Friday Question #210

By , October 12, 2012 6:16 am

What is your worst movie theater experience? And since that question is so negative… what is the best movie you’ve seen in the movie theater lately?

Ha ha ha. Have you seen this drawing from The Oatmeal about how movie theaters should be designed? Muah ha ha.

I thought of this question because we went to 7:00 pm PG-13 movie last night, and one couple brought their toddler daughter. Who was well behaved most of the time, except for when she was talking, crying, whining… the movie was boring FOR ME, I cannot imagine how it was for her.

But that was not my worst experience. We went to see one of the Fast & Furious movies (the one where they drive through a cave at the end) and I could not even follow the plot of this simple movie because teenage boys were running up and down the stairs in the (stadium-seating) theater the whole time. That was the worst experience I can recall.

We don’t go to many movies, and a lot of times we use coupons for $5 movies when we do go, so the movies are not as new, and there are less people in the theater… which is a good thing. People seem to lack common courtesy in the theater.

I do have to say though – one of my favorite movie experiences was seeing Zombieland with Steven and his brother. I think it was opening night, the theater was full, everyone was talking back to the screen, and for some reason, it was just hilarious. It worked well for that movie.

The best movie I have probably seen recently in the movie theater is The Avengers. So that shows you my movie taste. Or, maybe it just shows you how few movies I have seen recently!

31 Responses to “Friday Question #210”

  1. Amy says:

    We only go to the movies about once a year or so, and I’ve noticed people have gotten a lot ruder…although it does depend on the movie. I can’t even remember the last one I saw – probably the Hunger Games, and the theater was packed and we had crappy seats. But it was a good movie.

  2. kandi says:

    We don’t get to movies too often either. We did see the Avengers though! We’ve seen all those movies (Thor, Ironman 1& 2, Captain America, etc) in theater as well. We also always go to see the Transformers movies in theater. In one of those (I can’t recall which), we went on opening weekend when it was pretty crowded and I ended up sitting next to a 3ish yr old boy. I could not believe that this mother let this kid watch whichever movie it was. He was mostly good but did occasionally hit me with his foot unintentionally. I was only a little annoyed. Oh, and after reading Amy’s comment.. we saw Hunger Games in theater too!
    My best friend and I used to always go to movies on Thanksgiving evening after our family festivities were over. One year we invited her cousin’s au pair from Germany to come along (I think we saw the first National Treasure if this gives you an idea of how long ago it was) and she answered her phone during the movie! We couldn’t believe it and tried to politely explain that it was rude but maybe she just didn’t get it?! At least the theater wasn’t that crowded. Sheesh!

  3. Pete B says:

    I saw “Kick-Ass” in a theater in Austin, TX that had waitstaff to your seat. I had nachos and Shiner Bock on tap. Nice experience. I think most movies are enhanced by a good beer.

  4. I haven’t been to a movie theater in years, like my couch and my bathroom, and my kitchen handy. 🙂

  5. Ok. I’m a bit of a nutjob, and I worry about everything. So ever since I saw Scream 2 when I was in grade 7, I’ve been afraid of killers in movie theatres. It freaks the crap out of me, and I think about it all the time. A couple years ago, it was “casual day” or something at the theatre and the employees were all wearing regular clothes WITHOUT nametags. So when the guy came in to check the theatre there was no way to tell he was an employee. He stood in the aisle watching everyone for a good five minutes and I was freaking out. It was awful.

  6. Michel says:

    Some guy bought his little kids to see Revenge of the Sith. I was aggravated but I stopped going to the theater so I wouldn’t get pissy. lol I do think the last movie I saw that wasn’t Hood to Coast was Star Trek.

  7. When I saw Snakes on a Plane the theater experience was awesome. Everyone was joking around and being in a room full of strangers making fun of the movie definitely made it better (it had to right?).

    I rarely see movies so I don’t have too many bad experiences although when I saw Ted last summer I annoyingly waited in line to buy popcorn for like 30 minutes because the people in front of me were buying enough food, candy, and drinks to feed an army. Who spends over $100 on movie theater food!

  8. martymankins says:

    Worst movie experience… someone peeing on the theater floor above me and having it roll past my legs. I didn’t complain, but the people in front of me did and they turned on the lights, stopped the movie and kicked the dude out.

    Best theater experience… watching Star Wars in 1977 for the first time.

  9. Rachel says:

    I HATE going to the movies. My poor husband always wants to go but I never give in. I’d rather spend my money on anything other than sitting in uncomfortable chairs surrounded by rude people eating overpriced candy.

    The only fun I ever had in a theatre was when I went with 2 of my guy friends in high school to see The King and I at the old theatre downtown that they used to play old movies and only charged $1. We had some drinks before hand, sang along to all the songs and I used the men’s room cause I couldn’t find the ladies room. The manager gave me some weird looks!

  10. cindy says:

    Just saw Argo and loved it!!!

  11. Erin says:

    The last movie I went to was Sleepwalk with Me and since the crowd there was mostly NPR-listening folks it was my kind of crowd 🙂 Seriously, all adults who were respectful? Perfect. I once told Jason we had to leave less than 10 minutes into a movie because there were jackasses being loud. That movie? Silent Hill. NOT my kind of folks!

  12. bobbi says:

    We saw the Bourne Legacy while we were staying in Appleton. The movie was meh, but the experience was fine. Otherwise it’s been all kids movies all the time for me. And with an anxious little guy, who hates loud, it’s been a little stressful (because I HATE being the one causing a disruption, even if it’s previews, and even if it’s the noon show where it’s ALL kids).

    THe Hunger Games was great (with my older kids), and I LOVED Brave (even though James didn’t open his eyes til halfway through)…

  13. sizzle says:

    We love going to the movies. We once walked out of a packed movie theater (I think we were seeing Shutter Island or something?) because it was the sound was ridiculously loud and the theater was freakishly cold.

    • kilax says:

      Gosh, I hate it when the sound is so loud, it hurts. Since we go to the cheap movies there is usually less people and it makes it seem even louder.

  14. Marcia says:

    I think the last non-kid movie I saw was Hunger Games. I don’t get out much. My first job was working the candy/popcorn counter at the theater. It was fun!

  15. ChezJulie says:

    We love going to the movies, too… probably go about once a month. The bad experience that comes to mind is we were watching Pulp Fiction in a theater when it first came out, and there was this really suspenseful part where you could’ve heard a pin drop, and suddenly “Crash!” part of the ceiling fell down on the seats right near us because of heavy rains. Everyone in our area jumped out of their seats!

  16. Emily says:

    I rarely go to the movies – I much prefer watching them at home in the comfort of my own living room. But I can easily tell you what the worst movie was that I ever saw in the theater: It was The Postman (starring Kevin Costner). You would think that with Kevin Costner you are guaranteed a semi-decent flick – but it was HORRIBLE!!!!!

  17. Michelle says:

    I would say here lately the hunger games has been my favorite. Worst experience was when a couple brought their newborn to Titanic. Three hours of constant interruptions was so irritating!!

  18. Christina says:

    When you are in town in November we will have to go to the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema downtown. (It is the old AMC Mainstreet I told you about before.) They do not allow talking (unless its a quote-along) and will kick people out for using cellphones. Before the movies they show funny things about people getting kicked out for using their phones or talking, etc. They also serve food and drinks to your seat, and have assigned reclining seats in some of the theatres. It is super nice and fun. 🙂 That’s where we saw Predator with the pyrotechnics.

  19. Kayla says:

    Thanks for stopping by Keep Moving Forward! I LOVED the Avengers. My husband and I just watched it again the other night. I love going to movies for their midnight showing… it is so fun to people watch!

  20. Molly says:

    On Thursday night, somehow I ended up with free tickets to a screening of Argo hosted by Cadillac. There was a pre-movie party with all this fancy food, an open bar and complimentary popcorn and soda during the movie.

    I’ve had a lot of great movie experiences, but this one made me feel like a celebrity (obviously D list, but still…). 😉

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