NYC with Erin!

By , March 21, 2012 5:05 am

Time for an NYC recap! I was out there for work last Tuesday and Wednesday, then Erin came out Wednesday afternoon and we left Friday night. It was a whirlwind trip! I like to play pretend tour guide, so we fit a lot in. 

Erin actually wrote a really good recap on her personal blog. Check it out here! Make sure to read to the end so you get to the part about the boob job. And read Erin’s confession that she likes NYC pizza better than Chicago-style (gasp! secret – me too). Oh! And our almost run-in with a celebrity. 

In fact, just read her recap. It’ll be better than mine. Promise. 

Are you still here?

Even though I told you her recap would be better?

Okay… here we go, anyway!

Since Erin had never been to NYC I wanted her get a taste for as much of the city as possible. So I made a google doc list of recommendations and planned the trip by area and also by time of day – there are some things I think are better at night – like Little Italy and Times Square! Here’s the run down:

Wednesday: Highline, Washington Square Park, Little Italy via Broadway
Wednesday was special because Kelly (a Chicagoland blogger) was able to join us for our adventure! It was my first time meeting her and the three of us had a lot of fun. We walked from our hotel to Little Italy, about 4 miles. 


Thursday: Lower Manhattan: 9/11 Memorial, TKTS, Wall Street, Trinity Church, Charging Bull, Liberty Island, Ellis Island
Midtown: Flatiron, NYC Half Marathon Expo, Times Square, Broadway
My first time seeing a Broadway show! We saw Once and loved it. And we ate dinner at 10:30 afterward. Very New Yorkish? Ha ha ha. 

Friday: Central Park
Midtown: Times Square (lunch with Gina and Steve!), St Pat’s, Rockefeller, Bryant Park, Library, Grand Central, Empire State Building


The point of this trip was to see as much as possible and I think we were both exhausted by Friday night (if not sooner?)!

I know I am leaving out a lot of the details about the trip, but a girl has to have some secrets, right? Just kidding – I have no secrets. But I have talked about a lot of these places before, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask! And really, read Erin’s recap – she took the time to write all the fun little details. 

What I did want to say is how this was my first “Girls Trip” ever (I don’t count the time I lived in Rome and traveled with my classmates) and what a treat it was. The truth is, I could spend a lot of time with Erin anywhere and have a great time and intriguing conversations, but it was really special to be in NYC, just the two of us. NYC holds a special place in my heart and it meant a lot to be there with one of my best friends!

And really, there are not many people I could spend 24/7 with and not get sick of! Just being honest here… (see? no secrets!)

Who do you think you could hang out with 24/7 for a few days on end and not get sick of? Have you ever had a Girls or Guys Trip?

14 Responses to “NYC with Erin!”

  1. abbi says:

    Looks like you had a really great time. I’m fairly laid back and can handle being with others for a few days but there are really only two people for a really long time – my husband and my sister!

  2. Losing Lindy says:

    sounds like a great time!

  3. Kandi says:

    Sounds like a fun trip! You really were able to do and see a lot. I love girls trips! I went on a 7 day cruise to Mexico two years ago for spring break and surprisingly didn’t get sick of my two best girlfriends. And obviously I could spend 24/7 with my husband and not get sick of him.

  4. Christina says:

    What a great time had by all. I have not been to the highline and have been wanting to go. Also, it is great to know that there are other locals who prefer NY pizza, my husband and I have the debate often and NY pizza is the best!

  5. Kelsey says:

    I Actually don’t like deep dish pizza(AH!) so NY is what i prefer!

    I think it’s more of how quickly people get sick of me…

    • kilax says:

      I was thinking that as I wrote this – I wonder if Erin got sick of me. I can be really obnoxious!

  6. You folks are all crazy with your NY pizza talk! I just can’t pick an NY slice over Lou Malnati’s or Pequod’s! Delicious, delicious. In fact, I think I need some Pequod’s asap! If only I still lived in Old Tonw…

    It sounds like you all had a great time! We’re going on a girls trip up to Wisconsin Dells the weekend of June 2-3 for the Wisconsin Dells Half Marathon. I’m going there with two friends so it should be a fun and interesting trip! Since we’re only going for a short amount of time, I’m thinking/hoping we won’t get sick of each other. 🙂

    It is nice to have you back! 🙂

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha! I never had deep dish that I liked when I ate cheese! My husband makes me vegan deep dish, but I just don’t dig it out here!

      Your trip is going to be a blast! Are you doing costumes for that race?

  7. Erin says:

    I had SO MUCH FUN even if it did take me two days to recover 🙂 I think this was my first “girl’s trip”, too. We need to do it more often!!

  8. I used to go on “girl’s trips” all the time and it was great. We never really went anywhere far though, usually just Seattle or something.
    I’m glad you guys had fun. New York sounds so awesome, I would LOVE to go there one day.

  9. Gingerfoxxx says:

    I have never had a long distance girls trip, but a bunch of us went to door county for a weekend last summer and had a blast! I love seeing all your picture!

  10. Kristina says:

    It’s funny because the trip that I took to Chicago (next time I’ll let you know I’m there!) was definitely a girls’ trip. I had fun but WOW was I ever ready to head home. Partly because while I met up with people who are all my same age and we all shared the college experience, I feel that I had less in common with anyone else (no kids, no house, no health issues).
    However, there are a few other friends with whom a girls’ weekend would be super fun.
    I do think that it’s fun to get a weekend or so away from your significant other – it’s great for that “ME” time and then also to reconnect!

    • kilax says:

      Yes! Let me know when you are here! Who are the ladies you were with that you didn’t connect with that much?

      I have no kids, but have a house, but am healthy! Hang out with me!

      No comment on the second paragraph 😉

      • Kristina says:

        They were friends from college, and we’re all turning or have turned the big FOUR ZERO, so a reunion seemed like a good idea. And it wasn’t a terrible weekend by any means – it definitely gave me much food for thought as I reflected on my life decisions and where I am and how happy I am with the decisions that I’ve made.

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