I need a yoga towel

By , March 29, 2011 5:01 am

I think I need one of these –

Do you have a yoga towel? Do you use any yoga props besides a mat (strap, blocks, etc.)?

I forgot that Jen loaned me a yoga towel when I took my first hot yoga class with her. I could have used one last night! I was dripping with sweat during almost all of the 90°+F 75-minute Vinyasa class I took with Lauren. I was so sweaty that my mat was drenched and I couldn’t do downward dog without my back legs slipping – and that was after putting a regular bath towel on the mat! The towel scrunched up and kept moving around – and it was too short!

The class was really good. I think I like the Vinyasa Flow style, better than doing more static poses. I was able to keep up for most of the class, and felt limber and exhausted (in a good way), afterward. It’s amazing to see what some of the people in the classes can do. I love watching the other students, even though I probably shouldn’t!. One girl got into a headstand while the rest of us were doing a wide legged forward fold. I guess she just felt inspired. She made it look so easy!

Do you like a particular style of yoga more than others?

I liked getting so sweaty. It made me feel like I was working hard… even though I was in a heated room. Ha ha.

Lauren and I met at a coffee shop before yoga to chat, then went out for a quick drink before I had to catch my train home.

It was a fun meet up! I feel spoiled, meeting two bloggers, two days in a row! Hmm, who’s next?!

I had a lot of fun chatting with Lauren about her running, how she ended up in Chicago, her work and her other interests. I hope we get to meet up again! She’s sweet and fun.

What a long day though! I left my house at 4:30 am and didn’t get home until almost 10:30 pm! I am feeling tired today… maybe yoga made me too relaxed!

16 Responses to “I need a yoga towel”

  1. Tracy says:

    I have a yoga towel – the kind with the small traction dots on one side to keep it from slipping on my mat. I like it well enough, esp. for hot classes (although for bikram classes I just use a normal, large towel. Favorite style of yoga? Totally depends! Hatha for feeling good and relaxed, ashtanga/vinyasa for feeling more like I’ve worked out. Man, I haven’t done yoga in ages and now I’m missing it!

    • kilax says:

      That is what I need – the one with the dots. A regular towel does not work for me because I sweat so much.

      Do you think you will take a class?

  2. Erin says:

    Beach towel! That’s what I used when I took hot yoga.

    I’ve never really understood the different types of yoga. To me I think it really depends on the instructor more than the type of class. Although I have to say my favorite was the hot yoga class I took but that was definitely more of holding a static pose than a flow.

  3. Kier says:

    I NEED to get into yoga…problem is, there is not a studio/class in town and I’d probably have to drive 30+ minutes to find a good one. Might need to look into a little bit more though as I think I am out of the running game for another long stretch.

    Nic and I have talked about taking a day trip to Chicago just for the heck of it…we could do lunch! 🙂

  4. Melissa says:

    I have a yoga towel (like Tracy’s it also has the little traction dots) and I like it b/c it stays put on my mat during class.

    My favorite instructor teaches a class that’s like 30 min flow/30 min balance and strength/15 min stretching and relaxation. I like the variety in the class. But really, whatever is fine as long as the instructor is good.

  5. gina says:

    looooooooooooove Vinyasa! My favorite yoga. I think I could handle doing that in hot yoga. I did Bikram Hot Yoga once and I had no idea what I was doing. I was LITERALLY a hot mess.

  6. I have one of the Yogitoes Skidless towels and I like it for the most part. Though, to be honest, when I’m super sweaty, I still feel like I slip on it (it just doesn’t slip off my yoga mat). You’re reminding me that I need to get into a good running groove, so I can start adding Bikram back in to my schedule!

  7. sizzle says:

    While I get sweaty in my yoga classes, I do not take Bikram so I’m never THAT sweaty. I know lots of folks who use the towel though who are into hot yoga. I hate being that hot so that type of yoga is not for me.

    I’ve still been off on my yoga schedule sadly. I hope something will shift to inspire me back to the studio. When I do practice, the yoga style I do is called Anusara. Right now I’m all about Zumba and Nia. I love the dancing aspect of those classes and how my body feels after.

    I’m so happy to hear you are enjoying yoga!

    • kilax says:

      I will have to look up Anusara! I want to try Zumba someday. I have no rhythm so I bet it would be pretty funny!

  8. J says:

    Im scared to go to hot yoga because I don’t have a yoga towel!! I don’t want to slip slide around!

  9. Jen says:

    I bought my first one at Dick’s. I think Sports Authority might have them. Or, just get one online…

    I’m glad you liked the yoga! I watch the other students too!

  10. I had fun with you at yoga yesterday! We should definitely do that again sometime… although perhaps when it’s not extending your day so much!

    I am feeling a bit sore today, but all for the better!

  11. kerri says:

    i need one too. just did hot yoga for the first time in 4eva. love it! haven’t been that sore in a looong time.
    always forget just how slippery the mat can get!

  12. I bought a yoga towel at Target, made by Gaiam. One side is totally rubberized. I do “regular” yoga, but my hands and feet slide all over the mat, so I bought myself a yoga towel for $30 🙂

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