Scarves to the rescue

By , September 27, 2011 6:22 am

I was going to wait until our new camera* came today to show you my new scarves from Erin, but I am incredibly impatient… so BlackBerry photos it is!

Awhile ago Erin was browsing The Limited website and saw this scarf (below) she thought would go perfectly with this top from Banana Republic. She was right! I love that top (if it wasn’t so expensive I would buy it in every color). And I love the scarf! 

When she sent me the link I asked if she thought any scarves would go with this other blue top from Banana Republic. I like the top, but felt like I was “all chest” in it, and I didn’t have a decent necklace to make it look better (plus, the wrap makes weird lines across my body). 

I think the blue scarf really helps the top!

Thanks again, Erin!

So, here’s a little piece of information that shows how little I know about fashion – I have only ever tied scarves one way – slip loop style**. I only have two other scarves that I wear! A cat one and another blue one (duh, I am just realizing now I could have tried that one with this blue top). And I always wear them in a slip loop. 

Well, The Limited scarves came with a handy dandy guide on “Fashionable Ways to Wear a Scarf.” So I have been trying the adjustable knot style.



click either guide (here or below) to see larger

And I remembered I saved this page of scarf ideas from the October 2008 issue of Women’s Health. It would be fun to try the “casual triangle” with a square scarf!

Can you believe I pulled this from a magazine almost three years ago and have never used it though?! Lame! Lame lame lame. 

Erin and I were discussing how scarves can be kind of expensive. We’re planning on going to Transworld’s Jewely, Fashion and Accessories show in October to check out the scarves there (and jewelry! and accessories! ha ha). 

What is your favorite place to buy scarves/accessories/jewelry? Any recommendations on places to buy inexpensive (decent) scarves?

It seems like a lot of my jewelry came from NY&Company! I used to shop there a lot. Not so much anymore. 

*Another Canon ELPH, in orange! Oh, and it has all the features I wanted too. I am really happy I can afford a new (minimalist) camera right now.
**I only know that it is called slip loop from the guide that came with the scarves!

32 Responses to “Scarves to the rescue”

  1. Kandi says:

    I like your new scarves! I don’t own too many because they are kinda pricy. I imagine they wouldn’t be too difficult to make. Maybe I should make a trip to JoAnns. I recently bought two scarves at Charlotte Russe. They were on sale for 2/$15. I haven’t worn them yet though.

  2. J says:

    I love scarves but never really wear them as an accessory with clothes – mostly just to keep warm in the winter. I did just buy an infinity scarf to wear to work. Its a light pink with a hint of shimmer, so hopefully I can find something to wear it with.

    • kilax says:

      My (favorite) coworker has a silver infinity scarf. Today she has it on with a cranberry long sleeved tee. It looks raelly niec. I bet yours would look good with black or gray!

  3. The scarves look great! I love wearing them for the additional fashion boost (or to hide unflattering necklines) and the minimal warmth that they add! Excellent addition to your wardrobe!

  4. Jen says:

    Your outfits look great! I might need to invest in some scarves to go with my maternity clothes. I have a feeling i might be bored with my clothes in a few weeks. Scarves would “spice” them up a bit. 🙂

    • kilax says:

      We should go shopping together. We have to get together soon since I am missing your party 🙁 Still so bummed. Where are you guys registered?

  5. Jamie says:

    I want new scarves now even though I have too many already! Very cute. Actually, Target has some soft, cute, inexpensive scarves. My sister gets all hers at Marshalls or TJ Maxx.

  6. Etta says:

    I need to start shopping for new clothes soon. I’ve been living in scrubs the last two years and don’t make an effort to look nice at home.

    I’m pretty limited on where I can shop locally, so I end up buying a lot of my jewelry and accessories at Target. I don’t like to spend a whole lot, especially since I’m not a working professional. I do love my expensive purse, though. 😛

  7. Amy says:

    Cute! Cute cute cute !!!

  8. Kristina says:

    I like the sweaters! And the scarves look great with them.
    I used to wear scarves. Living in Southern CA, just the idea of a scarf around my neck bothers me! But they can definitely make a person look “put-together”!

  9. Have you ever gone to Charming Charlie’s? They’re one of my favorite places for decently priced costume jewelry/accessories!

    • kilax says:

      I haven’t! But my coworker was just telling me about them this morning – she got a cool pair of owl earrings (for $3!) for her friend! I need to check them out 🙂

  10. gina says:

    I’m going to bring some scarves with me to Chicago and practice with those tip guides! I love wearing scarves but only know one way to tie them! Erin, you have a good eye!
    Kim, have you tried the infinity scarves?

    • kilax says:

      We should try all the scarf styles out together. And wear them on our heads too, old-lady style.

      My coworker has an infinity scarf! I think it’s super neat. Hers is silver! Do you have one?

  11. sizzle says:

    I might have a scarf obsession. I buy them all the time and must have over 20. I wear one pretty much every day (the temp from outside to inside my office is drastically different). I get a lot of mine from thrift stores, actually, and Old Navy or Target.

  12. I love the scarves. And you’re right, that blue one really makes a difference.
    I have a weird thing with anything touching my neck, so I can only wear scarves when its super cold outside, which is sad, because I think theyre adorable. I guess it works out though, because I really dont think Im cool enough to pull them off.

  13. Christina says:

    World Market has some cool scarves too I got this winter plaid one that i am loving. The accessory show sounds like so much fun, enjoy!

  14. Christina says:

    Wow I’m impressed by the difference the scarf added to the blue shirt! I thought it looked really nice before, but with the scarf it looks so complete! 😀 You’re beautiful snista!!!!

  15. Alice says:

    i have scarves but i can’t seem to get myself to WEAR them! i always love how they look on other people, but i just never think to add one to my own outfit. also i feel a little like i’m faking it – like dressing up as someone fashionable who can accessorize with scarves, ha.

  16. Britt says:

    I have a sick scarf obsession. Sometimes I buy expensive ones and sometimes I get cheap ones. Target always has really cute cheap ones that never cost more then $12-14.

  17. Mica says:

    Scarves really do help bump up the fashion of an outfit. Lookin’ good, Kim!

    I love the title of that list/article. As if there are really unfashionable ways to wear a scarf. Actually, I’m sure I could think of a few….

    • kilax says:


      Ha ha. I think I usually look really bad in my winter scarves! Someone had to show me how to tie them 🙂

  18. Erin says:

    Those look great!!! They really are perfect with those tops.

    Although, I have to admit, I only really know one way to wear a scarf, too! I’m going to have to study the guide that came with your scarves.

  19. Linz says:

    Love the scarf with the blue outfit!! And thank you for posting the ways to wear a scarf. I always wanted to be a scarf person, but never knew the right way to wear one. 🙂

  20. Jen says:

    I like the blue top a lot. Maybe I should check out BR again.

  21. DeAnne says:

    okay, this topic just makes me laugh. . . I will say that you are rocking those scarves though, and with much more style than the other person that comes to mind 😉

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