Training Week 156

By , October 14, 2012 11:18 am

Highlight of the Week: Slipping and sliding through the Corn Maze 5K with Steven and his brother. 

Monday | October 8, 2012: 8.1 m run (5 + 3.1 w/Anne)
Loc: Half Day FP, Temp: 59°/56°, Time: 51:30/40:24, Pace: 10:17/13:03 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: great
Tuesday | October 9, 2012: strength
Strength: hurdle bars, medicine balls, ABS ABS ABS, Difficulty: hard, Felt: shaky
Wednesday | October 10, 2012: strength class + 3 m run (w/Bobbi + Chris)
Strength: Kettlebells & plyo boxing, Difficulty: medium/hard, Felt: weak and tired at the end (TWSS?)
Loc: Grayslake, Temp: 41°/38°, Time: 33:08, Pace: 11:03 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: sad that the run was so short!
Thursday | October 11, 2012: rest
Friday | October 12, 2012: 7 m run
Loc: Millennium Trail, Temp: 50°/49°, Time: 1:08:40, Pace: 9:48, Difficulty: medium, Felt: tired
Saturday | October 13, 2012: 8 m run (w/GRCers)
Loc: Rollins Savanna + neighborhood, Temp: 50°/56°, Time: 1:19:53, Pace: 9:59 avg, Difficulty: easy/medium, Felt: tired
Sunday | October 14, 2012: Corn Maze 5K (w/Steven and Andrew)
Loc: Richardson Farms, Temp: 62°, Time: 39:39, Pace: 13:45 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: slippery


  • Less than a week to the ZOOMA Great Lakes Half! So excited!
  • I wonder if something is going on with my right leg. My inside knee on my right leg was bugging me on Friday and my right butt cheek (AGAIN) on Saturday. Boo. 
  • I love running in the fall. I feel like I could run forever with the cooler weather. 

11 Responses to “Training Week 156”

  1. Michelle says:

    Hope that knee feels better, I sure empathize! Could be sciatica moving it’s way down your leg? Great luck on the half too! xo

  2. Emily says:

    Congratulations on another fantastic training week!

    Sorry to hear about your right leg. I’d say give it a few days and keep stretching and foam rolling, and if it doesn’t improve within a week or so I’d go to the PT immediately! The sooner we nail these things, the easier they are to resolve!!!

    And YAY for ZOOMA next weekend!!! It’s going to be a blast! See you then!!!!!!!!

  3. Amy says:

    Just a thought – I’ve been using Tiger Balm on my hips and legs when they get sore and it’s been helping a lot. My son used it on his knee, too.

    Hope you’re feeling better in time for next weekend!

  4. J says:

    Great week! Hope your leg feels better. Inner knee pain may be because of a weakness in the hips and/or a your patella isn’t tracking right because your muscles are not working together correctly. The pain in the butt kind of makes sense with your knee hurting cause that area is all connected. Try foam rolling, see if there is a knot in your pirformis???

    • kilax says:

      I do think I am incredibly unbalanced, and am working on that with my trainer. I don’t think I have any knots, but I do REALLY need to keep foam rolling more!!!

  5. We were at Richardson Farm yesterday, too! Stayed for a little over an hour and then the storms drove us away! If it wasn’t for the threat of rain, we totally would’ve seen you in the corn maze!!

    • kilax says:

      Aww! I wish I would have known you were there! I could’ve met Gavin for the first time! Did you get any pumpkins? We got some after the race 🙂

  6. Corn maze 5k??? I’d probably get lost in the maze and start crying!!!

  7. Erin says:

    Your right leg and my left leg. Together we could make a whole person. Seriously, though, all the PTs I’ve seen have told me I need to work on my hip and glute strength. So tell Brian to focus on that!

    • kilax says:

      Ugh, we have been. All that lateral (is that the right word? Side-to-side stuff I mean) movement is making me feel like a creaky old woman. Ha!

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