Amateur Movie Critic

By , March 28, 2011 6:05 am

Yesterday I got to meet Kim from Girl Evolving!!!

Kim lives in north central Indiana, but every once in awhile, ventures over to the Chicagoland area. Every time she mentions her Chicago trips on her blog, I comment “We have to meet up the next time you are here!!!” (creepy much?) – and we were finally able to yesterday.

I love Kim’s blog because she is upbeat, positive and has a great sense of humor. She’s a very good, concise writer (doesn’t babble on like I do). And she is a runner… and she likes to experiment in the kitchen… and she has an ADORABLE cat (Hi, Mosie!!!).

(Photo stolen from Kim’s blog)

Anyway, we met at Panera yesterday and chatted for about two hours. In hindsight, maybe I should have picked a table more toward a corner because I was being loud and laughing almost the entire time we were together. Sorry, Panera patrons – I have a loud laugh!

Kim is one of those people who is exactly like you picture her (friendly, upbeat, positive, funny, and she’s so cute!) from reading her blog – that is probably another reason I like her so much – she is genuine.

I was sad when she had to leave to make the long trip home, but hopefully we can meet again. Thanks for going out of your way to see me, Kim!

When I got home I was telling Steven all the funny things we talked about (especially about Mosie), and one the things I mentioned was that Kim and her husband Dave like to watch silly movies and make fun of them, like Steven and I do. I thought this was kind of a weird thing to do (because we do it on purpose), and was surprised that Kim did it as well, but when I told Steven, he didn’t think it was that odd! So tell me,

Do you like to watch silly movies just to make fun of them?

I know Erin does… and that seems like something Mica would like to do (if she had the time with all of her school work!).

I was telling Kim that our favorite movies to make fun of are sci-fi movies. Especially ones that involve travel to outer space. Or aliens. Kim said they like making fun of Disney movies. And I know she recently watched Honey, which is also a fun one to watch and laugh at.

But I also said to Kim, I am NOT happy when I watch a movie that is “supposed” to be good and it ends up being bad. Like Winter’s Bone. Really? Really? And Easy A… a lot of people liked that, but I sure didn’t! My sister said I was too old for it. Ha ha.

Side note: Can anyone surpass my bag lady status for the day?

I finally get to take a hot yoga class with Lauren tonight… which means one extra bag and some other random things I don’t normally drag to work.

12 Responses to “Amateur Movie Critic”

  1. Kandi says:

    Joey and I LOVE watching silly movies just to make fun of them. My roomie and her boyfriend do too. We especially like sci-fi movies, especially if they are Sci-Fi TV original movies. hehe. We watch the Saturday night “scariest night on television” movies quite often. Our recent favorite was MegaSnake vs. Gatoroid starring Tiffany and Debbie Gibson! It was fantastically horrible.
    I watched Easy A and didn’t hate it, but it was really cheesy and predictable… and it had essentially the same plot as Mean Girls.

    • kilax says:

      Ha! My BiL is always recommending those giant “insert whatever” vs “mega ridiculous apposing thing” movies. We have to watch one some time!

  2. Yay! I’m excited for our Yoga class too! Hopefully the day will go by quickly to get to yoga 🙂

    • kilax says:

      I hope the day goes by quickly too!!! Ha. If it doesn’t, at least I can relax during yoga. Can’t wait!

  3. AH! Thanks for all the sweet compliments – I LOVED meeting you, too. Really hope we can do it again soon, and for longer!!

  4. Jen says:

    We usually don’t watch stupid movies intentionally. We do make fun of movies that are supposed to be good, though!

    Have fun at yoga tonight!

  5. Erin says:

    Would you believe one of Jason’s and my favorite movies is a movie where they make fun of a movie? Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie gets quoted a LOT in our house.

    I have to be in the right mood to watch a movie knowing it’s going to be stupid and to make fun of it. But when you find a good one it’s gold!

    I felt like a bag lady today, too. I had my purse, my lunch bag, a bag with my clothes for PT, and a bag with an item to return to Nordstrom’s Rack. I managed to consolidate them into three bags instead of four, but it was still a lot!

    • kilax says:

      We tried watching that and just could not get in to it! 🙁

      Oh, you and Jason must watch AHH, Zombies on Netflix (when you’re in the mood). Trust me 😉

  6. kerri says:

    what a cute kitty!

    and in other news:
    “baaaag lady, you gon’ hurt yo’ self”. gonna be in my head the rest of the night. =) that’s cool, it’s a good one.

  7. martymankins says:

    It’s Kim and Kim at the Movies – like Siskel and Ebert, but with more girl power.

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