Had it up to here!

By , January 23, 2013 4:48 am

My normal therapy – running – has not been cutting it the past few days (because of the first item on the list below). I need to VENT! Sure, I could make a much longer list of things I am happy about – and there are a ton – but right now, I just need a vent. Pass this post if you want to!

I’m sick of…

  • the wind
  • my misaligned passions
  • hypocrites
  • meetings that last much longer than they should
  • having only one reliable car
  • being made to do things I don’t want to do
  • misinterpreted online personas
  • me making my schedule stupid full
  • people who cannot make a decision
  • my impatience
  • trying to remain positive around negative people
  • my nasty hair
  • repeatedly public displays of a lack of self-worth
  • not having the chance to speak/being talked over
  • losing sleep over highly anxious dreams
  • how obnoxious I am
  • people who park over the sidewalk

Ahh. Much better. And I even spot a few things on that list I have the power to change!

Can you relate to any of those? Want to add your own?

Since every post is incomplete without a picture (and I didn’t want to post a picture of a car parked over the sidewalk), can anyone guess what this is (click to make larger)?


52 Responses to “Had it up to here!”

  1. I agree with much of this list- but you KNOW I agree with this one…misinterpreted online personas!!!!

    Also, cold…wind, childhood (and adult) obesity, when grocery stores are packed because of a snow flurry and my hour commute to/from work. Oh, and in my next life, I will only work one job.

    But I am grateful for a warm home, blankets (extras when needed) and sunshine!

    • kilax says:

      Yes to the blankets! I have one on me whenever I am sitting down in my house πŸ™‚

      Do you see a lot of childhood obesity in your schools? That seems rude to ask, but since you brought it up…

      • onelittlejill says:

        Actually, where I work now, no. But our last period of the day for all students, is their sports. So every child is required to take a sport and they practice every day. If they do not want to play a sport, they go to PE and still get the 55 minutes of active time.

        However, schools in general, in NJ are suffering greatly. And it is a fat parent, fat kid mentality. Of course money plays a big part in this all, too. Access to good and healthy food is limited in poor towns and fast food is easy and cheap. It is widely debated but regardless needs to be fixed. At the risk of sounding dramatic, I would actually say it is an epidemic.

        • kilax says:

          At least your school is taking measures to make the kids active. That is good to hear. Is this issue hugely focused on in the news there?

  2. Erica says:

    Wow. I can relate to that list. In fact, I could have written that list! I would definitely add people who condescend to others in public to make themselves feel better and bosses who assign work, pay no attention and then tell you close to the deadline that it is all wrong. That is the week I have had so far! (The doing things I don’t want to do and negative people are BIG!!)

    Thanks for venting for me! Hope the week gets much better!

    • kilax says:

      I hope your week gets better too! The work stuff is especially frustrating – I hate having a new assignment that leadership did not take the time to figure out before handing to me!

  3. I can relate to a lot of that list. This wind?? Not awesome. And my hair… omg… something needs to happen soon…

  4. Riyanti says:

    I have to say I found this post oddly comforting this early morning after a restless sleep. Too much in my head and the wind screwing up the outdoor run is messing with me. Sorry the list is long. I can relate, especially to the stupid full schedule and my own obnoxiousness.

    • kilax says:

      Well, you saying you can relate to the obnoxiousness makes me feel a lot better, since I have never viewed you that way… so maybe some of mine is in my head. Ha ha ha.

      I hope we both sleep better the rest of the week!

  5. Kandi says:

    I’m curious about your misaligned passions… and misinterpreted online personas.
    I can relate to my nasty hair and how obnoxious I am. πŸ™‚ Oh wait, I can change those?! This cold is not awesome (though I imagine it’s colder where you are).

    • Kandi says:

      I forgot to add that it looks like an ice cube shaped like a domino.

    • kilax says:

      Misalinged passions – not passionate about work like I want to be. Passionate about work(ing out).

      Misinterpreted online personas – me trying to be funny and not coming off that way, and other people being obnoxious and so different than they are irl, online.

      Ha ha ah. I am not sure what we can change. At least our hair?!!?! πŸ˜›

  6. abbi says:

    I can relate to many of these as well, especially related to meetings and being made doing things I don’t want to do. The wind, winter and cold are getting to me as well as a bunch of other things but I won’t continue. No idea what that is a picture of!

  7. Kiersten says:

    Yeah for venting! I would like to add drivers who can’t move their wrist a quarter of an inch to go around you and not spray you with freezing slush while you are running.

  8. dad says:

    Want Kimbot #2 back, not currently using it. It’s Han Solo in carbonite, soap?

    • Christina says:

      I also cannot stand the wind and hypocrites. I also can’t stand traffic on the Stevenson every morning. I also cannot stand how people crowd the el platform and make me feel scared when they are over the blue line. It’s ok it’s Wednesday the week is almost over πŸ˜‰

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha. Kimbot #2 was the blue one, right?

      DING DING DING! I cannot believe you figured it out! You should get a prize. Andrew got me that ice cube tray, and some lightsaber chopsticks! πŸ™‚

  9. bobbi says:

    Is that a han solo frozen ice cube?

  10. bobbi says:

    Wind makes me insane! Along with people who park over the sidewalk – irrational anger. You are NOT obnoxious (except in a good way – a wednesday night strength club way – we were talking about that last night. Jobi was glad to have some people to be silly with πŸ™‚ )

    I am getting my hair done today, so checking one thing off the list. I would add to mine, my complete incapability of being productive lately. It’s like I forgot how. Sigh.

  11. Erin says:

    Sounds like a rough day (or couple of days)! Hope today is better for you!!

  12. There are SO many things I can agree with right now. This week sucks! Here’s my vent.

    -my lack of time to see my husband
    -my lack of patience for lack of time to see my husband
    -being stuck on a late train for a full hour, nothing is worse
    -constant migraines
    -medication being the only way to get rid of constant migraines
    -over scheduling myself
    -my inability to relax and let go

    Ok, that just scratches the surface. Maybe we need a vent date.

  13. Where would one buy this soap? My husband would love it!

  14. Anne says:

    If you have light saber chopsticks, I think the rest of this stuff should just roll right off πŸ™‚

    I’m actually having an out-of-character week where nothing is bothering me, but I can usually relate to a lot of these! Getting talked over is a big one for me, since I interact with a lot of much stronger personalities, so it’s frustrating. I seem to spend a lot of our runs venting, so you can let it all out tomorrow if you want – at least there’s thai food at the end πŸ™‚

  15. gina says:

    I hope putting it all out there made you feel better! I think I might have to make up a list, too. I also hope that some of the things bugging you fade away soon.

    • kilax says:

      It did make me feel better. I just had a bad afternoon yesterday and then an annyoing run. LOL! Make your list!

      I bet I could write part of it πŸ˜‰

  16. kelsey says:

    HAHAAHA this killed me. I am also sick of my nasty hair. Unless I wake up 15 min earlier to blow dry and straighten it, it’s digusting.

    NAturally I’m also grossed out by how obnoxious I am too. But I love you.

  17. Haha venting is totally normal and it looks like a lot of people (myself included) share similar frustrations!

    I’m frustrated with toes (although mine is doing so much better now, the memory haunts me) and assignments that pop up randomly and require my immediate attention. I’ve had too many of those at work lately.

    I hope you continue to feel better post-vent!

    • kilax says:

      So happy to hear your toe is on the mend! Still be able to run in a few days?

      YES! Those out of the blue assignments that MUST GET DONE NOW! UGH!!!!!

  18. sizzle says:

    I’m a weirdo and actually love windy days. We rarely have them here though so maybe that’s why? Add in the cold and I can get that it sucks!

    I’m also curious about misaligned passions and the on line persona thing you mention. For me my vents would include: having 2 bosses, one which should not be directing me, gray hairs, terrible sleep, and the fact that someone keeps taking all the silverware in the work communal kitchen!

    • kilax says:

      Yeah, I don’t mind the cold, but running in to the heavy wind makes me NUTSO!!!! πŸ™‚ I am happy to hear someone likes it. I like it in the summer πŸ™‚

      Will send you an email on the other things πŸ˜‰

      Oh gosh! Two bosses?! What is up with that?! And who is taking the silverware? Plastic or real?

  19. Michelle says:

    You wrote this for me!! Wow I could relate to almost all of it!!!

  20. Erin says:

    Sometimes listing it all out can make you feel better! I hope that this did!

    For those of us who like to be in control it can certainly be frustrating when we don’t like the way things are going but don’t have any control over them!

  21. I understand where you’re coming from. It’s hard to keep a happy face when there are so many unhappy people out there. You know what makes people who are trying to bring you down furious? If you keep smiling. The fact they’re trying to drag you down means they believe you’re above them. Smile on.

  22. Passive aggressive much? (there’s lots of vagueness in this list.) hahaha, I kid. Sometimes you’ve just got to let it all out. Hope it’s helping you to feel better!


    I am sick of being UNABLE TO SLEEP LIKE A NORMAL PERSON. I struggle. Hard.

  24. Cars that are parked over the sidewalk cause me to have an irrational urge to kick there car. I haven’t done it yet, but the anger is still building up in me.

  25. Emily says:

    I hate when people take up two parking spots, either in a parking lot or when parallel parking. It’s so inconsiderate. You know how people will write “WASH ME” on dirty cars? Seeing cars parked in two spots makes me want to write some sort of nasty message on their car! I will spare you the specifics of what I’d write, LOL.

  26. martymankins says:

    I am with you. Wind is my least favorite weather condition. Rain, snow, ice… it’s all annoying, but wind… so difficult to do anything outdoors when it’s blowing hard.

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