Fellow bag ladies beware

By , March 28, 2011 7:25 am

While strapping your yoga bag around your neck instead of your shoulder may seem like a good idea at the time, be cautious – it may result in an ugly (and painful) mark on your neck:

And while I am at it, what is up with these weird-o marks that appeared on my neck after my long run on Saturday?

So bizarre. I totally edited them out of the photo on my blog from earlier today!

Do you ever have random marks appear on  your body? Or any interesting birthmarks?

Sometimes I get scratches on my chest from Data walking on me at night and accidentally scratching me. And I have bruises on the tops of both quads from the strength close. We do this move where we march in place and pump our arms with dumbbells/kettlebells. The less coordinated people (read: me) end up hitting and bruising themselves. When I got that massage a week and a half ago the masseuse commented on them. Ha ha.

17 Responses to “Fellow bag ladies beware”

  1. I wonder if it’s seams on the collar of your shirt that chafed? I’ve had that before.

    • kilax says:

      Steven wondered that too! I had an Under Armour ColdGear top on, and those are really smooth. My jacket had two of those little toggles that close the hood tighter (if that makes sense) and we wondered if it was from that… it seems so weird though!

  2. Kandi says:

    I get marks from the top of my sports bras but it is more like a ring. But those marks look like they are right on your collar bone so maybe it did rub against something just in those spots.
    I sometimes get bruised from my gigantic mp3 player if I wear it on my waste band while running. I rarely run with music outside for this exact reason.

    • kilax says:

      My MP3 player strap used to rub on my arm until it bled! You should buy the cordless Sony MP3 player! RunningLaur is doing a giveaway on her blog 🙂

  3. Christina says:

    Ouch, i actually have a small dip in my right shoulder from years of carrying bags.

  4. Jen says:

    I had a mark like that from zippers on my triathlon top after my first race. I switched to a non-zippered top. If you’re just wearing an underarmour top under your jacket, it might not be thick enough to protect you from the zipper chafing. Wearing a thicker top might help.

  5. Thats so weird. Its right on your collar bone right? Maybe you scratched yourself there and didnt notice? I do that. Actually, I hurt myself so often I dont even notice it anymore. I wind up with a million random scratches and bruises with no idea where they came from. Im a mess. 🙂

    • @Leah , I’m the same way, I’ll be outside doing something and someone will ask how I hurt myself and and I’ll give some vague answer since I’m not sure what they’re talking about, then they point out the scratch/gash with blood coming out of it. But my answer is still just as vague after I notice it…

  6. kerri says:

    the song didn’t lie.
    OUCH! be careful out there.

  7. Amy says:

    So I’m dying to hear – how was hot yoga?

    • kilax says:

      Sorry it has taken me so long to respond! Hot Yoga was challenging, but I really liked it. I knew most of the moves, but some were new. And I liked that it was at a fast pace. I felt like I got a good workout, but was still stretching!

  8. Etta says:

    I used to get broken capillaries on my shoulders while carrying around a heavy backpack. Yuck.

    As far as birthmarks go, I have a triangle-shaped birthmark on my middle finger where the finger joins the hand.

  9. Pam says:

    I sometimes get marks from my bra straps, especially in hot weather where I get broken capillaries under the skin that look like finger marks. Not a good look!

  10. Michelle says:

    That’s so strange about the marks! (I love that you edited them out of the earlier photo, by the way :)). I’ve only ever gotten gross chafing from running. I have a really light birthmark on my wrist that looks like a bat- so weird!

  11. Adam says:

    Ohhhhh, I get those snake bite marks on the bottom of my neck too. I think it is because that part sticks out a bit and rubs on the collar of my running shirt. Annoying. On long runs, they’ll get bad enough to scab over. :-\

    I’m always going to think that you edit every photo now. 🙂

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