FWP #4 (Rollins Savanna)

By , June 28, 2012 7:24 am

On Tuesday and/or Thursday mornings when I work from home I like to meet my running club friends at the Rollins SavannaΒ – an open prairie forest preserve with a single 3.5 mile loop (with 1.5 mile add-on loop to it) on crushed limestone. We usually run the 3.5 mile loop then I hurry home to start work on time.

I love meeting my friends to run in this forest preserve, but there are definitely some first world problems happening there:

1. The forest preserve is too beautiful. I keep interrupting my run to stop and take photographs. I just can’t take decent ones when I am running, so I HAVE to stop.


2. The wildlife is cute and distracting. And again I stop. Damn. This forest preserve makes me into a lazy runner! Yeah! It’s not me! It’s this place! Also, the deer block the path. Rude deer. (photo below not representative of deer being rude, but of them being cute)


3. I get there to run so early that the toilets with running water are not open yet… and I have to run 2 miles to get to the open pit toilets. If I even make it. I won’t get in to that.


4. There is no shade and the trail feels like it is never ending. You can see the starting point building from a lot of spots on the path… so cruel.


5. It leaves me all dusty.


Alright, enough fake complaining. I love running there (when it’s not windy, too sunny, or when I want to run fast). But I love fake complaining too! And I really just wanted to share my gorgeous picture of the sunrise this morning.

What’s your FWP today?

Previous FWP posts: #1, #2, #3

18 Responses to “FWP #4 (Rollins Savanna)”

  1. bobbi says:

    I love running there early or late. And yes, only if it isn’t windy. I guess my FWP is that I’m entirely too picky about my perfect running conditions πŸ™‚

  2. Rude deer vs. cute deer? HAHA FWP for surrrrre!

  3. kandi says:

    My FWP is my puppy is too cute. So it is similar to what you are having issues with this morning. πŸ˜‰ (I’m working from home today so I get to stare at my cute puppy whenever I want.)
    Pretty photos!

  4. Laura says:

    My first world problem lately, “Ugh! Every time I think I’m done writing thank you notes someone sends us ANOTHER present!”

  5. The sunrise was amazing this morning, wasn’t it??? I love your FWP perspective on your run – too funny. My FWP? Going to the playground where the wood chips have been there so long, it’s more like freshly ground coffee that gets EVERYWHERE. Not only was Gavin covered in dirt, but my clothes were dirty, my legs were covered and I even had dirt in my shoes!!! FWP, for sure!

  6. martymankins says:

    My FWP problem today is that I got a free Redbox rental code yesterday and forgot to use it. I almost always use them and bummed I forgot about it until now.

  7. Erin says:

    What a beautiful sunrise! I’m trying to think if I’ve ever seen the sun rise while actually running and I don’t think I have.

    Today’s FWP? It’s too hot to wear anything professional to work and I have an professional event this evening. Also, I didn’t have any food in the fridge that sounded good for lunch.

    • I had this same problem this morning. I’ve been considering trying this one particular sundress/blazer combo and I felt like today was the perfect day… I took off the blazer for the walk to work and back on during the day. I’m about to do the same thing for the way home.

    • kilax says:

      Did you end up going to Subway for lunch? That is where we went last night and I ate the VEGETARIAN flatbread… dun dun dun…!!! πŸ˜›

  8. RunningLaur says:

    Is it a first world problem that I’m totally envious of you getting to run in a pretty place with other people? πŸ™‚

    My first world problem of right now is that I’ve finished all of my work for the day (just before lunch) so once I was done I needed to eat lunch. I also need to run and go out to IKEA, but I can’t run right now since I just ate, but I’d like to run before going to IKEA for the sake of being showered/dressed afterward, but I don’t want to wait to long because then traffic would be bad to go to IKEA, but I have to wait a while to make sure that Troy’s sister won’t be on lunch break and will be there. Such a tough life with big time decisions. πŸ˜›
    I also have the problem that I want to run and train well, but my tendons are very unhappy with me and I’m not sure how far to push them vs heel them. But that’s like almost a real problem.

  9. Alice says:

    that sunrise is amazing!! my FWP is that there is so much free food available in my office that i can’t lose any weight πŸ˜‰

  10. Xaarlin says:

    Love the sunrise photo! I stop to take photos too during my runs. Keeps me happy πŸ™‚ I can take 1000’s of photos of the same darn thing and still enjoy it πŸ™‚

    The deer are cute! That’s so awesome to see.

  11. Emily says:

    That sunrise photo is GORGEOUS GORGEOUS GORGEOUS!!!!! I adore the wildlife, too!

    Do you bring your phone along to take the pictures? Or do you carry a camera with you? I don’t carry either with me and I end up missing a lot of great photo opps when I am out running. That’s my FWP for the day!!!

    • kilax says:

      I use my iPhone to take pics. I used to carry my actual camera with me on all long runs before I had an iPhone. Now I always have my iPhone πŸ™‚

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