Obsessed with Prime / Road ID eCard Giveaway WINNER

By , October 15, 2011 5:34 am

In the beginning of the year, my sister Christina sent out an email to the family, letting us know that she just got a one-year, student Amazon Prime account and we were welcome to order things from it if we wanted. 

Silly me, I didn’t even know what Amazon Prime was. Oh, how I do know now! 

Amazon Prime is basically a membership that gives you unlimited fast shipping and cheaper options for even faster shipping. Apparently it also allows you to watch videos? We don’t use that part. 

So at first, I would have Christina order things for me and I would pay her back. Then we decided that was silly and put my credit card in the system. Then we decided I was ordering so much stuff, why didn’t she just give me her log-in and password?

Now I am seriously obsessed. Whenever I go to Amazon to order something, I look for the Prime logo. If it doesn’t have it, I am probably not going to order it. Why pay for shipping when you have gotten used to not paying for it?*

In an especially sad instance on Tuesday, I went to order a handheld water bottle (I mentioned last week I am humoring the idea of taking a handheld on the NYC Marathon course, and not my hydration belt). I had seen one I liked in a store for $25, and thought that was a bit much. It was $13 online but shipping was $6! That seemed c-r-a-z-y!!! I had it in my cart all ready to go and I just couldn’t do it. I found a handheld water bottle that had good reviews (and I got to pick the color), was $13 and available for free shipping. Wow. Now Prime availability is part of my decision making when it comes to purchases!

I feel like I have gotten some crazy steals though. I just ordered two new pairs of running shoes for $50 each with free shipping. Don’t mind if I do!**

Do you use Amazon Prime? Or do you actually support your local community by buying from actual brick and mortar stores?

*I have a suspicion that Prime includes the cost of shipping in the Prime cost. For example, I’ve seen some things cheaper at the off-Prime cost, but more expensive in shipping. So it ends up being more expensive overall, but it does not mean there is not a Prime mark-up… has anyone else noticed this? It hasn’t seemed to affect me too much.
**Of course, if I could lose some damn weight, I would not go through shoes so fast, but I’ll get to that after the marathon.

The winner of the $35 Road ID is Molly! Molly, I will give your email address to Road ID (or forward you the eCard if they send it to me). Congrats! And thanks to everyone who participated!

I am sorry I cannot get Road IDs for you all, because I think they are really important! I do have some $1 off coupons if anyone wants one. Just let me know in the comments and I will send them (I think I have 4 total). 

18 Responses to “Obsessed with Prime / Road ID eCard Giveaway WINNER”

  1. Dave and I buy TONS of stuff from Prime – and a lot of it is way cheaper than in the store or other websites (we compare). We buy bulk chia seeds, flax, soba noodles, etc., as well as a bunch of other stuff!

  2. Etta says:

    I love Amazon Prime! Sadly, my subscription to it ended back in September. I had 3 glorious months of it for free. I actually ordered a sewing machine on Amazon once vs. another store, even though it was a bit more expensive because the difference in shipping time was 2 weeks.

    I used it mostly to order cloth diaper supplies this summer and the prices were the same as the other online stores I like.

  3. Michel says:

    I LOVED using Prime!! What was more awesome was the Amazon app on my phone that I could buy stuff with just a tap of a button and it would show up the next day. Very addicting. I was sitting in a conference and the speaker was selling his book for $24 outside the door. I sat in the meeting, looked up his book for the whopping amazon price of $3 and free shipping and booyaa I got my new book the next day. I R CHEAP. lol.

    • kilax says:

      I was in a store on Sunday and saw a book I wanted for $30 and it was $18 on Prime. So you can guess where I bought it. It made me feel really bad for not supporting the local store.

  4. Courtney says:

    I have never used Amazon Prime (well, except through you). You look too cute in the picture!

  5. Maggie says:

    I don’t have Amazon Prime, but I am part of an online market research community for Old Navy, and they pay us in Amazon.com gift codes. I’ve been using those codes and the free Amazon shipping (that takes 5-8 days) to stock up on my favorite Moving Comfort bras.

    However, I prefer to buy my running shoes from bricks & mortar stores. Mostly because I love the service, and I prefer to try the shoes on first (even if I’m going with the same pair I was wearing before, I like to try on other styles just to compare).

    And I have to try on clothes (running or otherwise) before I buy so most of my running clothes come from Target or the clearance rack of big box sports stores or running stores.

    • kilax says:

      My brother-in-law and I were just talking about how we like to buy running shoes for the first time at the store, since they help you try them on and all… but after that, it’s online for us 🙂 (And that’s even with my running club running store discount!)

      • Maggie says:

        I’ve done that before, but I like going to the store to see what’s new since the last time I’ve been there. But these damn shoes are so expensive!

  6. RunningLaur says:

    I haven’t ever signed up for prime, but I’ve found the storing my credit card info on Amazon to be dangerous – makes it too easy to buy things! Most of Amazon’s warehouses are located on the west side of Phoenix, so when I buy things with the super-saver free shipping, they are usually at my house by the next morning 🙂

  7. RunningLaur says:

    Oh, and I really like my handheld bottle for marathons. (I have the same nathan bottle.) The mouth of the bottle is nice and big, and the bottle holds a good amount, so that I stop at every 2-3 water stations with the top unscrewed and have one of the volunteers fill up the bottle with their jug of water – saves a ton of time and stress of fighting through crowds at the aid stations!
    I also take nuun tablets, wrap them in plastic wrap and stick them in the pouch, so that I can mix my own drink during the run.

  8. Kandi says:

    I signed up for the month free of prime and I would only buy things that had prime shipping. I ended it though because I didn’t want to pay the yearly fee since I don’t use it that often. I do have issues with the fact that I insist on purchasing super-saving shipping (with $25 purchase) though. I almost always get my stuff from Amazon well before they say it will come. When I had Prime it always came the next day without needing to pay the extra fee.
    I’m planning to run MCM with my camelbak. I know some people will think that’s stupid but I need my water and don’t care at this point. 😉 Plus I can carry all my stuff easily.

  9. ChezJulie says:

    I luuuuurve Amazon Prime. Like you, I tend to hit the “Prime only” button when I am shopping at the Amazon site. I do shop there enough to make the $75.00/year fee worth it, especially considering I can share it with my hubby. It is great to be in the mood to hear a certain CD or read a new book, and know it will be at your door in two days. I have also started watching movies on it… having a “Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” marathon right now!

  10. Molly@hungryhungryrunner.com says:

    First of all, YESSSSSSSSSSS!!! I won!!! I totally need a Road ID – as you probably would agree, based on my recent “Man Down” post. 😉

    I’ve been considering signing up for Amazon Prime. I’m a total Amazon junkie and figure I should just bite the bullet and get it because it will save me lots of $$$. Oh and one last thing! I love my handheld waterbottle and ran my marathon with it. I’ve never had a fuel/hydration belt though so I can’t really say which I think would be better!

  11. Christina says:

    When I saw my name bolded at the beginning of this post I thought it was because I won the giveaway.. :'( Depressing….. 😉

  12. gina says:

    LOVE PRIME! My sister in law got me hooked on it. Now I have no patience to wait any longer than two days to get my online orders. : )

    I like your header!

  13. We use amazon prime. I love it!

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