What’s Next?

By , March 3, 2012 1:24 pm

Last year at this time, I was signed up for five races in the month of April, one in May, one in June, and one in October.

Right now, I am signed up for two – a 5K in March and a half marathon in May.

I was talking to Britt (my coach) yesterday about what I want to do next. And beyond a second attempt at the 5K, I don’t really have any plans (the half marathon is for fun). I want to work on my 5K speed and keep up my endurance (by doing long runs). That’s it. After the 5K, I will probably look in to a middle distance goal race for late spring.

I kind of feel like I should feel lost. 

But I really don’t. I raced a lot last year, and it’s okay to take it easy this year – a few goal races, a few fun ones.

I’d really love to figure out the marathon someday, but I am not even thinking about it right now – I want to get to a healthy weight and stay there before I attempt that distance again. And it’s going to take awhile to get my body to that point.

How far in advance do you plan out your racing year? Do you feel like you have to sign up for races to stay consistent with your running?

13 Responses to “What’s Next?”

  1. Kelly says:

    I’m currently only signed up for a marathon in October and a tri in May. I have a tendency to go nuts and “SIGN UP FOR ALL THE RACES!” so I’m trying to be restrained. It’s an expensive habit. I was talking to Erin, and I’m definitely going to do a 5K post marathon and rock it time wise.

  2. Diane says:

    I can’t remember–have you done a triathlon? Maybe that would be something new and fun to…um, try. Heh.

    • kilax says:

      LOL at your pun 🙂

      I have not done one! Only a relay, where I ran. I wouldn’t mind trying a duathlon, but I only have a mountain bike. I could use it though. We’ll see! 🙂

      • Erin says:

        Do the one in Tinley Park! Plenty of people use mountain bikes and it would just be for fun!

  3. Losing Lindy says:

    I am only signed up for a half at this point.

  4. Melie says:

    I think a break is a good thing. Last year, I registered for way too many races and after the first 2-3 successful ones, I think I just burned out. I half-assed training, I blew my races, everything got like a chore. I am just done with my pre-registered races and I have no idea what to do. I want to train relatively seriously and run a comeback race but until then.. I think I need some rest 🙂

  5. Erin says:

    I admit, the first thing I thought when the doctor said to try running again was “what races should I sign up for???” But I think if running goes okay I’m going to just sign up for things as I want and not really have any “goal” races. Except, maybe, that triathlon in Naperville this summer. Maybe. I suppose I should try running first….

  6. carol says:

    We used to plan out the whole year at the start of the year. Then last year, due to injury, I only ran 2 half marathons. We found that we kind of liked the lighter schedule and this year we are only registered for the same 2 races. After all, what more can I do with more shirts and medals?

  7. chezjulie says:

    It sounds to me like you just have different goals this year that aren’t really race-oriented. You’re doing your running training with Britt and working on a few things, and you’re working out with your trainer and getting muscular and lean. So maybe that’s why you don’t feel lost… you have direction and you’re being successful at what you’re doing.

  8. Amy says:

    I decided I wasn’t going to sign up for anything longer than 15K for a while. Training for the longer distances was just too hard on my body (mainly my hip). I don’t miss it, either. Especially since everytime I trained for a half, I gained weight!

  9. Mica says:

    I feel the same way, though I didn’t race nearly as much as you did!

    I’m actually trying to find things that I enjoy because I’m in a real running slump right now. And I just don’t see the point of feeling guilty about not running or running and not enjoying it. Oh well!

  10. The Linz says:

    YES! I absolutely need a race on my radar to keep me consistent — hence why my running mileage is Low LOW LOW!! Oh well — I have found happiness in other areas of fitness (doing more weights and yoga these days) and I’m fine with that. I just don’t want to lose all my running endurance. I’m scoping out a half marathon soon though just to give me something to be working toward. Though I think it’s healthy and good to take running breaks from time to time too. So I’m glad you are not feeling bad that you aren’t signed up for as many races as last year. Though races are so fun and super addicting!!

    • kilax says:

      You know exactly what I mean – I don’t want to be signed up for a ton of things, but also don’t want to lose my endurance. I would love to get back in to yoga. Okay, okay, get in to yoga, period 🙂 I love how you are always doing so many different fitness things! You’re so balanced about it!

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