Three dresses in three days

By , March 21, 2012 1:18 pm

Featuring new jean jacket handed down to me from Gina! I swear, the Fashion Gods are looking over me. First, Erin finds a bunch of awesome clothes in my closet. Then my favorite coworker gives me some skirts. Next, I mention to Gina I want a jean jacket and poof! She makes one appear. What should I ask for next? I really want a new green top to match this navy and white skirt

Anyway… it’s hot in Chicago. Which means I am exclusively wearing dresses. 



I thought it would be funny to send Gina a picture of Steven wearing her jacket. Along with other photos (not pictured) of her jacket visiting various landmarks in Chicago. Side note: it was a bad idea to get me an iPhone. Photo overload to all my friends. Apologies!



Quick story – my favorite coworker left these earrings for me on my desk Tuesday morning! It’s funny because I have been waiting for some necklaces for me and her to come in the mail from Etsy and they arrived Tuesday night! So I had to wear my necklace on Wednesday to see if she would comment on it… and I could give her hers. 

And she noticed. And when I gave her her neckalce (a bit different than mine below) she was so so so excited. Made my day!



I have only worn this dress once – at my graduation from college, in May of 2007! I remember what a big deal it was to fit in it then. Sigh. My weight has been up and down for years. Anyway, what do you think of the dress? Is it too whimsical for work?

I thought it would be really fun to wear a bright pink blazer with it. I saw someone with a bright pink blazer in NYC and kind of can’t stop thinking about it. It blows my mind that I am interested in something like that at all.

A few maintenance questions related to dresses:

1. How do you zip up the back of the dress if you live on your own?

I had to wake Steven up yesterday morning and today. He told me that his fine motor skills are not too good before 5:00 am! But he got the dresses to zip. I was talking to my favorite coworker about this (she has the orange dress in navy blue – she also has the b&w striped dress!) and she said she would just come to work with a jacket on and have me zip the dress up at work. 

2. A personal question – if going bare, how high up do you shave your legs?

Funny question, but I have thought about it this week – I typically only ever shave to the knee! I remember my mom telling me I never needed to shave above the knee when I was a little kid (my hair above the knee is very blond). TMI, TMI, TMI! But some of these dresses hit a bit above the knee, so I decided to shave higher for Wednesday. Ooo la la.

28 Responses to “Three dresses in three days”

  1. Maggie says:

    I love that striped dress!!!!!! And your new necklace.

    I have struggled with zipping up some dresses, but I usually figure it out. Sometimes I’ll put it on, reach from the bottom and zip up as far as I can, then pull the dress up, so I can reach from the top and pull up the zipper all the way up, and then pull it into place. Or I’ll ask Robert if he’s around.

    I shave my legs all the way up. I have blond hair too, but I dunno, I’ve always shaved up to the tops of my thighs. I don’t always get the hair up there though, because it’s so fine.

  2. If only my leg hair were blonde! Then I might be able to consider your question! But, mine is dark dark dark, so I’ve had to shave my whole leg for a very very long time!

  3. Melie says:

    First things first: I love the first dress so much! So much, that even I, that never wear dresses, I would go buy it and then wear it. This says a lot! I am on Team Nilsa on the shaving question. Too dark to even have a dilemma…

  4. Christina says:

    I LOVE blazers. Like LOVE LOVE LOVE them. Lets go blazer shopping together before I start my new job! <3 I really want a white one. And a teal one.. And a pink one.. And a grey one… And…. 😀

  5. Losing Lindy says:

    I love the necklace! I don’t think the green dress is too much for work.

  6. Erin says:

    Like Nilsa, I have to shave mine all the way up since I have such dark hair. It’s one of the reasons I had to wear pants today. No shower = no shaving = no skirt!

    The dress you had on today would look ADORABLE with a bright pink blazer or cardigan. We need to get to Nordstrom Rack and buy some more cardigans.

    By the way, your hair looks really cute in the photos from graduation. Love the little flip is has going on.

    As for zipping up my dress, I guess I have pretty good shoulder dexterity and can reach. Other times I sort of scrunch up the back of the dress until I can reach the zipper and finish pulling it up.

    • kilax says:

      Oh yeah! I remembered we talked in NYC about me buying a white cardigan from Nordstom Rack but I cannot remember for what… can you?

      Thanks 🙂

  7. All 3 dresses look great! I love a jean jacket and a dress… except I don’t have a jean jacket! 🙂

    I just struggle to get the zipper… but generally I can!

  8. Emily says:

    Love the dresses and blazers! Especially the orange dress – I am all about things that are a little more unique in their own way, just like that dress! The green dress is adorable, but I personally wouldn’t wear it to the office (but, I work for an accounting firm so it’s pretty conservative).

    I usually shave just up through the knees. But I’ve certainly caught glimpses of things in certain sunlight and angles that make me realize I should be shaving higher than that. Yikes!

    Honestly, if I can’t zip up a dress by myself, then either I won’t buy the dress to begin with, or if I did it’d just sit in my closet. How’s that for easy? =D

  9. Alice says:

    i have really dark hair… but it’s also really fine! so i can usually get away with not shaving much past my knees since the hair is more like down than hair 🙂

    LOVE LOVE LOVE that orange dress!!

  10. Kelly says:

    I like the orange dress the best, so cute! And I’ve had someone at the gym zip me up before, otherwise, it’s a gymnastic feat to zip my own dress.

  11. Kandi says:

    I like all of your dresses. I’m not always brave enough to wear my dresses to work but find skirts ok. I have no idea why I’m like that.
    I can usually zip up my own dresses but occasionally struggle. I would probably make Joey do it. No idea if I lived alone.
    I usually shave to just above my knee unless I know my skirt/shorts/swim suit will show off more leg, then I’ll shave a bit higher. I usually struggle with remembering to shave the backs of my thighs since I can’t see them. The hair is very fine but if I forget for too long it’s noticeable. Oops.

  12. Funny, I almost bought that necklace for my friend for her B-day! I love it!

    Also- I love that orange dress, and the black flats, and pretty much everything in this post!

    And I only shave to the knee. That is all. 🙂

  13. You are so fashionable! I love your different outfit photos!

    I totally always only shave up to the knee. Only if I’m going to the beach do I go farther. I barely shave my legs to begin with so folks are lucky it is up to my knee in the first place. Is that TMI? What can I say? I went to an all-girls high school and I’m lazy. They are both my excuses. 🙂

  14. rachel says:

    Hey, thanks for popping over to my blog! You run too? AND you love Karyn’?! haha.

    I’d love to connect further if you’re up for it…. always fun having new running friends in the city 🙂


  15. J says:

    Love the dresses! I totally want to wear more dresses to work and I think now I finally have a few I can wear regularly and feel good in. Sometimes a dress is just so much better than pants! You look great by the way!

  16. Amy says:

    Very cute!!! Yes, I think you can wear the graduation dress with a blazer to work – and I bet pink would look awesome (in the olden “preppy” days, pink and green was a classic combination)

  17. ChezJulie says:

    The fashion gods ARE smiling at you!

    I only shave to the knee, but now I’m paranoid that I should be shaving more! But like Kelly, I’m lazy.

  18. Anne says:

    I love the graduation dress! I work in a more casual office, so I definitely think it’s fine for work as long as you have a cardigan or jacket of some sort over it. And it would look so cute with a pink blazer!

    Most of my dresses don’t have back zippers, but when I lived alone and had something like that, I just fussed with it myself until it got zipped. Definitely not fun.

  19. Kelsey says:

    ohhh i LOVE that orange dress!!

  20. sizzle says:

    You know I love that you’re rockin’ dresses, right? They look great on you. At my office if I wore that last dress people would think I am dressed up. Such is the life of non-profits! A good denim jacket and make an outfit. Seriously.

    I only shave my legs to mid-thigh (the hair is so fine and barely noticeable on my thighs). Zipping up a dress when alone is HARD.

  21. Gingerfoxxx says:

    I know this is like the second time i am commenting about the orange dress – but IT IS SO CUTE!! And a fun fact – i have some kind of weird shoulder joint that allows me complete flexibility to touch any part of my back. I can zip and button anything!

  22. Laura says:

    You look so great in all of your new dresses. I LOVE the first navy and white one! You are such a fashionista!!

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