Work & Play

By , March 14, 2012 4:54 am

It’s so weird being in NYC for work, when I normally come here for “play.” Every time I get in the subway my brain tells me to figure out how to get to Gina and Steve’s house, but that is not always where I am supposed to be going!

Sometimes it is though:

But I’m working too. And my work involves some play. Well, fun is a better word:

Anyway, I guess if I am going to be coming out here more for work, I better get used to the feeling of NYC being a place of work and not just play. I can’t look at every day as an “explore NYC” opportunity.

Or can I?

Ha. I guess the bottom line is that I don’t want NYC to lose its magic feel if I start working out here. But maybe the new work will be so exciting, it will only make the city more exciting! I think that is a possibility! 

21 Responses to “Work & Play”

  1. Oooh fun! And having your company pick up the tab so you can see your friends on the side is an awesome perk! 🙂

  2. Losing Lindy says:

    ahh..this is why no makes sense

  3. shelley says:

    Lucky you..I love NYC!

  4. Michel says:

    Are you at WTC? Can you get a pic of the memorial? I Know it’s a lot to ask but your pics are always so interesting.

    • kilax says:

      My project is actually at WTC. I saw the memorial from above and had a guided tour of it yesterday (I also saw it last November and am going again tomorrow). I will post some pics of it after I see it with Erin tomorrow 🙂

      Thanks for the compliment about my photos!

  5. It’s a privilege to get to work in a place that holds such special meaning & memories for you! And I echo Kim w/ your company picking up the tab on seeing your friends more frequently.

    Just like in Chicago that you have to find new things sometimes (and enjoy the familiar), you’ll need to find new things in NYC as well!

    • kilax says:

      I actually had a paragraph at the end of this post that I deleted, that was about how I need to find a way to feel this way in Chicago. I am so “get in get out” with the city!

  6. J says:

    So fun you are NYC and at the WTC memorial! I haven’t been since 2003 so its been a while and I bet lots has changed!

  7. Jen says:

    I honestly don’t think the city can EVER get boring or lose its magic. I’ve lived 5 miles away from it my whole life, go into the city a minimum of once a week, and still love every second of it. 🙂

  8. Amy says:

    I think working there will only make you know the city even better, and enjoy it that much more.

  9. chezjulie says:

    Well now you will experience the fun of feeling like a temporary New Yorker!

  10. Christina says:

    You have a very unique advantage as seeing the city as a giant place to explore rather than a work weary Ny’er. You will soon find your niche of your favorite places to go and eat, or just have a cup of coffee and your favorite guilty pleasures but the best part is that you can have many of them!

  11. Jen says:

    You look so freaking cute in that picture!

  12. Gingerfoxxx says:

    I love the hard hat!!! (and how about combining work and fun??)

  13. gina says:

    I should get you a little tag that says “If found, please return to Gina and Steve” : )

  14. bobbi says:

    There’s just something about NYC that’s special. Not sure what it is, but I can’t WAIT to get to go back again!

  15. martymankins says:

    Each one of your blog posts that talks about your NYC visits, I get a little jealous that you get to spend time in that wonderful city.

  16. You look so official in that hard hat! 🙂 I’ve only been to NYC two times and I loved it! Make sure you no matter what you keep a good mix of work AND play!

  17. Sometimes a change of scenery is nice. Glad you seem to be enjoying your time.

  18. Enjoy your trip!!! Hopefully it ends up being more play than work! 🙂

  19. Erin says:

    Still in awe that you got to go up in 1WTC!

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