Gone for a Run Clock Sign Giveaway

By , March 20, 2012 4:59 am

I still don’t feel quite caught up enough to write a proper post (how long am I going to make that excuse?!) so I figured I would jump on to a giveaway today.

When Erin and I were in NYC we stopped by the NYC Half Marathon expo for fun. I was hoping they would have some NYC themed running apparel that was not NYC Half Marathon branded. They didn’t, but I got a neat bracelet, and a fun running clock sign.


Background: I am a bit obsessive about my schedule. It’s actually something I am trying to work on being less anal about. But for now, I have all my runs on my calendar, and try to let Steven know when I am running, where and when I will return. I am actually pretty good at estimating when I will return (even accounting for post-run gab sessions with friends). 

Anyway, I got this fun clock sign to put on our kitchen/garage door so Steven knows when to expect me. Truth is, he won’t look at it (because he will remember what return time I have told him), but I think it’s fun. 

When I am not out for a run, I flip it over to the other side:

I bought one of these Gone for a Run Clock Signs to give away as well!

Gone for a Run Clock Sign Giveaway Rules

  1. One reader will receive one (1) Gone for a Run Clock Sign.
  2. Required to enter the giveaway: tell me who you tell, if anyone, before you go on a run, and how much info you give them.  
  3. This giveaway is open until 5:00 PM CST on Thursday March 22. I will use random.org to select the winner. I will announce the winner on Friday March 23. 
  4. This giveaway is open to all readers.

18 Responses to “Gone for a Run Clock Sign Giveaway”

  1. Losing Lindy says:

    That is really cool. I am sorry you didn’t get any NY running clothes.

    I mainly run on the dreadmill, and V is there asking me how much longer…so…I am going to not enter this contest. 🙂

  2. Gingerfoxxx says:

    Thats really cute! i would tell Matt if i was going for a run, but the only time he cares if he become hungry during a run. He is very dedicated to eating together even if it means calling me every five minutes to see when i will be done because he is hungry, HA! Glad you’re back safe and sound!

  3. Stacey says:

    I love that clock sign! Anyways I tell my husband when I am going, I use to tell him which way but found I often changed my mind after getting to the end of our long driveway.

  4. I would love this sign! So cute! I always tell Toph when and where I’m going for the run and when I’ll be back. I would love to have this sign to hang on our fridge.

    BTW, is that your fridge? How do you keep it so blank? Ours is filled with wedding and shower invitations. 🙂

  5. Emily says:

    Thanks for hosting this giveaway! I do my long runs on Sunday mornings and usually leave as early as possible when my husband is still sleeping. Therefore, I don’t tell him when I go, but he knows the routine. I guess I should start leaving him a note to let him know when I expect to be back, it would be much safer.

    I also do my weeknight runs as soon as I get home from the office, usually before my husband gets home. So again I don’t tell him since he knows the routine, but more communication would always be better. =D

  6. Erin says:

    If I’m going for a run by myself I tell my husband where I’m going and, sometimes, how long I’ll be. If I’m going with a group I don’t usually tell him where but I do tell him when to expect me home. However, he doesn’t remember what I’ve told him so maybe I do need this sign!

  7. bobbi says:

    I usually tell John where I’ll be and when I’ll be back, but only if he’s home. I’ve actaully ben thinking lately that I should let SOMEONE know where I am, even if no one is actually here when I’m running. Just in case…

  8. Christina says:

    I don’t want to enter the giveaway, since I’m not a runner, but what are all of those little animal heads under your white board?! Are they magnets? Pen holders? I’m intrigued by them. I see that one of them is your little felt kitty magnet I gave you.. Awhh <3

    • kilax says:

      They are animal magnet pen holders! I bought them to give away in Decemeber then decided to keep them for me! Muah ha ha! http://tinyurl.com/8yas44r

      Steven will hold Data up by the door and he knocks down the felt kitty magnet! Very funny!

  9. Beth B. says:

    Kim – that sign is super cute! I am not as good about telling my husband the details of my running – i am an EARLY morning runner and so he’s not even awake/out of bed when I go. I should leave more info for him…. thanks for the reminder/suggestion. And – would love to win the sign! 🙂 I really enjoy your blog and your honesty. 🙂

  10. RunningLaur says:

    That’s a cute idea!
    I generally don’t tell anyone when I go out for a ‘regular’ run, but I’m excited that I’ll get to do that in just a few weeks! If I’m going out for a longer run, or especially a potentially dangerous trail run, I’ll let Troy know what mountain I’ll be at and about how many hours I’ll be gone. So far, this has worked ok 🙂

  11. I tell Rich that I am going running but I always WAY underestimate it! haha So, maybe I will need to work on my timing if I win! 🙂

  12. Such a cute idea! I usually tell my boyfriend or leave him a note when I go out for a run. Oh, and I tell Roosevelt, too. 🙂

  13. Amy says:

    That sign is cute!
    If my kids are home, I do tell them I am going for a run. If my husband is home, he usually runs with me. And if no one is home, I don’t have anyone to tell! But then I always go on a safe, familiar route in the neighborhood.

  14. Susan says:

    I love those signs, must have missed them at the half expo! I don’t really tell anyone except twitter when I’m going running, and that’s only if I’m looking for a buddy or something. When I’m back home in Chicago, I tell my parents because I’m staying with them, and they always think I’ll be gone for hours. 🙂

  15. J says:

    I usually tell my husband or leave him a note because he is often sleeping when I do my morning runs. Otherwise I run with a group so they are usually expecting me.

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