The 1% Rule

By , November 30, 2011 5:24 am

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I saw this interesting little blurb in the December issue of Running Times, on whether or not you need to increase your treadmill incline to 1% to make up for lack of wind resistance. I would like to point out that this little blurb was sandwiched between an article about how you can train entirely inside during the winter on a treadmill, and an article about how you must make sure to workout outside during the winter. Hmm, conflicted much?

Anyway, I always up the treadmill elevation when I use the thing. According to this little blurb, I only need to increase the incline if I am running faster than 8 mph. 


Ha ha. 

Guess I will never need to then!

If you use a treadmill, do you bump up the incline?

Hmm, I have to wonder how accurate this study is, since it was done 15 years ago. I always kind of second guess these studies, but they give us something interesting to talk about!

21 Responses to “The 1% Rule”

  1. Kandi says:

    The contradictory stories in the magazine reminds me of the ones that tout how to lose weight and then show delicious looking baked goods all on the cover. haha
    I laughed when I saw the 8mph thing too… I think I max out around 8.
    I rarely ever bump up the incline on the treadmill.

  2. Michel says:

    yes I do it to. but I don’t think I’ll ever get that fast.

  3. I rarely do unless I only plan to start off my workout with an “energy burst” of a really tough mile or something. Do I think it matters? Eh. I find it more important, personally, to focus my energy on actually getting the mileage in- I get so booooooored after 4 miles- why possibly make it harder on myself to get it done? :p

  4. Well, seeing as how the incline on my sad sad treadmill is broken I guess I don’t know what it would feel like. However, I would jump up and down if I could run at 8mph so I think that would exert the extra energy of running indoors. Awesome post!

  5. gina says:

    I did all the time at the gym…but I can tell you right now I don’t run that fast…so I guess I can just skip that step?

    • kilax says:

      Yeah, start out without an incline, to get used to it. Did you play with the new treadmill last night?!

  6. Jenn says:

    I don’t do it…but it’s honestly b/c I for some reason always think the treadmill is so much harder for me. I can normally run outside at 6mph (10min pace) but on a treadmill I’m struggling at 5.5mph. And reading that article…I will NEVER be that fast!

    • kilax says:

      I find the treadmill much harder too. I think ours is not calibrated correctly. We trained for our first HM mostly on it, at a 6.0 mph pace, then got outside and were running 9:00s (and finished the race in 1:57:47!). I am suspicious of the thing 😉

  7. When I was doing a lot of indoor running, I never adjusted the incline on the treadmill. There are so many variables that make running on a treadmill a completely different experience than running outside, I was always a naysayer of the 1% rule. Glad to see the experts agree with me. =)

  8. Erin says:

    I do at the gym when I remember. My treadmill at home has an incline function but no display so I honestly don’t know how much the incline is. Guess according to this article it doesn’t matter!

  9. I adjust the incline on my treadmill all the time, but I usually put it in between 3-5% sometimes higher if I’m feeling really inspired (so rarely). I live in a hilly area, so Im always running on hills outside and so I like to run some inside too. Its just what I’m used to I guess.

  10. greg says:

    The greatest impact on my progress isn’t some silly training trick. The greatest factor on whether or not I’m improving, is whether or not I’m running consistently. Running on a mill staring at a bobbing window is hard. If I run a little faster on the mill than I do outside, that gives me reason to do it again next week.

  11. Funny that you brought this up…I was actually wondering this myself recently as I’ve been doing more treadmill runs. I never bump it up, because I sort of hate the TM enough as it is. So I was glad to hear the study say that with my pace I should be alright not to worry about it.

  12. J says:

    This is so interesting! My running buddy is always asking me about this because I never put the incline up on the treadmill and she always does. SO i forwarded your blog post to her!

  13. Laura says:

    This is really interesting! The geek in me loves reading stuff like this! I have to wonder, though, if and how the fitness of the runner plays into this. A 7:30 pace is quite fast for me! Should I start to bump it up a little sooner? I feel like it’s easier to run on the treadmill, but maybe that’s just because I’ve been brainwashed.

    On another topic – what’s the pic on the top of your blog from?! Looks like something really fun!

  14. Amy says:

    I never bother with the incline when I run on the treadmill, although I also sometimes wondered if I should. Thanks for posting the article – now I can relax and not wonder anymore!

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