Friday Question #200

By , July 13, 2012 3:43 am

Have you ever been stung by a bee?

Super boring question, but I  never have, so I am curious. Steven actually recently told me this horror story from his childhood where he was attached and stung by a lot of bees at once. When they were picking all the stingers out, they found another bee flying around in his shirt. SCARY!

Also scary? What comes up when you google “stung by bees.” So you get this picture instead:

It’s National French Fry Day, folks. Don’t let me down; eat some fries. We had two kinds of fries last night at Red Robin. And I plan to get fries at my favorite place in NYC today (which is actually the third point in the article I lined to!)…

22 Responses to “Friday Question #200”

  1. kandi says:

    I have definitely been stung by bees before. We used to run around barefoot and occasionally step on the bees on the clover in the yard. I also once aggitated a yellow jacket nest accidentally. They live underground and I touched a branch that was sticking out of the ground and they started swarming! I was about a quarter mile from my grandma’s house and I RAN and got stung multiple times. My brother was with me and he stood as still as a statue and did not get stung at all!

    Have fun in NYC!!

  2. I’ve been stung by bees, wasps, yellow jackets, and more. I think the wasp sting was the worst, although my dad has been stung by a bumble bee and says that is the worst.

    Those fries and the mention of Red Robin make me crave Red Robin. I love that place.

  3. Gingerfoxxx says:

    I was also attacked by an entire hive of bees! Steven and i could start a support group! My brother had crammed a stick into an entrance of a bee hive, trapping them in there and pissing them off. I was running around and tripped over the stick, freeing all the angry wasps. Eventually my dad had to come out and spray me with the hose to drive the bees off! Luckily, i’m not allergic!

    • kilax says:

      You should start one! I didn’t mention it in the story, but that is why it happened to Steven – him and friends covered the hive (which was in the ground?) with a broom.

  4. I had a bee fly into my Tevass and sting me a bunch of times – ouch!

  5. abbi says:

    Yep, but just a few times. The one I reacted to very badly so I’m very scared about getting stung in the future! I had sweet potato Red Robin fries last weekend and they were wonderful…I’m not really a fry person but these were just perfect!

  6. sizzle says:

    I have not (KNOCK ON WOOD). I really am ok with never having this happen.

  7. Kelly says:

    Yes, when I was in high school, I got stung on the top of my foot. I panicked and didn’t know what to do and literally froze, screaming. My mom turned the corner of the house and was like “WHAT ARE YOU DOING KICK IT OFF!”

    I still have a scar.

  8. Erin says:

    Apparently I got stung with I was like 2 or 3 years old but I don’t remember it at all. Since then I haven’t been stung.

    But I DO love french fries. And I think I’m on my own for dinner tonight so maybe I’ll make myself some 🙂

  9. ChezJulie says:

    Never been stung. We are low carbing it and this photo of delicious looking French fries is really unnecessary!

  10. Pete B says:

    Yes. I was extremely allergic when I was young. I used to get weekly shots at the allergist for most of my childhood. As an adult, I have been stung, but my reactions are relatively mild now, so the shots must have done some good in building up my resistance. I will definitely eat some fries today. Just had some Dunkin’ Donuts hash browns. They are pretty greasy, do they count as breakfast fries?

  11. Melie says:

    I’ve been stung many times, but not for many years. Let’s hope it stays this way! 🙂 These fries look so nice! And I am not even aware where there’s Red Robin in LA. I should find out…

  12. dad says:

    Probably good that you haven’t been stung, I have been several times and you get your need to scratch from me. Always raises up a large bump that itches like HELL for several days.

  13. Stephany says:

    I was stung by a wasp when I was younger and then a few years ago, by a bee while I was outside in the playground when I was a preschool teacher. I barely felt anything but a pinch but it was hurting and my co-teacher told me it was a bee sting. And then a few days later, I had an allergic reaction to it and it ballooned up and swelled up my arm. It was horrible!

    And then, of course, I took to WebMD to make sure I wasn’t going to die from it. I wasn’t, but heard about a ton of side effects you could get that meant YOU IMMEDIATELY NEEDED TO GO TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM. RIGHT NOW. DO NOT WAIT ANOTHER SECOND OR YOU WILL DIE. And guess who started feeling those side effects moments after reading about them? This girl.

    WebMD is bad news bears.

  14. Marcia says:

    I’ve been stung by wasps and yellow jackets. Not such a big deal. Although the yellow jacket incident was when I was 8 months preggo and I disturbed their nest so their chased me in a swarm and got under my shirt. There’s a nice visual.

  15. martymankins says:

    Yes, once that I remember when I was about 11 or so. At a water slide park. Took the rest of the day’s fun away. 🙁

    French fry day… I guess I need to eat some fries today (not many calories left to give today – I’ve snacked a lot and will be drinking here soon)

    Jealous you are in NYC. Enjoy the city I love.

  16. Pam says:

    Lots of times! I ran around in the yard barefoot a lot as a child, so I’ve stepped on lots of honeybees. And then one flew in my shirt and stung me the first summer we moved in this house. Hmmm… last summer I took the trash out at work and when the lid to the trash can slammed shut it pissed off a nest of wasps that had built under the rim. One of them got me before I could get back in. And also last year (or maybe the year before) another wasp stung me on the hand when I was trimming our landscaping.

    But NOTHING I’ve had compares to what happened to my husband just a couple of weeks ago! A wasp stung him on the upper lip! OMG… he was at work when it happened, but he texted me a photo of it. I’m a horrible wife because I LAUGHED. MY. ASS. OFF. I so wanted to post that picture on my blog, but he would have murdered me for sure. Did you ever see the Nutty Professor? Remember the scene where Buddy Love is transforming back into Professor Klump and his lips are the first thing to swell? LMAO Yeah, that was D.

  17. Pauline says:

    I’ve never been stung by bees but I was attacked by a swarm of wasps when I was about four years old. It was my fault though and a tough lesson.

    Hmm…National Fries Day. I’m trying to diet but I did have some fries off my husband’s dinner plate last night. 🙂

  18. Susan says:

    I was stung by a bee once at camp when I was little, and my counselor carried me from the far corner of camp to the nurse…because it was on my ankle. I was fine.

    Then last week I was walking through Central Park and a bee stung me on the foot. It hurt for like five minutes and then it stopped…and then itched like crazy three days later. Weird.

    My brother used to HATE bees and would throw whatever he was drinking at them when we were little…which I think only made things worse, haha.

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