Training Week 155

By , October 7, 2012 4:32 pm

Highlight of the Week: Busting out a hill run with Kelly on Friday night and not struggling too much. 

Monday | October 1, 2012: strength + 2.6 m walk (w/Steven)
Strength: weighted vest, boxing and dumbbells, Difficulty: medium, Felt: fun & challenged
Loc: Millennium Trail, Temp: 61°/57°, Time: 42:39, Pace: 16:25 avg
Tuesday | October 2, 2012: 6.3 m run (w/GRCers)
Loc: Grayslake, Temp: 48°/47°, Time: 1:06:33, Pace: 10:34 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good
Wednesday | October 3, 2012: strength class
Strength: BOSU & weighted bars, Difficulty: medium, Felt: strong
Thursday | October 4, 2012: 8 m run
Loc: Millennium Trail, Temp: 64°/58°, Time: 1:20:31, Pace: 10:04 avg, Difficulty: mostly easy, Felt: great!
Friday | October 5, 2012: 8 m hill run (w/Kelly)
Loc: Barrington, Temp: 50°/49°, Time: 1:17:27, Pace: 9:41, Difficulty: medium, Felt: excited to run with Kelly
Saturday | October 6, 2012: rest
Sunday | October 7, 2012: 8 m run
Loc: Neighborhood, Temp: 38°/36°, Time: 1:21:40, Pace: 10:12 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: nice and chilly


  • I don’t know what happened in my Wednesday night strength class but I felt really strong! I was able to hold boat pose for as long as Brian (our trainer) each time (but probably with not as good of form) and able to do curls/lifts/squats with a 36-lb bar at the end. I am not sure where that energy came from, but I like it! Things I do not like – accidentally scratching the floor with the end of the 36-lb bar. I feel really bad about that.
  • Look at the Sunday picture. That yard FREAKED me out when I came across it in the pitch black. 
  • Cooler temps = somewhat faster pace! Yay!
  • I thought I would run again on Sunday after spectating at the Milwaukee Marathon. Nope. That wore me out. Tomorrow!

8 Responses to “Training Week 155”

  1. J says:

    Great week girl! I sometimes have those in yoga when I can suddenly do more poses than normal! Guess your body was just ready for it! Very awesome!

  2. Pam says:

    Solid week for sure!!!!

  3. Christina says:

    Looks like you had a solid week of training! That yard would scare me too!

  4. Amy says:

    Ewww – that yard is seriously creepy! Glad you had a good week – the cooler temps are awesome, arent’ they? I love fall so much…

    • kilax says:

      OMG! Yes, they are! My runs feel so effortless – I want to run forever! I should rack up my miles in Oct-mid March, when I like to run and cut back in the summers 🙂

  5. Michelle says:

    Way to go! You’ll have to give me some tips on strength training. That will be my focus while I heal up!

    • kilax says:

      You should definitely add it in to your weekly routine! It helps so much! Have you ever tried The 30 Day Shred DVD? I think that is a good, at home intro 🙂

  6. Erin says:

    That yard reminds me of a house in River Forest I came across one year. People who go all out like that amaze me.

    I think your wonder about your Wednesday night strength class is why some people keep super detailed training logs with the amount of sleep they get and what they’ve been eating. Cause that way hopefully they can recreate it!

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