Friday Question #205

By , September 7, 2012 7:23 am

How many email addresses do you have, and what is the purpose of each?

I read an article this week that said you should have four email addresses – personal, work, spam and security. I definitely have the first three, plus an extra one for the blog. I don’t have a “security” email though. The article recommended that that one be for storing secure personal information and information about the other email accounts. Hmm.  I’m fairly certain I don’t need another account right now. Email is already such a high anxiety point for me (what isn’t?!). I stress about unread/un-responded-to emails. So much that I turned off the unread email count on my phone:


That’s Steven’s phone on the right. If I had that unread email count staring at me all day I would go bonkers. Does anyone else fret about their unread/un-responded-to emails?

21 Responses to “Friday Question #205”

  1. Kim says:

    Yes! I saw my coworker’s facebook the other day and he had 200+ notifications. I had a whole body twitch.

  2. kandi says:

    I have two personal accounts, one spam account (my old hotmail account that I never deactivated), and a work account (that I can thankfully only access from my work computer). I have my two personal accounts linked so any email sent to on gets forwarded to the other. I mostly set up the second account in case I was ever to embarrassed to give out my main email address. ha!

  3. gina says:

    I feel like I have a billion email accounts that I use all for personal. I have a personal email, then a blog email, and then a more professional sounding email. Now I feel like I need to get organized. That security email is a good idea. I HATE having unread emails in my inbox – especially at work.

  4. Amy says:

    wow – I only have one, unless you count the one FB made for me without even asking…

  5. kelsey says:

    I have work, personal, blog and one specifically for FB. so 4…

  6. I always HAVE to have 0 unread emails in both my work and personal email inboxes. It drives me nuts! I have 4 email addresses too! I wish I didn’t have as many though…

  7. CourtneyInControl says:

    I only have 2 emails- one personal and one “work” (my google plus email). Yes, unread emails stress me out, especially now that I finally have a smartphone and can “stay connected” all the time- maybe that wasn’t such a good idea?!?! 🙂 I feel bad for not responding as fast as I should (or think I should) to emails also!!!

  8. Emily says:

    I have personal, work, NAAAP (my Asian American community organization), and spam. I always have to have zero unread emails in all accounts (except my spam account), otherwise I start fretting over what I haven’t read yet. I even get twitchy with having too many spam emails in my gmail spam filter, et al. I delete them pretty frequently because it drives me nuts seeing all the “unread” spam messages.

  9. martymankins says:

    Not counting the one from my day job, I have 6.

    all of my personal email goes here. Bank statements, family replies and others related to my personal life. I used to use this account for everything, but got way too much spam.

    – AOL
    surveys mostly go here. makes it easier to go through them all without them clogging up my personal account

    – MSN/Hotmail
    all of my iTunes receipts and emails to and from my daughter. Also, since there are email aliases you can create, I use this account for all of my twitter accounts. Makes it nice to keep all of the email going into one account.

    – Gmail
    just about every email that goes here is website signups, replies from my blog Banal Leakage and a ton of others. Gmail does a good job at catching most spam. Plus with 10gb of space, I don’t care about keeping it cleaned up.

    – iCloud
    mostly Apple stuff and emails to and from a long time friend of mine. I am starting to use it more for some of my social media website/blog details since I have almost 5gb of space.

    – Yahoo
    I used to use this for one of my other twitter accounts, but stopped using it altogether. Nothing goes here now. Just a dormant account for the time being.

  10. I’m almost always reading my messages as soon as my phone vibrates. I hate having too many that aren’t read.

    Here’s my list:

    Have had since high school. Mostly newsletters and advertisements.

    2 – One for each blog. Only really use one of them though.

    2 – One is forwarded to the other, so really only use one. This is kind of for close family communications and my wife and I share access to it. Also banking info.

    Work purposes only.

  11. Erin says:

    I was thinking recently that I have too many email addresses and that I need to figure out a way to consolidate them. Gmail? I need you to teach me how to do that!

    I’m pretty good about getting all my emails read. A lot of the sale emails I just delete without reading. Also, I honestly don’t get that many personal emails so I don’t feel like I have too many to respond to! I guess I’m not as popular as you are 🙂

  12. gingerfoxxx says:

    I have work, personal – family & friends, personal – general, spam, and charity work. yikes.

  13. diane says:

    I have gmail and yahoo mail (well, and work email of course!). The yahoo mail is mostly spam/catalogs/subscriptions, etc…but I check it pretty regularly because it’s still linked to blog sign-ins, (like this one!) bills, old networking connections, and other misc. notifications that I’ve been too lazy to transfer over.
    My inbox count on Yahoo would make you cry!!

  14. Pam says:

    I have work, personal, junk mail, and blog. And I think that’s just about perfect.

  15. I have a lot of email accounts, but most are forwarded to just one, so it comes out to be one personal, one work. Sometimes I think there should also be a family email for school and community emails to get funneled to.

  16. J says:

    I have three (i think) maybe more. I have there active right that i use often. spam, regular and blog. Its good to have more than one but thanks to google you can link them all which i love!

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