2011 Running Goals Revisited… and on to 2012!

By , December 31, 2011 12:01 pm

It’s that time of year! Everyone is doing their year in running reviews and talking about their goals for 2012! Before I get in to my 2012 goals, did I even met my 2011 goals? They were:

  1. To be injury-free so that I can (do the list below) MOSTLY ACCOMPLISHED – had slight IT Band issues in May
  2. Run at least one race a month (for fun) ACCOMPLISHED – 22 total races, in 5 different states (IL, WI, IA, MO and NY)
  3. Meet new friends in the Grayslake Running Club MOSTLY ACCOMPLISHED – was more in to this at the beginning of 2011
  4. Run with my existing running friends! ACCOMPLISHED – I trained all summer with Erin, and ran a lot with Bobbi
  5. And… PR in the half marathon (a long shot I had to throw in) ACCOMPLISHED – 1:54:06
  6. Okay, and to run 1000 miles (another long shot) TOTALLY ACCOMPLISHED – way over that actually, at 1485
and (in a separate post) – run more half marathons – it looks like I did three of them, which is more than previous years. 

Goals for this 2012?

  1. Stay as injury free as possible
  2. PR in the 5K (and other distances if possible)
  3. Run a new race distance
  4. Run more than 1485 miles
  5. Run a 200 mile month
  6. Run a 60 mile week
  7. Quit slouching when I run – engage my core
  8. Get to a healthy weight and keep that weight off

The most difficult goal will be the last one. I will have to define that more as the year goes on. 

Dream Goal: get arms like Jillian’s:

I just bought that DVD and will be sorely disappointed if my arms don’t look like that in a month. 

Just kidding!

Happy New Year everyone!!!

15 Responses to “2011 Running Goals Revisited… and on to 2012!”

  1. J says:

    Wow you killed it on the yearly mileage! Well done! Hope 2012 is a great year for you! I want to run a 60 mile week too and a 200 mile month – its going to be hard tho!

  2. Kristina says:

    Love the running goals – both those that you revisited and the ones that you’ve established. I’m SO impressed with your mileage and that you stayed injury-free despite piling it on. Well done!
    Have fun with your 2012 goals!

  3. Xavierism says:

    Bon dia! Found you via Melie’s blog. I’d love to connect as well. I need all the inspiration I can gather. Congrats on the chingos of Miles! 😛 That’s awesome. I started running in Nov. 2010. 2011 was my first full year of training and running various events. I’m hooked & addicted! My goal for this year is to simply be a better runner. I’m not a fast runner but want to be more consist and run within a 10 minute per mile pace. I’m ready to do this. I wish you all the best in 2012. Happy New Year to you!!!!

  4. carol says:

    Great goals! Your running has really improved over the years. In order to speed up my plodding butt and to reduce the number of running injuries I seem to be plagued with in 2011, I started wearing the BodyMedia FIT Link (similar to a Body Bugg). Going to knock off 10 pounds (that is the plan anyway). So far I really like it and find the data very helpful. Finally I know for sure what my calorie burn is! I started a blog about it it you ever are curious about one of these. http://watchingthenumbers.blogspot.com/

    • kilax says:

      Thanks for sharing your blog! I am always looking for fellow bloggers who are battling the bulge! 😛

  5. Laura says:

    Wow! Congratulations on meeting all your 2011 goals!

  6. Losing Lindy says:

    Hey thanks so much for stopping by and giving me advice! I really appreciate it! Your mileage for next year is amazing! I feel sort of lame with mine now. (thankyouverymuch) 😉

    BTW, I am also in the Chicago burbs. I am west.

    • kilax says:

      Thanks! And do not feel lame!!! Everyone is on their own running path. That sounds so cheesy, but it’s TRUE!

      I thought you might be a Chicago Suburbanite. Where do you live? 🙂

  7. Congrats on a hugely successful year! And you’ve got awesome goals! But you need to add “Eat lunch from a food truck with Molly” to that list. 😉

  8. Erin says:

    You had a great year. Considering the past two were full of injuries you probably had no idea you’d do so well in 2011. I think 2012 will be awesome for you. Looking forward to cheering for ya!

  9. Kandi says:

    You had a great year! I’d like to work on my half marathon PR but I have to sign up for a half marathon for that to happen. So far I’ve only run one half marathon course (twice) and got the same time! I know I have a faster half (sub 2) in me.

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