Friday Question #202

By , August 3, 2012 11:47 am

Did you have a comfort object/security blanket that you carried around as a child?

I had a little stuffed cat that my mom’s mom made me. It was really small, and kind of flat, but I loved that thing. I carried it around until it fell apart. Then I just carried its limbs. There is also a rumor that I put parts of it in my nose but that sounds disgusting so it must be untrue. 

I don’t have a photo of it (or even remember its name!) but here is my and my brother, probably about that age where I was still carrying it:

Guess what? I still have an actual blanket now, that I take with me when I travel, if I can. I made it with Steven’s mom before I went to Rome in the summer of 2005. I used it as my blanket when I lived in Rome. You’ve seen it on the blog many times:

It’s silly, but I really cherish that blanket, since I made it when Steven’s mom, and she is no longer with us. It reminds me of how generous and loving she was toward me. I casually mentioned I had been thinking of making a blanket to take to Rome and she was excited, took me out to buy supplies for me and helped me make it at their house in Kansas City. 

15 Responses to “Friday Question #202”

  1. kandi says:

    I don’t recall having a comfort item growing up. I’m sure I carried things around from time to time but I can’t think of any one item that stands out. My best friend has a few items like that and she still had them today! One of them is a kitty cat sheet that she’s had forever.
    I completely understand the blanket thing! Joey’s mom made me a quilt for Christmas the year or so before she passed. It means a lot to me and is by far my most favorite blanket. Speaking of, tomorrow is the two year anniversary of her passing. I miss her terribly and can only imagine how much Joey, his siblings, and Joey’s dad miss her.

  2. I had a “little pillow” when I was a kid. When the original got too nasty to keep, I adopted another one (it was actually a pillow from the porch furniture!). I still always have 2 pillows on my bed now, although I don’t use both.

  3. Michel says:

    Well not so much a comfort thing but my Aunt/Godmother made me a cross stitch of bert and ernie and I still have it and she also made me a Grover pillow and I still have that. And no I haven’t passed them down to my kids. snort. And my Barbie townhouse might get passed down this Christmas but I’m still debating that! lol

  4. Emily says:

    I still have a stuffed Mickey Mouse and a stuffed Stitch (from Lilo and Stitch) that keep me company. =D

  5. gina says:

    Little Foot from Land Before Time is my comfort stuffed animal! He sits on a dresser now, but I will pull him down from time to time for a snuggle.

    I want to see more of your baby pictures!!

    • kilax says:

      “Luca, do you want to play with this Little Foot? Should we take him to the park????” “OKAY!”

      I have some pics here if you want to see them when you come 🙂

  6. Maggie says:

    My grandma made blankies (yes blankies, not blankets) for my brothers and me. My middle-older brother Steve shredded his (I think it got sucked into our whole-house fan), and when I was little, I ended up with both my blanket and my oldest brother’s blanket (he’s 5 years older than me). I don’t know if my mom gave it to me or I stole it. Anyway, I kept those blankies on my bed until I left for college. I figured if I was mature enough to go away to college, I didn’t need to sleep with my baby blankies. I still have them in my memory box, with my old journals and graduation tassels, etc. I also still have my rag doll from when I was little but she wasn’t a “security” item quite like my blankies.

  7. Laura says:

    I had a stuffed dog. I still have it, although I’m not sure where exactly. It’s not like I’m carrying it around with me anymore. It went through teething and is missing all its hair. Pretty much everyone (i.e. my husband and parents) make fun of me for keeping it.

  8. sizzle says:

    What a sweet memory and keepsake to have (the blanket). I love that. I carried a blanket around with me as a kid until it fell apart. I also had this doll that I named “Chubby” because I thought it was a nickname/term of endearment (people would say about me “oh she’s just so chubby!”- and we wonder why I have body image issues? Ha.) I got a big bear when I had my tonsils out at 8 years old. That bear has been on my bed since I had surgery last week and I’m not too proud to say he’s been a big comfort to me when I’ve been upset this week.

    • kilax says:

      I don’t think there is anything wrong with it being a comfort to you! I still have to have something in my arms when I sleep at night! (a stuffed animal in college, a pillow now :))

  9. Kelly says:

    I had a blanket as a child that I took everywhere. My mom even cut a piece of it so I could take it to school as a child. I’m not sure where it is now, but I think it’s in a box in the basement.

  10. Erin says:

    I had a blankie and usually a stuffed animal of some sort. Until I was about 5 or 6 it was a blankie and a Snoopy doll. Then it was a blankie and a stuffed polar bear named Snowy. I’m pretty sure I had the same blanket my entire childhood. Pretty sure both the blankie and Snowy are in my closet at our apartment.

  11. Alice says:

    i never had a blanket or a stuffed animal… i don’t know why! my sister on the other hand still has her “ted bear” that has most of the fur rubbed off and only 1 eye 🙂

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