Three Questions

By , April 13, 2011 6:15 am
  1. Has anyone else ever had muscle pain in their outer, upper shin (area circled in red below)? Both my legs ache in this spot. It makes me a bit wobbly when I start to run, then goes away. It’s happened before, but it has me worried.
  2. Does anyone know how to use bird books to actually identify birds? I received these books for Christmas, but when I see a bird I want to identify outside, I can never seem to look it up fast enough. And a lot of the birds in the books look the same to me! I know you are supposed to look at their beaks, and the shape of their heads, etc., but I don’t have it down yet.
  3. Is this fashion blurb from the May issue of Glamour serious? Feline-themed clothes are in? If so, I was way ahead of the fashion game when I wanted to buy this swimsuit in April of 2009 and you all advised that I didn’t. Hee hee.

19 Responses to “Three Questions”

  1. 1. No. 🙁 Hope it feels better!
    2. Um, I’m terrible at that.
    3. WHAT???

  2. Jen says:

    HAHAHah – you’re hilarious! I have no answers for ya, though. Sorry….

  3. gina says:

    Do you warm up before you run?
    Data will tell you all about the birds.
    Feline couture should not be in fashion, haha.

    • kilax says:

      I warm up with a slow run usually, then run whatever pace I should be running. I have been slacking on yoga though… 😉

  4. ChezJulie says:

    Glamour should have included that kitten umbrella your grandma gave you. Ha ha.

  5. Michelle says:

    I love that kitten clothing article. I realllly hope they aren’t serious!

  6. Erin says:

    I think that pain spot is a more typical presentation of shin splints. Time for more stretching!

    You probably do have a lot of the same birds. Sparrows and finches are the most common. One way to narrow it down is to get a book that divides birds up by their native region (if the ones you have don’t already) and then you aren’t flipping through the entire book. You could also take a picture of the bird so you could keep looking it up even after the bird flies away.

    • kilax says:

      I did try to snap a picture with my cell phone of this beautiful yellow bird I saw last week, but I was too far away! I need to make sure I have the camera handy! 🙂

  7. sizzle says:

    Just because someone says something is fashionable doesn’t mean it should be worn. And that’s all I will say about that. MEOW.


  8. carol says:

    No clue what the painful spot is but I think it is a good thing that both legs have it. Maybe you just ran harder or something. And the birding . . . take a pic of the bird with your cell phone camera, then look it up. You can refer back to the pic to make sure you got it right.

  9. J says:

    Sometimes that area on the shin gets tight for me after runs. Usually the compression socks/sleeves help.

  10. Kandi says:

    I don’t think I’ve had issues with that particular area of my calves but I’ve had some weird calf issues over the years. For me its usually my shoes or from running on hard surfaces.
    My grandfather used to sit and go through bird books with me. I learned a lot of books that way. Now when I want to know what a bird is I just ask my roomie.. or consult google. She has bird books but I often struggle to go through them unless I have at least a little bit of a clue as to what I’m looking for. Good luck!
    As for the kitty-wear.. um… the swimsuit is the weirdest for me.. I mean, the eyes look like nipples!

  11. The area you are pointing to on your leg used to twitch for a while on me after I ran. I have no idea what is there, but it obviously is used for running. Maybe a little rest would be good for it? I would probably just not worry about it but remember where that got me right now.

    Thanks for the card. I LOVED it! And my cat obsessed daughter wants to hang it up in her room.

    • kilax says:

      I think I did need to rest. I keep forgetting I raced on Saturday!

      I am happy you liked the card 🙂 I thought it was purr-fect for you 😉

  12. cher says:

    1. i get that pain a lot when I start skating and then it goes away. i don’t get it if i start out very slowly and really ease into things.
    2. i love birds…while i don’t have books, this doesn’t stop me from stopping every time i see a hawk or eagle in a tree and try to take pictures.
    3. yeah, those eyes on that swimsuit…not the best placement 😉

  13. Adam says:

    I just can’t stop from wondering how you photoshoped these pictures. Do you really have a plant on the speaker or was that added for effect?

    (My wife has issues with shin splints in that area too. But, since you are such a huge supinator, I have NO idea.)

    • kilax says:

      I don’t think I did any photoshopping on these! Just changed the contrast or whatever. I felt kind of lazy 😉

  14. Marcia says:

    Yes to outer shin pain! After hilly races especially. I roll it out with the stick and it goes away.
    OMG no marathon is harder to find family than Chi last year! I could not find the reunion area and the volunteers I asked were unable to direct me. Ridiculous!

    • kilax says:

      Oh yeah. The hills. Plus I ran hills on Tuesday. D-U-H!

      Happy to hear I am not the only one who thought Chicago runner reunite was a bit crazy!

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