Not helpful

By , April 4, 2012 9:12 am

Really, Data, really? Is that where you want to sit today? Right in front of my laptop?


Total FWP – I really need three monitors to do my work today. But I only have two. I know someone who has three and isn’t home right now…

Don’t Steven’s three monitors suit me well?! Too bad I can’t hook up to them.

You probably think it’s ridiculous that I say I need three monitors. But I need at least three programs open right now – Google Docs, AutoCAD and Excel, and it’s nice to have them full screen. And I hate switching back and forth between windows. BARF. Unproductive and inefficient. If I’m gonna go paperless, I need more monitors. Yeah, FWP.

How many monitors do you feel like you need to do your job most efficiently (if you have a job that uses a computer)?

26 Responses to “Not helpful”

  1. shelley says:

    Right now I have 2, and my laptop open..does that count as 3?

  2. Melie says:

    You really hit a nerve there! I am the last person in the office stuck with only one, and the smallest one at that, monitor. I need at least two for all my terminals! Or one 20” for my terminals and another one for the tool I am using for my experiments. Either way, I need at least two monitors and I am stuck with a single 17” one. How do you say it? #FWP?

    • kilax says:

      #FWP for sure!

      One 17″ isn’t doing anyone any good. I think you should ask for two 24″s!!!

  3. Gingerfoxxx says:

    My bare bones minimum is two monitors, but on multiple occasions, i add the laptop or the digital sketch tablet. I am so greedy 🙂

  4. Laura says:

    I had two monitors and that seemed to work pretty well. One is definitely not enough.

  5. Losing Lindy says:

    Oh I only wish for such things. I put my resignation in today.

  6. Alice says:

    i work with 2 every day… but i can easily see how 3 would be even better!!

  7. martymankins says:

    I use a single 23″ LCD monitor at my day job. At home, I have my MacBook Pro with a 23″ LCD monitor as an external that I use when I need more screen real estate (video editing is a must with the external monitor)

    • kilax says:

      Marty! I am shocked! I thought for sure you would have two at work!!! Maybe that would make work better (probably not)?

      • martymankins says:

        Almost everyone else here has two monitors (one of the reasons I am done with this place, but certainly not a major reason). I most certainly would love to have two monitors.. workflow would be nicer and easier to accomplish, but the upgrade from a 17″ to a 23″ was a major improvement, that’s for sure.

  8. I use 2 monitors, but sometimes think 3 would be nice. Normally 2 is good.

  9. Pete B says:

    Awesome monitor setup. Two monitors to work, one to surf.

  10. Jillian says:

    Hahaha! Three monitors!!! Right now, I have 14 tabs open (ok, one is wordpress and another is Facebook. But other than that, all work related!). I am constantly in and out of programs. Plus I have a jump drive I use for everything AND an IPAD so I can access from anywhere. I remember the first school I worked in, I was lucky to have a computer! And that was only 10 years ago. My how things have changed!

  11. bobbi says:

    Only 1 monitor for me 🙂 Which is plenty, haha! But John and my Dad (the engineers of the family) both use 2 for work…

  12. dad says:


    • kilax says:

      You’re slow! I was expecting some comment yesterday when I mentioned working 5 days this week.

  13. I have one monitor, but my boss tried to set me up with two. Not only is that not even mildly necessary, they weren’t even the same size or style. That would just make me crazy.

  14. Steven says:

    I don’t think those monitors look good on you. They are way to big for your frame. And they draw too much attention away from your beautiful face.

    PS stop trying to high jack my desk!!

  15. Kandi says:

    Several people in my office have two monitors and I’m a little jealous. They mostly gave them to the people who write programs and I am not one of those people. It would be SO NICE to have two monitors so I can easily compare two reports/data sets without having to switch back and forth between the two. I think anymore than 2 for the work I do would be a bit overkill though.

  16. J says:

    I am working on two monitors right now, not sure what I would do if I had three! That would be amazing! Most people here at my work use two, its just easier when you have so many files and programs open!

  17. Erin says:

    I guess at work I technically have two. My widescreen and my laptop. I hardly ever use my laptop screen, though.

  18. Ren says:

    I use three at work (one being the 17″ widescreen laptop) but I’m pretty happy with “just” the 27″ iMac screen at home, combined with Lion’s Mission Control & multitouch swiping to switch screens.

  19. Marcia says:

    I need two monitors and I don’t even have a job. Haha!

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