Friday Question #185

By , March 2, 2012 9:57 am

What did you dislike (food, preference, whatever) as a child that  you like now? 

When I was a kid I hated wearing skirts and dresses. I played a lot outside a lot and felt like I couldn’t do as much when I was constricted to a skirt or dress. I wanted to roll around and play in the dirt!

Not right:

Right (Steven, please buy me a vegan chocolate Easter Bunny):

Now that I am older, I realize dresses and skirts are much more comfortable for work, and more forgiving than pants! So I wear them a lot more often. 

But I still wear pants/shorts when I want to play in the mud (photo from the 5K last Sunday)!

22 Responses to “Friday Question #185”

  1. Gingerfoxxx says:

    There are a lot of foods on my list – almost any vegetable. I also hated skirts, i was a total tomboy. now i run in skirts. The world is a fickle, fickle place.

  2. Losing Lindy says:

    I think I have tried more foods as an adult.

    You look fantastic in that dress.

  3. bobbi says:

    All vegetables, mushrooms, pickles. I was a super picky kid, and now I’ll eat nearly anything. Except peas. They are vile, still.

    • kilax says:

      Ha! It always cracks me up when people hate peas. I totally don’t get it, but a lot of people don’t like them!

  4. Emily says:

    I hated spinach when I was a child but now it’s one of my go-to vegetables that I always have in the fridge. I also used to hate cooking but now I absolutely love it and wish I had much more time to do it.

    Other things – Growing up I didn’t like having to go to bed early but now I consider it a treat! I also didn’t like having to bundle up in the wintertime with a hat, gloves, scarf, etc., but now I always do! I could go on and on…

    Funny how things change over time, eh?

  5. abbi says:

    I hated tomatoes as a kid and probably until high school. Now, eat them all the time. I didn’t like dresses or a skirt as a kid but still don’t really like them!

  6. Amy says:

    First of all, you look gorgeous in the pink dress!
    I have to say, the biggest thing for me that I disliked as a teenager that I love now is running.

  7. Erin says:

    Love the pink dress! I hope you’ve been wearing it more.

    Apparently when I was a baby I loved sweet potatoes. Then I started hating them at some point. It wasn’t until after I graduated from college that I started liking them again!

  8. Michel says:

    The dress is really cute on you!

    I can’t remember what I hated growing up that I eat now. I might have to stew on this for a bit.

  9. Pete B says:

    Garlic, onions, and spanks. 🙂

  10. Marcia says:

    Look at the curls! Adorable!
    NOthing comes to mind for me. I was a good eater then, I’m sure I wore more fancy clothes then but I didn’t hate it. Add me to the stumped club.

  11. J says:

    I love that pink dress! When I was young I wouldn’t wear jeans until I was in 6th grade because they felt too tight and restricting. Now I still feel that way sometimes about pants. I like things loose – thats why i love sweatpants!

  12. I used to love the color pink. Almost everything I wore was pink when I was younger. I mean, a pink sweatshirt matches perfectly with turquoise jeans (hello 1994)! Now, I don’t hate the color but I never buy pink clothing for myself.

    When it comes to food, I used to hate bananas. I thought they smelled and tasted gross, but I loved banana bread (which doesn’t make any sense because that tastes just like bananas anyways). When my husband and I were on our first big vacation together, I tried bananas for the first time in probably 18 years and I absolutely loved them. They are now my favorite post race or afternoon or morning snack! It turns out, I just didn’t like banana runts (I mean, who likes that candy flavor anyways)!

  13. sizzle says:

    That wrap dress is so cute on you! I love a wrap dress.

    I used to not like sushi. Now it is my favorite.

    I used to hate wearing gold jewelry and now I like it.

    I thought I didn’t look good in yellow but here I am wearing a yellow dress today.

  14. Mica says:

    Wow! I had no idea your hair was so blonde! I think this is one of those mysteries of non-Asian-ness that I’ve never understood. Hair changing color?? What????

    I also hated wearing skirts and dresses when I was little, and now, I hate it less.

    Let’s see. I used to hate bell peppers and mushrooms. In fact, I told my mom at dinner one time that Koko, the signing gorilla, would sign, “Dirty Stink” when she was fed mushrooms, peppers, and onions. My mom did not buy this argument and retorted that I was not a gorilla. Now, however, I really like (anything but green) bell peppers and cooked mushrooms and onions. Progress, right?

    • kilax says:

      I don’t understand it either! Both my younger brother and I had blond hair – now we both have dark brown!

      Ha! That gorilla story is awesome 🙂

  15. Aw, you were so adorable!!

    When I was little I was such a picky eater. I pretty much only wanted pizza or club crackers with cheddar cheese and mustard. Hmm, I haven’t had that combo in awhile now that I think about it- sounds weird but so good!

  16. Etta says:

    I hated potatoes. It wasn’t until high school that I’d eat baked potatoes. I was in college before I’d touch mashed. 😛

  17. The Linz says:

    You look fab in that red dress!! I was a big hater of onions, mushrooms, and peppers and anything spicy. Now that I married a New Mexican my tastebuds have changed drastically — we eat a lot of spicy food! And I absolutely love it!! And I’ve added onions and mushrooms and bell peppers into my life too. I have no idea how I lived without them. 🙂

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