Training Week 125

By , March 11, 2012 1:15 pm

Monday | March 5, 2012: 7 m run (8×2 minutes with 2 minute recovery)

Ahh, it felt so good to do a speed session. I love the two-minute ones. So quick and easy!

Usual two mile warm-up and one mile cool-down. The goal was to do the speedy parts at my current 5K pace – 7:40-7:45. I thought that was what I was doing, but I was still a bit off. So – more work to do! At least I wasn’t off in the other direction though!

Splits: 7:41, 7:35, 7:36, 7:31, 7:27, 7:31, 7:47, 7:23

I realized during this workout that it’s not my legs that fatigue, but my breathing that gets tricky. Any ideas to help with my breathing when running fast?

Distance: 7.0 | Start Temp: 32° | End Temp: 31° | Time: 1:03:24 | Avg Pace: 9:03

Tuesday | March 6, 2012: cross

Very sad that this is my last kickboxing class at the place I have been going to in the city! I have 4 punches left on my card but they expire March 15 and I can’t use them! But, I did go to 6 classes, and that is good for the $30 I paid for the Groupon! I gave the punch card to a coworker. And I already have a new Groupon for a kickboxing place much much closer to home. 

Anyway. I babble. We did a new routine which was supposed to be harder, with more kicking. I thought it was easier, since it was less jumping squats. 

I went out to dinner afterward with my kickboxing friend. Where did we go? Native Foods.

I had already been there for lunch with Kelly too! Time to tone down the eating out. I am being social and eating out so much. I like the being social part, but I am just not sure if I should eat out so much!

Wednesday | March 7, 2012: strength class

We used weights and did boxing for the Wednesday night strength class. The warmer weather meant I was really hot – I need to remember to wear a tank next time. The class was challenging in the end as we moved to the last weight circuit and I used a 25-lb weight. We were doing burpees then standing up to lift the weight in the air, and I was struggling with the 20 and 25 lb weight. 

Thursday | March 8, 2012: 5 m run (easy)

I was supposed to fit this run in Wednesday, but my schedule changed after I sent it to my coach, so I had to do it Thursday… meaning no rest day. A major no no that I was not too happy about. But the run was actually really speedy, so that’s good (and that was a surprise, since it was so windy). 

Distance: 5.0 | Start Temp: 41° | End Temp: 39° | Time: 44:49 | Avg Pace: 8:57

Friday | March 9, 2012: strength + 5 m run (easy)

Brian came over in the morning to torture me for our strength session. We used two BOSUs and varaious weights and I just felt so so weak. The blanace moves are just so hard for me. Defnitely something to work on.

My run in the afternoon was kind of the same way. I felt tired and a bit out of it. I think it’s just lack of sleep. I wish it would have been a better run, the temps were great and the sun was out!

Distance: 5.0 | Temp: 37° | Time: 48:34 | Avg Pace: 9:43

Saturday | March 10, 2012: 12 m run (2 miles @ HM pace)

For reasons I won’t get in to (long story short: I was being a pissy pants) I did the first 8 miles of this run on the treadmill, and the last 4 outside. For the first 8, I did 4 miles at 6.0 mph, then 2 x 10 mins at 7.1 mph with a 5 min 6.0 mph recovery in between, the went 1.1 miles at 6.0. When I could not stand the treadmill anymore, I went outside. I was dizzy at first – running on the treadmill always makes me feel that way! And it was super windy. Ugh. I don’t want it to be in the 50s/60s and windy. Just have it be 40. Or 30. Just no wind!

Distance: 8.0 | Time: 76:20 | Avg Pace: 9:32
Distance: 4.0 | Start Temp: 57° | End Temp: 57° | Time: 39:39 | Avg Pace: 9:54

Sunday | March 11, 2012: 6 m run (recovery)

I ran 6 miles easy with some running club friends. I forgot to check the temperatures, but it was warm! Kind of crazy to have it warm this early in the year. 

It was fun to run with friends and catch up. And there may or may not have been mimosas afterward. Ha ha ha. You always have to double the time you think you will be gone with you run with club members because you end up chatting and having so much fun after the actual run!

Distance: 6.0 | Time: 1:05:17 | Avg Pace: 10:53

Week Summary: 35.0 miles

Did you see this interesting article that says we feel like we are running faster at night because of our visual perception (when running outside in the dark)?

I do run faster at night. My body is more awake and relaxed, and I can’t see my Garmin so I don’t worry about pace. And I want to finish and eat dinner/relax.

13 Responses to “Training Week 125”

  1. bobbi says:

    I had so much fun today – what a perfect morning 🙂 Thanks as always for listening to my bitching.

    I think as long as you stick to your budget, and as long as you pay attention to what you are eating, eating out is not necessarily a bad thing (especially if there’s fun with friends involved!)

    • kilax says:

      I’ve been eating out almost 3 days a week for lunch and then sometimes at home… it’s just too much for me. It makes me feel gross!

  2. J says:

    Does that article apply for morning runners too?? Sometimes I feel like I am going faster in the mornings when its dark but then I look at my watch and I am just dragging along!

    Great week this week! Awesome mileage! I hate the wind too – it is not fun at all.

    • kilax says:

      I think the article is talking about how our bodies feel by the end of the day? But who knows! Ha ha. I did my speedwork this morning, and that worked well for me, surprisingly.

  3. abbi says:

    Going to read that article now…I run way slower in the dark even though I feel like I’m flying!

  4. Michel says:

    It was super warm this am!! I hemmed and hawed on what to wear. I ended up rolling up my sleeves half way through the first mile and i still had 4 more to go!

  5. Erin says:

    I went for a run this afternoon and was surprised at how warm it was! If this is a sign then I’m so glad I’m not training for a fall marathon.

    Sometimes I get tired of going out to eat! I wish there was an easier way to get in social time, you know?

    • kilax says:

      I was thinking that too – if I am uncomfortably warm in the beginning of March, what does THAT mean?

      How was your run?

      I am pretty sick of eating right now. And we are about too, for two days (and almost four for me!).

  6. Melie says:

    I don’t really run outside at night, because it’s not the most advisable thing where I live. I do run in the evening most of the time though. It’s a nice way to finish my day and clear my head after a day at work.

  7. Amy says:

    Some yummy looking food pictures!
    I know what you mean about the breathing with an interval workout – I try to consciously focus on making it slow and controlled. The other thing that helps, is not to pick too uptempo of a song to listen to while doing the fast part of the run, sometimes a calmer song means calmer breathing.

  8. Thanks for the shoutout!! 🙂 Our lunch really was delicious. I’ve been dreaming of those hearts around that bacon cheeseburger. I have all the ingredients, I think I need to make one at home this week for me and the hubby. Perhaps I will earn some more wife points. 🙂

  9. Anne says:

    Wow, 35 miles? Nice job! I actually have the opposite happen when I run – my lungs are working great (which was a challenge while running until recently), but my legs get SO tired! Your legs must be so strong from all the running you do, so this isn’t an issue for you.

    I’m curious about what kinds of exercises you were doing with the BOSUs. My trainer had me do push-ups on one last week, which was intense!

    • kilax says:

      Thanks 🙂 I am happy to hear you are doing so well with the breathing part of running! Your legs will catch up!

      Ahh, the BOSUs. Rocking side to side planks with push-ups in between. Jump up on them with weights. Balance with weights. Jump on with weights from either side. Lots of balancing.

      The killer was when I sat on one to do ab moves – legs bent, feet on the ground, doing flys, then legs held up, doing presses and holding. Then plank walk to the other BOSU, hold plank while lifting a weight from one side and tapping the middle of the BOSU (a few times), repeat on each side, a few times, then plank walk back to the other and repeat.

      Yuck! 😛

      I think push-ups are really hard on them!

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