Willing to wait…

By , September 5, 2012 6:47 am

I am not very good at staying on trend with television shows, books and sometimes even movies. So when everyone is talking about the newest, most trendy item, I consult my friend, Wikipedia. Then I sort of get a gist of what it’s all about. But then I also know the ending to everything! I saw The Hunger Games movie, knew I wouldn’t read the books, so I read the rest of the plotline on Wikipedia that night. I couldn’t even bear to read the plotline behind Fifty Shades of Grey, so I had my sister give me her opinion and tell me what happens in the end.

So I usually do not mind knowing the ending of some things, even if I plan to someday see the movie, read the book, etc.


We started watching a television show (Downton Abbey*) and made it through the entire first season instant streaming on Netflix. Season 2 is not available on instant streaming on Netflix. And something about this show makes me feel like I HAVE TO WATCH IT RIGHT NOW.

Data likes watching if we have popcorn

Yet I don’t want to read the plotline on line and find out what happens! I actually want to watch it!

This is new for me. I usually do not mind if certain things are spoiled**, but I really enjoy this show and want to see the plotline acted out. I don’t want to know what is going to happen before I watch it.

So bizarre. I didn’t even care if I knew who would win certain Olympic events this summer beforehand. I would still watch it. I’m so tempted to find out what happens, but I will wait…

Do you ever read (or listen) to the Cliff Notes version of something? Do you mind knowing the ending in advance?

*And this is probably old news, see how far off trend I am?
**Again, just some things. I would not want someone to spoil a movie for me that I really want to see.

21 Responses to “Willing to wait…”

  1. Kiersten says:

    This drove me nuts about the Olympics this summer. I didn’t want to know who would win, but as soon as I saw anything about it on the internet I couldn’t help but go read it and spoil the ending!

  2. Erin says:

    I don’t mind getting a little spoiled. Sometimes I read plot lines for tv shows and get turned off by the spoilers, though,so I don’t bother watching the rest of the series. You’re making me curious about Downton Abbey now! I didn’t think it would interest me but maybe it would.

    • kilax says:

      You might like it! I spent the first episode figuring out who everyone was. Then found myself wondering about the characters between episodes. And the costumes are fab 🙂 And two of the sisters are so bitchy to one another. Some parts are really funny 🙂

  3. There are some things I don’t mind knowing ahead of time, but when it’s something I actually want to see, I don’t like for it to be ruined. I like for things to be half spoiled so I’m prepared. Like the Greys Anatomy season finale – everyone knew someone would die, I liked that I knew that going in, but I also liked that I didn’t know who it was. That way it’s a surprise, but I’m still ready for it.

  4. Emily says:

    When I tape hockey games or other things to watch later, it KILLS me having to wait to find out what happens. Inevitably I cheat and find out the results in advance because I can’t wait! I have no self control!

  5. […] post comes courtesy of Kim and my advisor’s unwillingness to edit my paper before I die of old […]

  6. Maggie says:

    I often read the plots to movies on Wikipedia. But I do that for movies that it seems like everyone has seen that I don’t want to see, but I want to “get” the cultural references. For example, Deliverance. I don’t want to read 50 Shades of Grey, but now I don’t have to: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/340987215

    • kilax says:

      Oh my goodness. I did not read that whole thing but what I did read was frickin’ hilarious. Are there more of those kinds of book reviews out there?

      • Maggie says:

        I’m not sure, I only found that one because someone posted a link to it on FB. I wonder if maybe there are for other notorious books, like Twilight?

  7. Molly says:

    Totally understand why you’re hooked on Downtown Abbey. It’s such great TV!

    True confession time: After this week’s episode of the Bachelor Pad I went and read spoilers online to find out what happens during next week’s finale. I can’t decide which is worse – I watch the Bachelor Pad OR I’m so invested in what’s going to happen that I had to immediately go find out how it ended…

  8. Mica says:

    I’m watching season 4 of “The Tudors” right now, and it’s kind of stupid because it’s not like we don’t know what happens (Sorry, Catherine Howard…). Still, I wouldn’t want to know how exactly the show will make these events play out.

    I need to start watching “Downtown Abbey.” So many people have told me that it’s really good and addicting. I definitely thought it was pronounced “Down Town Abbey”, oops.

    • kilax says:

      I must watch that! I love reading about that era. Is it on instant queue?

      I was saying Down Town at first too. 😉 Let me know what you think if you watch it!

  9. Jen says:

    I was able to rent the DVDs for Season Two from Family Video. It’s worth Going out of your way to get them!

    • kilax says:

      I will have to get all of them at once, because I know once I see an episode I have to see the next one right away. Will Mary and Matthew ever get together? AHHH!!!

  10. Laura says:

    Generally, I’d prefer not to know the ending of things before I watch it. I wanted to watch the women’s Olympic marathon this summer, but couldn’t watch it live. I typed in a search on the NBC website and the first video that popped up was like a 4 minute clip, and the name of the winner was in the title. I was so pissed! I ended up watching it anyway though.

  11. kandi says:

    I’m not usually phased if someone ‘spoils’ something for me. When it comes to movies (and probably books), I probably wouldn’t remember what someone told me while I was watching anyway. Heck, I’ve watched a lot of movies that I can’t even remember how they end!! My friends like to tease me for this but I don’t mind. I get to watch movies over and over for the first time! ha.
    I haven’t watched Downton Abbey but I’ve heard good things about it. I did read the Hunger Games before seeing the movie though. I have not read the 50 shades series and not sure that I will.

  12. CourtneyInControl says:

    I am terrible about waiting- usually I read the end of the book so that I know if I want to continue reading it. As for football games, we usually dvr the games and then watch them so we can skip the commercials but I like to know the score before the game is over for us.
    And, do I really want to admit this?, I did read the 50 Shades series, yes, all 3 of them. And surprisingly, I thought they were really good, they actually ended up being more about their relationship. I started the Hunger Games and just couldn’t get into it.

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