Birthday ride

By , August 1, 2012 3:46 pm

It seems like time off from work is a bad idea these days. I come back to a zillion* emails and a million* new things to do on top of the list of things I already thought I had to do. STRESS.

But I had to take a personal day yesterday. It was my birthday! And for me, working on my birthday is really depressing. That last time I did was in 2008. I had to wake up early to make it to a meeting, worked all day, then cleaned my house that night because we had guests arriving the next day. I am pretty sure the day ended in tears (<– big baby alert).

Do you take the day off for your birthday? Or are you an actual grown up?

I didn’t just take the day off to lounge around the house (although maybe I should have). I had plans! I was going to do something I have wanted to do since I’ve known about the 31-mile long Des Plaines River Trail – bike the entire thing – the entire north to south length of Lake County.

Wait! Why stop there? Let’s bike it from start to finish to start – 62 miles (which ended up being 65 when it was all over, due to a few off trail adventures).

Gah! Why do I get these crazy ideas? Why doesn’t anyone stop me? Why do people actually join me?

Rode to Lake Cook Road – the road that divides Lake County and Cook County

Yes, I mentioned this idea to Erin, and she took a day off from work to ride the trail as well (yay!). She even borrowed a mountain bike to do it! The trail is crushed gravel, so that was a smart move. It was not an entirely smooth ride, and sometimes there was loose sand or rocks. By the end of the ride, I felt like I was riding only through loose sand. To be honest, the last 30 miles were tough. I am not sure eating Red Robin and having a heavy alcoholic drink was the right idea for lunch. Ha ha ha.

Actually, I think I need to fuel for my long bike rides like I do for long runs – eating more often, rather than a lot at once. Why didn’t I figure that out before? Derp.

It will be easier to remember now! I got my first official bike jersey for my birthday from my brother-in-law, Andrew! It has three pockets in the back for holding all sorts of food items. Isn’t it schweet?!

I also got a Nathan hydration pak (from my father-in-law) and new bike tires (from Steven). My new bike tires are BLUE! And they’re road tires – for my mountain bike! Steven also got me a bike tune-up! I have a feeling my next long ride will be a lot easier!

Other birthday highlights:

  • An early morning 8 miler with some running club friends at a decent pace.
  • Texts and emails and calls and Facebook messages with birthday messages throughout the day. And real cards too!
  • Steven making me a very special birthday treat that I requested – cake batter flavored vegan cheesecake with peanut butter and chocolate accents and a graham cracker pie crust. And he made a special dinner request too!

  • Erin taking the day off to spend it with me!

*Slight exaggeration

37 Responses to “Birthday ride”

  1. Congratulations on your 62 (65) mile ride! I’m scheduled to ride an organized 50 mile ride this Saturday. I’m excited and dreading it at the same time. Back in June, I think, I rode about 48 (55), with a wrong turn, and loved it. We’ll see how this 50 miler goes.
    Oh ya, and, Happy Birthday!

  2. Pete B says:

    Happy belated birthday! Awesome ride, sounds like a blast.

  3. Melissa says:

    Happy belated birthday! The whole day sounds like it was awesome–from the ride to the cheesecake 🙂

  4. Erin says:

    You chose a lovely way to spend your birthday. Even if the ride was a little rough at the end. But now you can cross it off the bucket list!

  5. tori says:

    I have considered keeping my kids home for their birthdays and when I had class on my birthday I was very pouty about it so I totally understand!

    That sounds like an awesome day! I love the bike jersey, and I’d love the recipe for that cake batter vegan cheesecake. It looks so yummy!

    • kilax says:

      I’ll ask Steven to type up the recipe! Right now it looks like it’s four sheets of paper with a bunch of scribbles on it 🙂

  6. I’m so glad you had an awesome Birthday!!! You deserve it!

  7. Katie @ Legally Fit says:

    Happy (very active) birthday to you! So fun! I’m turning 30 this month and Brian took the day off 🙂

  8. J says:

    Happy belated birthday! I have not taken my bday off ever I dont think. In college it always came during spring break so that was nice and now I just work through it although sometimes I leave work a little early 😉

  9. Kiersten says:

    Yeah for taking your birthday. I always try to take my birthday off and do something fun. So no, I am not a real grown-up. Yeah for bike paths too! My boyfriend and I biked the Eastern Trail a month ago and it is sounds very similar. I love when bike paths actually go somewhere and keep you out of traffic. Enjoy your cake it looks delicious!

  10. Xaarlin says:

    A 65 mile ride for your birthday and an 8 miler is awesome! Looks like you had an amazing day 🙂 this year my birthday was on a Sunday so I didn’t take it off. Maybe next year when it’s probably on a weekday… But I’m already thinking running a 50k (31 miles) for my 31st would be cool.

  11. Anne says:

    Wow, that is one crazy ride! My goal is to ride up to the Botanic Gardens, which is only about 25 miles, and then take the Metra home, so I’m super impressed with you doing 62 miles! And were you at the Lincolnshire Red Robin by chance?

    Looks like you had a great birthday, complete with an awesome dessert (recipe?)!

    • kilax says:

      We were at the Red Robin in Licolnshire. That is my favorite one. The staff there is the best 🙂

      I will share the recipe when Steven types it up!

  12. Did you guys start by your house or did you drive to the end of the trail and go from there? Looks like it was fun! I was biking under the influence recently too after a piña colada at north ave beach downtown, made for a fun ride home. Pretty sure the Chicago bike cops ticket people for that on the lakefront, whoops. I’m only a hazard to myself!

    So glad you had a wonderful birthday!

    • kilax says:

      We had to drive to a trail to start, about a 40 min drive. It was a long day !:)

      Ha ha! That would be hilarious if you got a ticket for that. Or maybe not 😉

  13. ChezJulie says:

    Happy belated birthday, Kim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like I should’ve known it was your birthday. Looks like you had a good one with an active adventure and your BFF and vegan treats with your sweetie.

    I worked on my birthday this year AND kept my regular appointment with my trainer. I just didn’t want to slack off. But there was much celebrating that weekend.

  14. kandi says:

    Glad you had a nice birthday! I can’t remember the last time I took the day off for my birthday. This year it fell on a Sunday so I was already off though. So nice of Erin to take the day off to bike with you.
    That bike adventure sounds fun. I wish I had friends who were willing to do things like that with me.

  15. Kristina says:

    What a great day! And a fantastic ride! Hope that the rest of the year is as full of fun as your birthday was. And can’t wait to hear more about your biking!

  16. kelsey says:

    ughhhh I want to be BFF’s with you and Erin!

  17. gina says:

    I try to take off on my birthday, if I can. I had to work on my birthday the last two years and it was sucky. Luca stayed home on his birthday this year : )

    I commend your bravery and sense of adventure! Congratulations on biking 65 miles and living to tell about it! : )You deserve all the fab gifts, birthday greetings, and treats!

  18. Ren says:

    Very impressive! I’ve done rides that long, but only on a road bike; just thinking about it on a trail with a mountain bike makes me tired. 🙂

    Happy belated birthday!

  19. That’s a serious(ly fun) ride! So cool! I work just off Lake Cook Road (though, east of 294), so I feel like you were in my hood (even though you weren’t, plus I only work in my office a couple days a week, so I really can’t claim this to be my hood!).

    I never have taken off work for my birthday. I am all for celebrating my birthday (and have been known to throw myself some sweet parties), but I’m totally fine with celebrating it a few days after.

  20. gingerfoxxx says:

    That sounds like a perfect birthday to me! And i totally think the RR lunch was an AWESOME idea!

  21. Meghan says:

    I love your bike jersey! I really want to start biking but I am definitely a little hesitant – I’ve had some not so great experiences. 🙂 So glad you had an amazing birthday!

  22. Melie says:

    happy birthday Kim!! It’s so nice that you were able to take a day off for your birthday and go biking. I’m not into celebrating my birthday too much, but I really like reading about other people having fun days 🙂

    Also, I really know nothing about astrology but am I supposed to like you better because we share the same sign or the other way around? I’m going to go with the former.

  23. Happy belated birthday!! 🙂
    I usually take my birthday off work too. I didn’t this year because it came right after a long weekend, and I couldn’t justify it with all the days off I’ve been taking for school.
    I’m glad you had a good day.

  24. Happy belated birthday!

    I got my birthday off this year because I was on maternity leave. Otherwise I rarely get my b-day off. My job allows one person to have vacation per day and they base the vacation on seniority. Even though I’ve work there 2 years I am still low on the totem pole.

  25. Emily says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN!!!!! It sounds like you had a WONDERFUL birthday and great celebration!!! CONGRATULATIONS on your 65-mile bike ride – that is AMAZING!!!!! No better way to spend a birthday than to knock out an incredible accomplishment like that!!!

    The bike jersey looks awesome and I am all about the pockets. (Why can’t they invent running jerseys more like bike jerseys with those types of pockets?)

    The cheesecake looks so delicioso. Any leftovers? =D

    • kilax says:

      I have one running top with back pockets! I found it at Nike Outlet! I used to use it whenever I rode.

      We took the leftovers to IA and everyone liked them! 🙂

  26. The Linz says:

    This sounds like it was the perfect birthday celebration indeed! Including the alcoholic drink in the middle of the ride! ha ha!! I love doing fitnessy things on my birthday. It’s my favorite way to celebrate ME! SO I’m happy you got to do your ride and with one of your good friends. That rocks!!

  27. martymankins says:

    First off (with tail between my legs)… a very belated happy birthday to you (a fellow Leo). I think I wished you a happy birthday on FB, but have been so far behind in my blog reading (and posting, too).

    There is never a time when a refreshing alcoholic beverage doesn’t hit the spot after a long bike ride. That drink looks like it was really good.

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