FWP #3

By , May 22, 2012 6:35 am

A special working from home edition of First World Problems! This post is not intended to make you hate me, I swear! (and the benefits of working from home far outweigh this list, for sure!)

1. I am not sure when to wake up in the am. When I go downtown I “like” to get up at 4:30 am so I can put in my 9 hours and catch a train that gets me home by 6:00 pm. But the less I work downtown, the harder it is to keep that 4:30 am schedule. Sometimes I schedule runs with friends to get me out of bed, but otherwise, I really like the extra sleep. But then I feel awful getting up at 4:30 after getting more sleep the day before. It’s so stupid! I wish I could take a later train on the one day I go in, but I have  class that day and have to get home for it in the evenings. This is actually kind of a serious issue I am struggling with. Any ideas? Just wake up at 4:30 every day?


2. I feel worthless when I sleep in until 6:30 and don’t exercise in the am. Even though I have plenty of time to workout in the evening, I feel bad for not doing it in the am (this morning I got up at 4:00 am and got 10 miles in – that made me feel better).


Photo from my run

3. Cat on my desk


4. I tend to jam pack my weeknights. At first I thought “I will be home all day with Steven, I can make plans with my friends in the evening!” That’s not very cool. First of all, working together ≠ hanging out (see #5 below). And secondly, I am exhausted when I have plans every night of the week. A few weeks ago that happened, and Steven was gone that Saturday night and I felt like I did not see him at all. So I have been trying not to do that to myself. 


5. If Steven is around me while I am working, he may begin to like me less. I have been struggling with work lately. Yesterday I almost started crying when Word kept effing up this file. That is all I will get in to about that. 


6. Less lunch dates with my friends downtown makes me sad. (previously seen on FWP #2)


7. Cat on my chair


8. I somehow thought I would magically lose weight because there would be less stress eating at home. There is less of it. But I am not losing weight because I still eat whatever I want. Okay, I can’t blame this on anything but me (see photo of me eating Twizzler above). Ha ha. 


9. I sometimes think about work when I am not working. It makes me feel very anxious. And kind of ruins that moment for me. Or sometimes a lot of that day.


10. Cat on my calls


Previous FWP posts: #1#2

What’s your FWP today?

26 Responses to “FWP #3”

  1. kandi says:

    4:30 sounds rough but I wake up at 5 and I guess it isn’t *really* that different. I can’t imagine waking up at 4 and being able to run 10 miles. I think I’d still be mostly asleep.

  2. Kiersten says:

    My FWP of the day is that I dropped my car off at the deal this morning to be fixed and they gave me a really nice loaner. Like so nice, that it makes me hate my own car, and not want it back. It’s a hard life.

  3. bobbi says:

    SOmehow I can wake up at 4am on the weekends no problem. But during the week, when I actually go to bed early? Not so much. FWP. Now I need to run tonight…

  4. abbi says:

    4:30 would be tough to do every day, at least for me personally. I do a few super early mornings and then give myself some extra sleep the other two but I know how you feel about not working out first thing. Oh, and #8, I find having the refrigerator and pantry so close when working from home that is often worse!

  5. Sorry about work freak outs still. 🙁 And I hate stressing about work during non-work times. It’d be so much more acceptable if it were a job I liked a little more… ha

  6. Last night I dreamt I got in a fight with Rich and was sad when I woke up. I had to wake him up to tell him, and he was so confused. Is that a FWP or just a problem?

    It sounds like you need a night out to relax and clear your mind! Or yoga. Or booze. I am game for all three! Just saying.

  7. Maggie says:

    hahahahahahaha at the Data pictures.

    I normally get out of bed at 5:30am on days I go to the office. I leave the house by 6:15am and get there by 7:15-7:30am.

    On work-from-home days, I let myself sleep until 8am (OK, maybe I snooze until 8:10), make coffee, eat breakfast, turn on my computer, etc and by the time I’m connected to my VPN, etc, it’s like 8:30-8:40. And I feel like a major slacker, but not enough to change my alarm. (I also have other gripes right now affecting my lack of caring … won’t get into that publicly.)

  8. Melie says:

    First, a cat on your keyboard is not a problem, it’s a privilege. Jeez, white girls and your problems! 😛

    I actually have the opposite problem. I think that not overeating at home is way more difficult than not eating at the office. And I hate this entire losing weight business. It’s just not working. #FWP

    I don’t have a first world problem today I have a real world-ending catastrophe! I am going down with a cold in the middle of a submission week. Oh yes! And a slight inclination towards exaggeration 🙂

  9. sizzle says:

    I tend to keep a pretty regular sleep schedule and only really “sleep in” on Saturday so I can get back on track Sunday. But I am terrible at sleeping in anyhow and getting up around 7am works best for my sleep cycle.

    If you feel best working out in the morning, then do that more often than not and drop the guilt. Just do it because it FEELS GOOD. 🙂

  10. Beth B. says:

    For me, its better to stick to a consistent schedule for getting up – whether its 4:30 a.m. or 4:15 a.m. I think its easier than flip flopping the schedule because my body can’t get used to the pattern.

  11. Ha, I love this list of First World Problems. I’m up at 5am M-F and usually sleep until at least 8am, sometimes later, on the weekends. It doesn’t really mess with my sleep, but the sleep experts do say the best sleep routine is a consistent one.

    I’ve been trying to get my workouts in the morning, but some days I have to split them up between mornings and my lunch break. That stresses me out, because I spend all morning worried about the timing of my workout. FWP!

    • kilax says:

      Does Somi every try to wake you up? Data is killing my weekend sleep time. On Sunday I was up from 7-8 then Steven got up and I slept until almost 10!

  12. Erin says:

    Hmm, I didn’t even think about how only having to get up at 4:30 AM one day a week would screw with your sleep schedule!

    I say maybe split the difference? Get up at 5:00 on days you don’t have to go into the office and 4:30 on the other day? Or get up and get your workout in. That (almost) always puts you in a better mood, right?

    • kilax says:

      Yeah, the workout really helps, so I will try to do that as often as possible. Unless I am up late the night before!

  13. Kelly says:

    I really hate thinking about work when I’m not working. The thoughts seem invasive and like I can’t turn it off. Not cool.

  14. Gingerfoxxx says:

    i personally think it would be easier to still get up at 4:30, and then take an afternoon catnap.

    • kilax says:

      Oh man, I cannot tell you how many times I have wanted to take a nap during my lunch break or right after work! I was thinking about a nap yesterday but then Steven asked me to run errands with him and I was sooooo cranky!

  15. My friends always used to tell me we wouldn’t be friends if we ever worked together. Mainly because I’m a pain in the ass. They weren’t wrong.

    My first world problem, I’ve discovered a connection between sugar consumption, and my face breaking out. If I have any at all, I have a problem. But . . . I like candy SO MUCH.

  16. J says:

    I try to wake up at similar times whether I work out or not but that might be possible for you since you have such a longer commute. I get up at 5am mostly and then 6am on the other days. So its not that big of a difference but still a good hour!

  17. Emily says:

    Personally, I prioritize sleep over working out. For me, I think I do better when I’m well-rested but haven’t worked out, versus if I am sleep-deprived but HAVE worked out. My workouts are always better when I’ve slept more first. So, even though I know many would disagree, I am advocating less working out in exchange for more sleep!

  18. martymankins says:

    #2 and #7 are totally my FWP as well. I love the gym in the morning. It gets me going and starts the day off positive, regardless how shitty the rest of the day can get.

    And the cat in the chair… I have a fabric chair, which as you know, collects cat hair. Rocko totally loves getting in the chair, even when I leave to go refill my drink glass… he’s like got empty chair radar and bee-lines right for it. Then I have to take him out, go get the red velvet fur remover wand and clean off the chair.

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