Milwaukee Marathon Spectating Success

By , October 8, 2012 7:40 am
  • Purchase goodies for runners.

  • Bake goodies for the fellow spectators (recipe here). 

  • Make awesome sign (sign by RunNerdMom Run – so really, have someone else make awesome sign!).

  • Lose sleep over excitement of spectating at the Milwaukee Marathon. 
  • Wake up before alarm at 5:00, start sending good luck texts to Chicago and Milwaukee Marathon runners. 
  • Bring extra items for runners (I had hats and gloves – people needed salt and aspirin. Oops.).
  • Wear running clothes, so you can jump in with runners, if necessary. 

  • Give the driver some gas money. 

  • Arrive and set up shop.
  • BE LOUD!!!

  • Cheer for EVERYONE!!!
  • But watch for your runners.
  • Take photos of your runners.
  • See if your runners need anything.
  • Meet everyone at the finish for congratulations!

  • Try to stay awake on the ride home.
  • Don’t look at Facebook until you get home – too overwhelming on the smart phone. 

I ran the Milwaukee Marathon last year and a few running club friends came to spectate, so I wanted to cheer them on this year! I rode up to Milwaukee with my running club friends Riyanti and Chris and we set up along mile 19.5 of the course (and our friend Dave met us a bit later). We got there just in time to see the first woman run by. I opened up my pretzels and twizzlers to hand out right away. I figured those fast runners would not be interested in them (and I was right!) but we eventually went through the whole bag of pretzels and two family-size bag of twizzlers. And we got to see all of our running club friends! I love watching marathons and cheering! But boy, does it wipe me out!

If you were spectating, would you rather hold the sign, noise-maker, hand out goodies… or just stand there and cheer?

I have to say, I felt bad when people would go for the pretzels or twizzlers and drop them or not grab them. I need to work on that for next year. 

29 Responses to “Milwaukee Marathon Spectating Success”

  1. Molly says:

    Clearly I should have asked for these instructions before the race. I am definitely a newbie spectator too. Now I’ll be prepared for next year though, thanks! I’m sure you were a huge ray of sunshine to all the runners that passed by.

    • kilax says:

      Just going out there is what really matters! 🙂 I know I would be happy to see your pretty face on course (wow, that sounds really creepy… I didn’t mean it that way, I swear!).

  2. gina says:

    I need to take some spectating lessons from you! I bet the runners really appreciated your group’s enthusiasm!

  3. Pam says:

    My sister and I went and spectated at the CMM in Nashville last year. We didn’t bring anything but our lungs.

  4. Kim says:

    You are such a great friend and fellow runner! Seriously. You’re amazing. So supportive and giving.

    I love the first picture of you – your hair and that hat – so cute!

    • kilax says:

      Aww, thank you! And… thank you! I have that hat in two colors, I like it so much, LOL. I think it’s in every pic I took last year from Oct when I got it, to Feb 🙂

  5. kelsey says:

    You are the best spectator friend ever. Can you just spectate my life and make me muffins and feed me pretzels and candy everyday?

  6. Queenie says:

    I just stood there and cheered, but I think brining snacks is a great idea. I’ll have to do that next year!

  7. Pete B says:

    As someone who loves eating random food on a marathon course (it always seems to be just the thing I need at just the right time), I think it’s awesome that you brought the goodies for the runners!

  8. You are an awesome spectator! I love when people hand out salty things!

  9. David C. says:

    You are a spectating rock star! Thanks for letting me assist. Loved being the vagabond carrying all the stuff to the car. So cool feeling your energy helping each and every runner.

  10. Erin says:

    Yay! You guys really did it up well!

  11. Michelle says:

    The spectators are so important. How awesome of you guys to put so much thought and effort into it!

  12. Emily says:

    Wow, you are such a good and devoted spectator, and so generous!!! Please share the muffin recipe, those look super delicious!!!

    When I spectate, I like to just stand and cheer, and give high-fives. =)

  13. Marcia says:

    Yesterday i spectated Chicago, my first full marathon spectating gig ever! At times I was simultaneously shaking a pom pom and a cowbell, holding my pumpkin on a stick and handing out bananas. I think running may have been easier!

    • kilax says:

      I feel like there are a lot more logistical challenges… and luggage challenges… to spectating (compared to running!).

  14. I’m pretty sure that you are the best spectator ever! I’m spectating a 50k next week. I will use your tips!!!

  15. kandi says:

    Looks like fun. I am planning to spectate MCM this year. I should read some spectator reports to see what I should take with me. I’m planning to take some water and snacks for me. I was thinking about making a sign too but want something clever to write on it.

    • kilax says:

      I struggle so much with sign ideas! Do you read She did a slideshow of the Chi marathon and there were a lot of good signs in there!

  16. gingerfoxxx says:

    ahhh, this looks like MY kind of race!! I saw some people along the chicago marathon with entire tables set up with anything you could possibly need (kleenex, baby wipes, aspirin) and i was just thinking, i am running this and not even half this prepared!

  17. Xaarlin says:

    OK OK OK, Im jealous you spectated that other marathon going on also on October 7. 🙂 And those snacks, where were you 5 hours into my marathon when my man and I would have killed for food?!?!?! 🙂

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