Rainy day

By , June 15, 2011 7:07 am

It’s a rainy day in Chicago, but I don’t mind. The more rain we get, the less we have to go water our garden! The lazier a gardener I can be, the happier I am!

I took this photo in April – umbrellas are kind of useless in Chicago

And I will take the rain and the lower temps over the sunny days we had in the 90s last week. That was just too much for me!

Speaking of rain, I didn’t get ONE blister when I was training for the Madison Marathon – I think because my shoes fit me so well, and I never ran in the rain. I  kept getting some sort of weird wind burn on my face from all of my runs in the wind, but no blisters on my toes/feet. I figured I wouldn’t get any blisters during the marathon.

Well, it rained the last eight or so miles of the Madison Marathon (and it felt oh so good) and at one walking break, I said to Erin “Ugh. I can feel a blister on my toe.” Wet socks = blisters for Kim, apparently. I immediately took my shoes off when I finished and had a blister on the side of my Morton’s Toe that rivaled the one I got at the Chicago Marathon (on the same toe). The blister was almost the size of my toe. It was like I had a conjoined* twin toe. Also, I had all of this really hard skin on top of my toe.

It hurt just to have the bedsheets touch the toe at night, so a few days after the marathon, I cut off most of the top of my toe and finally felt some relief. But then I noticed my red toenail polish on my Morton’s Toe seemed to have some black lines around it… so I removed the polish and saw that the toenail was all black. I wonder if that toenail will eventually fall off**.

And why I feel the need to tell you about my toe today? I have no idea. I guess I think it’s kind of funny and interesting, because I am a weirdo.

Do you get blisters from running? What seems to cause them?

For me, it just seems to be the rain… or maybe I will get more when it’s hotter in the summer, and my feet get sweatier?

*I looked up “conjoined” to make sure I spelled it right then got distracted reading about conjoined twins.
**And really, they don’t fall off, at least for me. They get loose then I clip them or pull them off.

16 Responses to “Rainy day”

  1. Kierstan says:

    Oh man – just pull that sucker off!

  2. I’m the same as you – I don’t get blisters unless my feet are wet or super sweaty.

  3. Melissa says:

    I get blisters on the edge of my right big toe, sometimes my left one but nothing a sterilized pin can’t take care of!

    The toenail of my “marathon toe” as I call it (again the right big toe) has not fallen off…I guess it’s not going to?? Part of it got a little loose but I would just keep clipping it down as the new nail grew in. Now it’s about half new toenail and half marathon toenail and the pedicurist did such a great job at the last appointment filing it down so it all looks even!

  4. Erin says:

    When I got my first black toenail last summer it hurt so bad for about a week and a half. Then it was fine. But, yeah, no fun! It took several months for it to finally peel off.

    I’ve been pretty lucky with blisters and manage not to get them for the most part. Or they are tiny and reabsorb quickly and painlessly.

  5. Black toenail = hardcore. Go you. Hope you feel better soon w/ your toe!

  6. Oh man, I was eating while I read this! How do you cut off the to of your toe?!?!?

  7. J says:

    ewww! I can’t stand black toe nails! i get tons of blisters which stink! I need a pedicure!

  8. Meghan says:

    I have the same issue right now – same toe and everything. I noticed it after a half-marathon and while it doesn’t hurt, it’s still bruised…eek!

  9. Kandi says:

    I get blisters sometimes on the sides of balls of my feet (just below the big toe on the inside) but not often. I have callouses built up there but occasionally get blisters on top. They rarely hurt though.
    My “Morton’s Toe” (which apparently isn’t a Morton’s Toe but I’ve never heard that term before and just looked it up) is not longer than my big toe. I wonder if that makes a difference? We’ll see what happens when I start increasing my mileage for marathon training (so soon)!

    • kilax says:

      It will make a difference – you won’t have that longer toe hitting the front of your shoe like I do. 🙂

  10. Alice says:

    i get blisters literally every. single. time. i run (… while playing sports, since we all know i don’t just RUN 😉 ). a lot of it has to do with poor foot construction – there’s not a lot i can do about having huge ol’ bunions that rub against shoes! – and some of it has to do with the ankle brace i wear on one side… but mainly it’s bad foot shape + delicate skin = always a minimum of 2 blisters, up to 8 or so, every time i play a game of ultimate. i do find that glide stuff (that looks like a wee deoderant stick) works well though!

  11. Marcia says:

    That’s exactly the nail that always falls off for me. If yours goes, I think it’ll be awhile before it does.
    Yes the NS half got a little ‘cheap’ w/their swag. They were selling last year’s backpacks in a tent for $20. ha!

  12. Anne says:

    I do get blisters, but tiny ones. I did get a very black big toe during my last half-marathon…it was raining and my foot seemed to be slipping and banging more. I don’t think I’ll lose it, they usually just grow out.
    I’m afraid to get a pedicure, because then they’ll take off the hardened corn and I’ll get blisters again 🙂

  13. Michel says:

    Knock on wood I haven’t gotten any blisters since I started wearing Ironman Express Wigwam socks. LOVE them. Last year I did my half marathon in the rain for over an hour so and then the hot humidity afterwards. My feet were horrible. ugh. Blisters no black toes. yet!

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