A bad habit

By , June 26, 2012 12:31 pm

Despite the campsite being “mosquito-free”* I still managed to come home with two mosquito bites. This is much better than the time I had so many bites that my butt looked like cottage cheese through my pants, because as much as you try to discreetly scratch your butt, yeah… it’s not really happening.

I’ve always been a scratcher (and picker, unfortunately). I cannot leave an itchy spot (or scab) alone. Sigh. I remember when I was a kid, and my mom would say to me “Quit picking your mosquito bites or you’ll never be a leg model!”

Isn’t that a funny thing to say? I wonder if her mom said that to her. But my mom was right. I have scars all over my legs from bites as a kid.

And to this day, I still scratch my bites. Sigh. I go the band-aid route as often as possible. Luckily I only have two bites to cover right now, because adults don’t look as cute as kids when they are covered in band-aids.

And luckily, work was so hectic today that I chewed off most of my fingernails! Great! No more scratching… because I can’t!

Am I the only one who has not learned self control when it comes to scratching mosquito bites?

Ha! I actually know a few fellow scratchers/pickers out there… but I am not going to call them out.

*No one said that, I am not sure why I used quotation marks.

19 Responses to “A bad habit”

  1. Erin says:

    Scratcher and picker right here! You can call me out on that. Itchy mosquito bights are the worst. I usually scratch them until they bleed. Sexy.

  2. Kiersten says:

    I swear the mosquitos LOVE me. I always manage to end up with more bites than anyone. During the day, I am ok at not scratching, but in the middle of the night I just go crazy. Bites on my feet are the worst. I scratch all night until I basically have no skin left.

    • kilax says:

      I’m like that too – they swarm to me. Steven will have a few and I will have a gazillion. And why are the feet the worst?!!??!?!

  3. bobbi says:

    Ha! I was JUST talking about the time we ran so early from Gowe and it rained on us and every time we stopped running (and sometimes when we didn’t) the mosquitos would eat us alive and how many bites we ended up with that day.

    Yeah. Scratcher/picker here. 41 years old, and I still can’t help it…

  4. Marcia says:

    Ugh I’m itchy just thinking of mosquito bites. Detest them and hard as I try I can’t help scratching them.

  5. tori says:

    Now I am feeling awful because my oldest totally has scars all over her legs from picking at things and I fear she will someday write on her blog (that she doesn’t currently have yet) that I told her to quit picking them all the time…because I do even though I know it must be annoying because I kind of even annoy myself when I am reminding her to stop. I even bought her a bunch of band aids, which don’t really help much and then I feel like I am being mean because I’m sure she knows she should stop and all I’m doing is pointing out something that probably already bugs her.

    Back on your topic again though, I hate being covered in bites. I remember one triathlon I did was awful. It had just rained and there were tons of mosquitos all over the place. I was with 2 friends and when we were done they both were shocked at how covered in bites I was. They each only had a few.

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha. Don’t worry. My mom wasn’t annoying me then and I laugh about it now 🙂

      Did the bugs at the race at least make you speed up? Or did you not realize you were getting bitten until it was over?

  6. RunningLaur says:

    I scratch like crazy, like Erin said, usually until I bleed. Then it turns into scratching those and yeah, disaster times.

    I did see yesterday (on Pinterest I think?) that if you cover the bug bite with scotch tape or clear nail polish it blocks air from the bite, thus blocking what makes it itch. I think that the scotch tape would be really annoying (maybe under your bandaid?) but I was going to try the nail polish route next time just to see what happens 🙂

  7. Kayla says:

    I am definitely a fellow scratcher/picker. My mom always gets so mad at me but I can’t help it.

  8. My aunt needed a band aid this weekend. All I had to offer was silver sparkles and hello kitty. Whoops. 🙂

  9. Maggie says:

    Is that an angry birds band aid?

  10. J says:

    I am a picker/scratcher and I wish I was not. I try not to do it but sometimes when I get nervous I pick. I wish I could stop.

  11. Emily says:

    I know this sounds gross, but I dig my fingernails into my mosquito bites and make criss-cross fingernail marks in them. I know, I know, yuck!

  12. Bethany says:

    Nope, I am the exact same way. 🙂 I have multiples lines from blood on my legs because I scratch!

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