No more smoothie fail?

By , August 2, 2012 4:49 pm

In June I attempted to make a smoothie with our food processor.

I never tried a second time. Cleaning smoothie off of the counters and walls is only fun once. The second time it’s just annoying.

It’s funny – we have quite a few kitchen appliances, but not a blender. We had the “we can always just try to do it in the food processor attitude.”

Yeah. No. 

I casually mentioned wanting a blender 1,000 times and Steven’s dad got me one for my birthday! Apparently, it is also a food processor and juicer. Two things I already have! What an overachiever!

Don’t worry, this boring post will end soon. Really, I just wanted to ask:

What are your favorite smoothie combos?

I can just throw in whatever sounds good, and it will turn out amazing, right?

13 Responses to “No more smoothie fail?”

  1. Melissa says:

    I just got a blender recently too…to make smoothies…and it hasn’t left the box. Damn, I’m lazy!

    That being said, I came across this free e-book on Amazon yesterday so maybe I will get more inspired! (And maybe it will give you some ideas?) I am not “the cook” in my family…I have to have a recipe or I feel like I am screwing things up.

  2. J says:

    WHAT an awesome gift!!! I love smoothies, I basically have them every day now.

    My favs are 1)frozen banana, greek yogurt, coconut milk, blueberries, strawberries and 2)spinach, PB, coconut milk, frozen banana. But then this week I ran out of milk so I used water and yogurt and it was pretty good. And then yesterday I put in some frozen mango too and it tasted the same as before lol. Couldn’t even taste the mango! I cant wait to hear what you try! I kind of need some new ideas!

  3. Christina says:

    I just gone a blender for my husband for our anniversary yesterday! He is looking forward to his smoothy and drink options and all i can think of is gazpacho

  4. Melie says:

    banana, almond butter, almond milk, chocolate protein powder. 🙂 I don’t make smoothies too often because their mess is larger than their value to me, but this one is good. alternatively, any combination of milk, banana, random fruit has yet to disappoint me.

  5. diane says:

    Yay, I love my blender! My smoothie “secret”–I buy pouches of organic baby food and mix it with juice (+protein powder +fiber powder). That way I don’t have to worry about the fruit and veggies going bad. I especially like sweet potato/apple and one I had recently was spinach/mango/pear. I would not even know how to chop up a pear to put it in a smoothie! 🙂

  6. Emily says:

    Yay for blenders and for smoothies!!! By the way, I’ve also attempted to make smoothies in the food processor myself… and I’ve also experienced the joys of cleaning smoothie off the countertops, walls, and floors. I did learn my lesson the hard way that a blender is an important kitchen device and now I use it all the time. WOO HOO!!!!

    My favorite smoothie combination is mango, banana, orange juice, a little plain/vanilla yogurt, and a little honey for sweetness. =D

  7. Liz says:

    i have a major love for smoothies, instead of coffee I have one on the way to the office everyday…here is my go to recipe:

    1 cup unsweetened almond milk
    handful of spinach
    half of a frozen banana
    blueberries and strawberries

    This morning I switched it up with chocolate almond milk, good too!!

  8. I make a green monster every morning-frozen banana, Greek yogurt, almond milk, protein powder, peanut butter and spinach. So good! But sometimes when I am out of things I use what I have on hand. I’ve used frozen blueberries, watermelon and peaches lately! My smoothies always consist of something frozen (spinach or fruit), Greek yogurt, almond milk and protein powder! Hope this helps!

  9. I make a smoothie every morning, and one of the times when I was blenderless (because I break them CONSTANTLY) I tried using my food processor. It didn’t make a mess, but it didn’t work either. It turned into a giant frothy, chunky disaster. Not good.

  10. kandi says:

    A bunch of years ago, Joey got me a Magic Bullet. I made smoothies everyday, sometimes several times a day. I would go to the grocery store and just buy fruit and yogurt. Now, I can’t remember the last time I made a smoothie. Maybe I should get on that.
    I usually just use fruit and yogurt. I have tried spinach before too and it honestly didn’t taste bad. I have not tried protien powders or nut butters but that sounds interesting to me.
    Enjoy your new fun kitchen toy!

  11. The Linz says:

    Oh what a fun new toy!! My favorite combo is the easy and delicious, peanutbutter, almond milk, banana, protein powder, and spinach. If i’m feeling extra fancy I’ll throw in some cocoa powder to make it chocolaty! Mmmmmm! But yeah, you can pretty much throw liquid plus fruit and come out with a pretty tasty combo!

  12. martymankins says:

    That is one old food processor. Good to see you got a replacement.

    Favorite smoothie combinations: strawberry/banana or mango/coconut.

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