A string surprise

By , January 14, 2011 3:36 pm

Steven brought home a surprise for me today!

Violin Strings!

He even tuned my violin for me! And he has never done that before – he played the cello. He said tuning the violin was a bit more difficult because it’s smaller, but he did it perfectly!

I rewarded him by playing a little tune:

Based on my outfit, did you guess that I am working from home today?

Hmm, maybe you can’t call that a reward? Ha!

I looked for violin sheet music at home, but all we have is cello. Guess I will be asking my dad to search in my old bedroom for my music! Thanks Dad!

Did/do you play a musical instrument? Which one? Do you still play?

I played the violin from fourth to twelfth grade – 9 years, and haven’t played since. I would like to start again. Maybe Steven and I can do a cello/violin duet!

That’s me, looking like the devil, back in 1999!

16 Responses to “A string surprise”

  1. Mica says:

    I watched the video…and LOVED it. So great!

    That is really such a sweet present from Steven. Maybe you two can form a duo of musical greatness, yeah?

  2. sizzle says:

    Now you guys can jam! 🙂

    I played guitar when I was a kid but I don’t remember most of it. And I took some piano (never really practiced). I wish I could read music and play an instrument. I love the cello!

  3. Kandi says:

    I used to play the flute (and subsequently the piccolo). I played from 4th – 12th grade (marching band from 9th-12th!) and recently picked up my old flute to see if I could still play it. I can but it’s not really in good shape after all those years of marching band.

  4. Kristina says:

    That is SO awesome! I played the piano for like 10 years and really wish that I had continued. I keep thinking that when I turn 40 (not too far off), I’ll take it up again.

  5. ChezJulie says:

    Wow, Kim, I played violin, too!!!!! For 10 years, from elementary school through my freshman year of college. I used to get out my violin once in a while, but it got stolen many years ago. Nice to hear you playing the ultimate classic of the Suzuki method.

  6. Shannon says:

    What a sweet thing for him to do. I played the clarinet growing up, but unlike you, I hated it and had no talent for it! I think you and steven should definitely play together!y in law both play piano and they play and perform together.

  7. Cute! It is not easy to pick back up with your childhood instrument – I started taking piano again with my boys when we bought our own piano and it was hard! I recently gave up again when our piano teacher went to study abroad…two of my boys continue to take lessons so at least the piano is still getting played!

  8. bobbi says:

    I love it! I played guitar for about 5 minutes before I decided (at 12) that it was Not Cool. I’m kicking myself now. I did sing all through high school and into college – I’ve sung in many a friend’s wedding and even at a funeral or 2 (I sang in church choir also) so I think learning an instrument would be pretty straightforward since I can read music. I’d love to learn to play piano…

  9. Erin says:

    I had no idea you played the violin for 9 years! Hey, I think you did pretty well for almost the same amount of time not playing.

    I played the violin for *maybe* two years but I could never get the hang of reading the notes fast enough to be any good. I switched to percussion for three years in junior high and would have continued except once I got to high school I had to choose between marching band and choir…and I chose choir.

  10. Susan says:

    Hahaha the video is awesome…bringing back the old tunes! I played the trombone for 12 years and pretty much have nothing to show for it. Definitely wasn’t any good…

  11. mom says:

    Enjoyed your video and I’m looking forward to a cello video from Steven.

  12. Etta says:

    I played what seemed like everything. I did trumpet, tenor sax, bassoon, and oboe at some point over the 8 years I was in band. I also played french horn during pep band season.

  13. Kate says:

    I would really love to learn to play a musical instrument! My dad recently started playing the trumpet and it has inspired me — I’m thinking either acoustic guitar or clarinet. I took voice lessons for many years and I think I might like to start singing again, too.

    • kilax says:

      That is so cool that your dad has started to play the trumpet! I totally think you should get back in to music 🙂

  14. […] that same note (ha!), Kim’s recent post and my dad picking up the trumpet again got me thinking about getting back into music. I’m […]

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