes for 3 miles is why I almost have to quit reading you—that’s a great time.

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha. I am happy with the time. I was joking around about it – I just feel like such a blob right now.

      I wish I would have told you about the virtual 5K. You should add Adam to your reader. He’s really funny!

  3. Cool, I love the idea of a virtual 5k. Good way to get motivated!

  4. bobbi says:

    Mine was slower! Man it was cold today! How’d you like Grayslake RC? I need to find a club…I’m sorely lacking in motivation. Do they have people as pokey as me? That’s always my biggest fear – being the slowest one there, or slowing anyone down…

    • kilax says:

      You are not pokey, you dork 😛

      I liked the GRC a lot. Twelve people showed up today, and there were people running slower than me. The winter running leader guy was nice and ran with me at the end when I was feeling tired. 🙂

  5. J says:

    Great job! It was cold here too! I was just glad to be able to get out for a run!

  6. Erin says:

    I’m glad my run on Saturday started in the late afternoon. It was cold out there! Also, yay for running with the GRC!!!

  7. Kandi says:

    I’ve never done a virtual race before. I almost decided to do this one since I have a Garmin now, but I went to my brother’s house this weekend and wanted to spend time with my family and not out running.
    The running club sounds like a lot of fun.

  8. Adam says:

    Sorry I’m just now commenting on this….

    Are you SURE you don’t have thorns? I thought I didn’t either but then I started sprouting them a while back. Annoying when you’re putting on clothes.

  9. Adam says:

    BTW (getting through my “normal” blog list now not just the race list…… thanks for saying that I am one of your fav blogs. Likewise. I think it is the pictures that do it – even if they are digitally enhanced. 😉

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