Cool 5K Race Report

By , November 24, 2012 1:27 pm

Have you ever had two friends who don’t know each other, but you feel like they would get along so well, they just have to meet?

That is how I felt about Gina and Bobbi! And they met briefly when Gina was in town and ran the Rally for Autism 5K, but for this trip, we were able to dedicate an entire morning to hanging out! Of course, we had to start with a 5K, so we chose the COOL 5K/10K, where all proceeds went to a local food pantry. 

It was a small, low-key race in a local forest preserve. There must not have been more than 100 runners! But they had chip timing, great course markings, and hot chocolate, coffee and snacks at the end. And instead of a shirt we got a nice hat!

The three of us stuck together and chatted the whole time. Oops… sorry, people around us! But that was the plan for the day! To chat it up! I think we finished in around 33:35 which is really close to Gina’s PR! I am anxious to see the official time!

This race was Gina’s 7th 5K this year! For someone who just started running in the end of 2011 she is kicking some serious butt! We sometimes talk about how she hasn’t found a race with a participation medal to do, so I ordered medals for the three of us and had them engraved for our inaugural SBC* race. Hee hee hee. 

After the race it was off to brunch at my favorite spot, Wildberry**. Oh, darn, 30 minute wait? Geesh, guess we’ll just have to stand around and chat. Ha ha. Needless to say, we had a lot of fun and I am looking forward to the next time the three of us get to hang out!

*Our club name.
**Don’t tell our husbands we went there.  

26 Responses to “Cool 5K Race Report”

  1. bobbi says:

    You are so speedy with the recap! I had SO MUCH FUN today 🙂 I would chalk this one up to one of my favorite races of the year, and I had such a great time hanging out with you and Gina afterwards too.

    And the medals? Awesome!

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha. I said to Gina, “How fast do you think I can bust out a recap?!” LOL. I hope the race website has some decent pics of us running for maybe you and Gina to use for your recaps!

      I had so much fun too. Definitely a fave race. Maybe the 10K next year? (If I am not in Dallas, tee hee.).

      Happy you liked the medals!!!

  2. Pete B says:

    Nice race medals. Very cool idea. Looks like a nice picturesque 5k course. Congrats on the finish.

  3. ChezJulie says:

    A race with chatting, hot chocolate, and hats sounds divine!

  4. Michelle says:

    Looks like a blast! <3

  5. Christina says:

    looks like you had fun! 7 5ks is crazy cool. Thats nice that you all got medals have a great saturday

  6. Pam says:

    You’re an awesome friend to have those medals done! Sounds like a fun race!

  7. Anne says:

    Great idea to get medals. Where did you order them from?

  8. Michel says:

    how awesome! You are a great friend!

  9. Maggie says:

    DO YOU MEAN WILDBERRY IN LIBERTYVILLE? I love that place. Robert and I have gone there a couple of times when we’ve been at Great Lakes. I wish we had more excuses to go there. Also have you ever been to The Silo for pizza? We recently discovered it the night before Fort2Base and were kicking ourselves for not checking it out sooner.

    What does SBC stand for? Speedy Brunch Club? Super Bodacious Chicks? Silly Babes Chatting? Sexy Beasts Club?

    • kilax says:

      Yes! That is the one! The one in Schaumburg is good too! And I hear there is one in the city? We have not been to The Silo yet but Steven lover pizza so we should check it out.

      Ahh! I love all your guesses at our name! It actually does stand for a lot of things, depending on our mood – Snarky Bitches Club, Slow Bitches Club, Sexy Bitches Club… and Bitches can all be interchanged with Bloggers. 🙂 I think I need to add your names to the list to swap out. Especially Sexy Beasts. (You are what you ate? Funny, I don’t remember eating a Sexy Beast for breakfast! 😉 )

  10. Riyanti says:

    How fun! The medals are adorable. I love Wildberry. It’s worth the 30 minute wait.

  11. Losing Lindy says:

    I love Wildberry, have you ever gotten their jam to go? So yummy

  12. Kim says:

    What’s SBC stand for? Wish I could have run with you all!

    • kilax says:

      It started out as the Snarky B*tches Club. But I think the S can be interchanged for Slow, Sexy, Stupendous… 🙂 LOL. I wish we could run with you too! I miss you! Gina read Boo Hoo Baby to Luca while he was here (and Pouch, of course 🙂 ).

  13. Erin says:

    What fun! I am not surprised at all that the three of you get along so well and had so much fun. You have good taste in friends 🙂

    The race sounds great, too. Maybe next year I can join you guys!

  14. Xaarlin says:

    That looked like a lot of fun! I cant think of anything better than running through the woods with friends 🙂 And those medals you ordered were awesome!!!

  15. Looks like you had a great time! I’ve been enjoying the smaller races lately as well…things are simpler and food/drinks are plentiful. Wildberry is delicious! I haven’t been in over a year and need to change that asap!

  16. The Linz says:

    FUN! I love little 5k races. And that is so great that you got to do it with friends.

  17. Emily says:

    Sounds like an AWESOME race, and so glad that Gina and Bobbi got to meet each other!!! I’m getting to be a bigger and bigger fan of small races, myself. They are just so much more laidback. I’ve actually never been to Wildberry but now I am inspired to go check it out!!!!!

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