Training Week 96

By , August 21, 2011 5:24 pm

I am training for the Milwaukee Marathon on October 2nd.

Day 666 | August 15, 2011: 3.45 m bike + 7 m run

I road my bike home from the train station then went for a run awhile after I got home. It was one of those nights where I wasn’t sure if I had the energy/desire to run, but once I got out, I felt wonderful. I didn’t have to stop at all (not even to go to the bathroom or for traffic) and wanted to keep going when I quit. I think I felt so awesome because the temps were low and I was listening to Lady Gaga’s new CD, which is great for running.

The bad part about this run? The Asics I was wearing are definitely DONE. And at only 270 miles! I wish I could get my shoes to last longer. Oh well – I was able to get some of the Asics Gel-Cumulus 12s for a pretty good price when the Asics Gel-Cumulus 13s came out. Time to bust out a new pair.

Bike Time: 18:16 | Distance: 3.45 | Average Speed: 11.3 mph
Distance: 7.0 | Temp: 69° |  Time: 1:07:31 | Avg Pace: 9:38 | 1: 10:28 | 2: 10:06 | 3: 9:42 | 4: 9:42 | 5: 9:11 | 6: 9:17 | 7: 9:00

Day 667 | August 16, 2011: 4 m run

I was able to make it out for a lunch time run with Erin and her work running group (a lot of the people I ran the the the Ragnar Relay with) which was great – because they are all fun people and I am rarely able to meet up with them during their lunch runs because of my schedule. Ugh, I felt super rushed about making it back to my office in time though. But it ended up being a good (although tough and hot and stressed about time) run and I was happy to get it done in the middle of the day, so I could chill at night.

I made the unfortunate mistake on running on another pair of shot shoes though! This time, it was some Asics from 2007 that I keep in my gym locker. Time to swap those out too. Landing hurt my feet – it felt like all the cushioning was gone!

Distance: 4.0 | Temp: 80° |  Dew Point: 59° | Humidity: 49% | Time: 37:11 | Avg Pace: 9:12 | 1: 9:15 | 2: 9:01 | 3: 9:21 | 4: 9:10

Day 668 | August 17, 2011: rest

Day 669 | August 18, 2011: strength

During lunch I did a 25-minute kettlebell workout. And got all nice and schweaty. And my butt and hamstrings were sore for two days afterward.

Day 670 | August 19, 2011: 6 m run

Oops. I left too late for this hilly run and felt like I was melting in the sun. Ugh – I was happy to be done!

I saw two tiny baby deer during my run. Can you see the outline of one in the picture below? Hee hee:

Distance: 6.0 | Start Temp: 76° |  Dew Point: 60° | Humidity: 58% | End Temp: 81° | Time: 1:07:52 | Avg Pace: 11:18

Day 671 | August 20, 2011: 16.35 m run + 3.68 m bike

Erin and her running club friend Claudia arrived at my house early Saturday morning so we could drive up to Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin to pick up our packets to do a relay triathlon (!!!) together the next day. After doing that, our brilliant idea was to get our long run in (just before noon) starting at the trail head of the Des Plaines River Trail, since it’s right by where we picked up our packets, on the Illinois/Wisconsin border.

For a few minutes, the rain was so bad it kind of looked like we wouldn’t be getting any sort of run in at all! But it all cleared after we parked the car, and we didn’t get rained on at all. It was mostly overcast, humid and in the high 60s/low 70s. I didn’t think it was sunny at all, but somehow I got a funky burn so it must have been. Damn sneaky sun.

I warned Claudia that I have been running slow, but we managed a 10:31 pace for 16.35 miles, and I felt pretty good! We stopped to walk every two miles, and once to use the bathroom, another time to buy water at a gas station (I drank 70+ ounces for the whole run and ate GUs at 4, 8, and 12), and once during mile 15. I played music for all of us on my phone starting at mile 10 and that seemed to help too.

This was one of those runs that just flew by because we were chatting the whole time and I was barely looking at my watch! I loved it! Sometimes I wish all runs were like that! Running with Erin and Claudia was a blast. I think we make a good team.

Distance: 16.35 | Time: 2:51:11 | Avg Pace: 10:31

After Claudia and I finished running, we got on our bikes to help Erin finish out her first 20-miler of the season (around Van Patten Woods, which is really close to the trail head)! Ha – I will admit that getting on to the bike was hard. It hurt to lift my legs after running so far!

Bike Time: 37:48 | Distance: 3.68 | Avg Speed: 5.8

Since we essentially skipped lunch to run/bike, we had to stop at McDonald’s to get pies and drinks afterward. Then I ate everything in sight for the rest of the evening.

Day 672 | August 21, 2011: 2 m walk + 5K + 2 m walk

Erin, Claudia and I got up super early to go compete in our relay triathlon… which I will have to tell you all about tomorrow!

(My 5K is sandwiched by two 2-mile walks because that is how far away we had to park the car!)

Week Summary: 36.45 miles

I had a really fun week, but am exhausted. Just exhausted!

5 Responses to “Training Week 96”

  1. bobbi says:

    I ran on that plank bridge today!

    Great job on your tri!! You guys ROCK!

  2. Kandi says:

    When I kayaked with my friend on Saturday we saw something and paddled over to check it out. It was a house on the lake with a white picket fence and we were excited because there were 3 deer in the yard! One was moving but the others were frozen in place. Turns out the other two were plastic! Your deer photo reminded me of that because I tried to get a picture before they ran off… they never moved. haha
    I’m excited about your tri relay! Can’t wait to read your recap.

  3. Kristina says:

    Pooh, can’t wait to hear about the relay!!

  4. Amy says:

    Sounds like you had a great week – looking forward to hearing about the relay!

  5. Erin says:

    It was a fun week! I’m happy we got to spend so much time together. But I feel you on being exhausted!

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