Obligatory snow pictures

By , February 2, 2011 8:40 am

It seems like we got a bit of snow here in the midwest. Or maybe it’s just blowing around a bit? Either way, I am pretty certain we are stuck in the house for awhile. And that is okay with me!

Being stuck in the house actually makes me feel grateful for quite a few things:

  • That I have shelter and food
  • That I am able to work from home
  • That I have Steven and Data for company
  • That we have a lot of things in our home to entertain us
  • That we have exercise equipment in the house (plus snowshoes if I want to go outside!)
  • That I made it home safe last night (despite a long delay on the train)
  • That my car is parked in our garage
  • That the power, heat, cell phones and internet still work

The list could go on and on!

If/when you are stuck at home, what’s on your grateful list?

30 Responses to “Obligatory snow pictures”

  1. bobbi says:

    I was wondering how you were doing! John’s stuck here too. He isn’t too broken up about it – he’s playing Lego Harry Potter with Jack on the Wii as we speak ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I plan on staying in my jammies for as long as possible today.

    (still haven’t heard from GLRC…they haven’t cashed my check either, so I’m wondering if it got to Mary or not. I’ll email them if I haven’t heard anything by Friday)

    • kilax says:

      I am really wondering what the dealio is with your application! ๐Ÿ™ I hope it goes through soon. It probably is a good idea to send an email!

  2. Melissa says:

    I thought about you when they were showing pics of Chicago on the news this morning! Glad you guys are well…isn’t this why you have a stockpile? ๐Ÿ˜‰ hehehe

  3. Erin says:

    It’s still blowing like crazy here (http://plixi.com/p/74244690) so there’s no way I’m going outside!

    Which means I’m grateful for many of the same things you are. Shelter, warmth, food, power, company. I’m also grateful everyone I know is safe.

  4. Gorgeous! Glad you hear you’re warm and safe.

  5. Marcia says:

    Isn’t it great? Our power was out for a few hours overnight but otherwise all is well. Caveman actually thought he’d go to the gym then to the office….yeah good luck with that.

  6. Christina says:

    Considering that there were some local power outages last night, i am thankful for power, heat, internet but mostly i am thankful for for my husband, the two dogs who keep me warm with snuggles and the food in my fridge. Oh and my crock pot!!

  7. Mica says:

    Wow, you guys got a TON more than we did!

    I’m thankful that we have power so that I can get work done on my computer. I’m also thankful that I have the day to get work done. (I’m not sure how going to campus and taking three classes sucks so much time outta’ my day, but it does.)

    I’m not thankful that I have no way to do my speedwork today, booo!

  8. Gina/Mannyed says:

    I would be grateful for all those things + a stocked fridge! All that would equal a nice snowed in day.

  9. Jen says:

    Things I’m grateful for:
    – all of my friends/family are safe and warm
    – my husband likes to clean as much as I do
    – we have power and internet
    – we have a movie to watch
    – I don’t have school today
    – the sun is shining
    – the plows will eventually come and clean our streets
    – I’m going to have a yummy lunch
    – if we lost siding last night, our association has to fix it!

  10. You guys got a LOT of snow. I keep hearing about it all over the news.

    Glad you’re making the best of it.

  11. RunningLaur says:

    Glad you can work from home and not have to venture out!
    I’m stuck inside too, because I have so much work to do today, though. And, we have crazy ‘arctic blast’ wind right now so I had to reschedule my hike up camelback to tomorrow morning.

  12. J says:

    That is a lot of snow! We were supposed to get lots of snow but we only got about 3 inches. Too bad all the schools closed last night before the storm even hit. Too bad I still had to go to work ๐Ÿ™

  13. I always feel grateful for shelter and food too. And warm blankets, books to read, and time to relax. I wish I had exercise equipment though! ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. Susan says:

    Ah, real midwest snow! I’ve been stuck on the couch for the past two days being sick (blah), so I’m thankful for the internet and reading material…

  15. Stephany says:

    It’s beach weather in Florida today! ๐Ÿ˜‰ I feel bad for all the snow everyone else is getting, but I’m enjoying my warmth. Hehe.

  16. diane says:

    I haven’t ventured out to snap any snow pics yet, but my gym is supposed to still be open so I’m planning to head over there in a bit!
    I was really lucky. The kitchen is well stocked, the power stayed on, and my heat and stove are both gas on the chance we did lose electricity. My internet didn’t even go out!
    I am also lucky I can walk everywhere, and that I’m dating someone who only lives 2 blocks away and who is making me dinner tonight. ๐Ÿ™‚ Mu ha ha.

  17. Kate says:

    Power. Always power. If we were to lose it for an extended period of time in the kind of cold weather coming our way, we would be so hosed.

  18. sizzle says:

    I am grateful for booze.

    JK (kinda!)

    I am grateful for heat and food and books and cats who cuddle.

  19. Ayla says:

    OH MY GOSH! It’s so beautiful. I want some freaking snow!
    If I got stuck at home I would be grateful for blankets, a warm fire, yummy food, books, my laptop, my family, my dog.. yeah. ๐Ÿ™‚

  20. Katie H says:

    We have a lot of snow but it looks yall got hammered!

    I am grateful for many of the same things as you- though I wish I could work from home! I had to take vacation time today. Boo.

  21. Kayla says:

    I’m glad that we had a snow day today..however not glad that it took 3 of us over 3 hours to shovel our driveway! I was definitely glad we made it through the night with power! (we only had a couple flickers)

  22. Michel says:

    #1 thing I am grateful for? That my dish did not go out and I didn’t have to keep popping in dvd’s for the little one’s!! And the littlest one took a nap today to!

  23. Awesome pics! I like having Joe (dog), Mr. P, and TV!

  24. Chez Julie says:

    I am grateful that our rolling blackouts didn’t last long this morning (but more to come!) We are Southern wimps.

  25. Bethany says:

    Nice! I’m glad you weren’t stuck on Lakeshore Drive…sounds like that was a mess! I took an ice day on Tuesday. Everything was so slippery and there were accident everywhere- just wasn’t worth it! I’m thankful to have electricity since a lot of people here do not have it!

  26. martymankins says:

    Awesome snow pics. Love the snow angel pose.

    When I’m trapped inside, I’m grateful for tortilla chips, queso cheese dip, fully charged laptop and internet that’s not down.

    • kilax says:


      Ugh… tortilla chips. I have been craving Mexican food every day for a few weeks. What is wrong with me?!

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