Friday Question #195

By , June 8, 2012 2:26 pm

Mayonnaise or Miracle Whip?

Neither, I like Vegenaise. 

Seriously though, the other day Steven and I were discussing mayo vs. miracle whip and how some people have a preference between the two. I do not recall ever having either growing up, and this is where I would like to pretend that my family reads my blog and ask them if we kept a jar of either in our house…? 

30 Responses to “Friday Question #195”

  1. Erin says:

    MAYO!!! Although, the vegenaise was pretty good, too.

    One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone offers me mayo and then they hand me Miracle Whip. BLECH. It is NOT the same thing.

  2. dad says:

    Read it everyday I have computer access but you know what I know about what’s in the kitchen, nothing. I’ll ask your mother.

  3. I come from a mayo household and my husband comes from a Miracle Whip household, so we currently have both. My husband really liked “Naynonaise” when he was vegan because he said it had more of a “Mircle-whip-type-flavor” than other fake mayos.

    To 2nd Erin’s point, when a recipe (usually appetizer) calls for mayo, do not replace it with Miracle Whip. It is not the same and your output will be gross.

  4. Michel says:

    I grew up in a Hellmann’s household and that’s what I buy. My husband bought miracle whip one time and well that jar lasted a very long time because I refused to eat it. I’m such a brat. What does vegenaise taste more like?

    • kilax says:

      I am guessing that it tastes more like mayo, but I honestly do not know! I never really liked it when I was vegetarian.

      • Michel says:

        I know you can buy stuff at Fruitful Yield and return if you don’t like it but that seems like such a waste on a big jar to return if you don’t like it!

  5. Neither were ever a big staple in my house because my dad got food poisoning off mayo once, so he couldn’t handle it being anywhere near him. Actually, I don’t know if I’ve ever even had miracle whip – so I choose mayonnaise.

  6. diane says:

    Bleh. I’m kind of like Leah’s Dad–it all disgusts me. I’m allergic to mayo (weird, right? it’s triggered by the emulsion that the vinegar + eggs creates) so anything remotely resembling mayo makes me gag.
    I like mustard though!:)

    • kilax says:

      Not saying you should try it (because it’s not necessary at all) but I wonder how you would do with the vegan ones!

      I like mustard too! 🙂

  7. Emily says:

    Neither. Don’t like the taste in general. Plus, I was always told that mayo and cheese are the most fattening part of most sandwiches. So I’ve always avoided mayo/any mayo-based foods or similar. (The cheese is non-negotiable, though…)

  8. Kandi says:

    We always had generic miracle whip (sauers salad dressing) growing up. I didn’t like mayo or miracle whip when I was a kid though unless it was in potato or macaroni salad or the like. My husband prefers miracle whip so that is what we buy now but still don’t use it often.

  9. Pam says:

    I’ve never tried Vegenaise. I use another vegan mayo called Nayonaisse from Kroger.

    My husband DESPISES Mayo. It HAS to be Miracle Whip!

  10. Cary says:

    We were a mayo house, and I used to like it. Currently I hate both, but I hate mayo less.

  11. Kristina says:

    I’ve never been a mayo or miracle whip person. Mustard for me, all the way!

  12. bobbi says:

    I am a miracle whip girl, but I like mayo just fine too 🙂

    (have fun tomorrow – say hi to everyone!)

  13. Mica says:

    I’ve always wanted to try Vegenaise because I hear awesome things about it. That being said, I don’t like mayo to begin with so maybe I would be disappointed anyway.

  14. CourtneyInControl says:

    Mayo- preferably Hellman’s please. I used to eat Miracle Whip growing up because that’s what mom bought but I discovered mayo and I’m a mayo girl now!!

  15. Kristie says:

    My family always did Miracle Whip, and when I had mayo I hated it, but now I’m mayo all the way – especially homemade :).

  16. Anne says:

    I think you’re forgetting Baconnaise 🙂 Kidding – even with as much as I love meat, that sounds gross.

    I grew up on Miracle Whip, but it’s WAY too sweet and fake tasting. If I use anything, it’s light Hellman’s. I rarely have mayo, but when I do it’s either in tuna salad, or mixed up with some chipotle powder on a panini. Highly recommend the chipotle mayo – it might be tasty to try with Vegenaise.

    • kilax says:

      Steven actually sells Baconnaise through FakeMeats! I have never tried it though because it has egg whites in it. He says it really does taste like bacon. LOL.

      Yum! Chipotle mayo?! That does sound good! 🙂

      I have not forgotten about our run! I think I have a reminder in my calendar to ask you about it soon. LOL 🙂

  17. great to finally meet you in person!! Hopefully I can make another chicago race apparance in the future! I love that you have such a fun diverse group.

    I am kind of ashamed to admit i really dig miracle whip’s tang. I don’t think I’ve tried veganise yet though

  18. martymankins says:

    Mayo for regular sandwiches and Miracle Whip for hamburgers.

    I must admit that the few times I’ve tried Veganaise, I’ve really ot liked it. Like scrapping it off the bun or bread that it’s on. The taste is odd to me. It was offered to me last night at a friends party (she has been vegan for over a year now) and I turned it down and only used mustard on my cheeseburger, perhaps I will give it another try someday.

  19. martymankins says:

    Mayo for regular sandwiches and Miracle Whip for hamburgers.

    I must admit that the few times I’ve tried Veganaise, I’ve really not liked it. Like scrapping it off the bun or bread that it’s on. The taste is odd to me. It was offered to me last night at a friends party (she has been vegan for over a year now) and I turned it down and only used mustard on my cheeseburger, perhaps I will give it another try someday.

    • kilax says:

      I do wonder how close it is to regular mayo because I have not had it in so long I have no idea! Steven does like it though, and he still eats regular mayo too… but that is just one opinion 🙂

  20. Bethany says:

    Mayo, hands down! That Miracle Whip stuff makes me feel ill. LOL!

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