Friday Question #224

By , January 25, 2013 6:57 am

What dreams do you have over and over? Do you think they mean anything?

Like Sara, I quite often dream that I break or lose teeth. 

The most current thing though, that has been ongoing for the past two weeks, and making me wake up A LOT throughout the night, are dreams about people not being ready to do things on time, and about me breaking my phone. So, I knew I was a schedule freak before, and hate it when people are not ready to go on time, and when I am late… but apparently it bothers me so much that I am dreaming about it. Every. Single. Night. And the phone thing, well, let’s just say I was happy when I woke up at 3:30 am today and saw my phone did not have a big crack down the face of it. 

I have these books… maybe I should actually use them?! Anyone else have a book about what your dreams mean?*


*I must have written about this before, because I recall Erin saying she learned about dreams in college and used to have a cool book or some notes on it or something. 

31 Responses to “Friday Question #224”

  1. Kandi says:

    Despite not taking any college courses since I graduated in 2003, I somewhat often (several times a year) have dreams where I enroll in classes and then forget to go or just don’t go. Then I forget which classes I’m even enrolled in and where they meet and what time… and I always wonder if I’ve missed the deadline to withdraw without getting an F. I always wake up before I figure it out too! I think it means I shouldn’t go back to school. 😉 I also own a dream dictionary but I haven’t looked at it in years.

  2. Christina says:

    My grandma tells me that when I loose teeth I am pregnant. I dont mean to be rude but thats what she tells me! haha. We have this huge dream book in our house and we always look up whats going. It could also mean stress. Good luck 🙂

  3. Anne says:

    I’ve never had the teeth dream! But it could mean so many different things – job anxiety, fear of failure, money problems – basically it’s stress about something that needs attention. Sorry to be a downer, but at least you’re not pregnant!

    I’ve read a ton of books on dreams (well, I did in high school and college because it fascinated me), but I think what it comes down to is that your dreams are usually about things that are on your mind anyway. I dream about being late a lot, because I am 🙂 The week before my wedding I kept having dreams that I overslept and missed my hair/nail/make-up appointments. That wouldn’t even have been the end of the world, but I was so stressed by that point that it invaded my sleep!

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha! That is okay – you are not a downer! And I already know that I don’t handle stress well.

      Ha ha ha. We are both having dreams about our schedule!

  4. Erin says:

    I did take a class in college on dreams & dreaming. Unfortunately, I think most of my notes were destroyed in one of our basement floods.

    I, personally, have never had the teeth dream but you and Sara aren’t the only people I know who have. Apparently it’s pretty common!

    I can’t recall any dreams that I’ve had over and over again. I guess my brain likes to mix it up 🙂

  5. diane says:

    Lately I’ve been having a lot of dreams about going into work and finding out I’m getting a whole bunch of new projects, or that all of a sudden I have 50 new jobs to work on. The cause of that one is pretty obvious. :p

  6. Christina says:

    I frequently dream about my teeth missing (usually my back teeth), or falling out as I chew on something. I also have similar dreams where my hair is falling out in chunks, or that someone chopped it all off. Its funny that you post this because last night I had a really scary dream, one of the ones where you force yourself to wake up because you are so scared!! I’ll email you about it, might be too graphic to post here. 😛

    • Christina says:

      I’ve also noticed that I really like talking to people about my dreams/their dreams, but I feel like most people think talking about dreams is stupid!!!!

      • Christina says:

        Also, it bothers me that Will never remembers his dreams.. I never know what he’s dreaming about unless he’s talking in his sleep and I try to wake him up, but he just continues saying nonsensical dream things.

        PS: A comment, within a comment, within a comment (COMMENT INCEPTION).

        • kilax says:

          INCEPTION!!!!! LOLz!!!

          Ooo! The hair dream is creepy too! What was your scary dream last night?! And I think talking about dreams is fun too. Too bad Willio is too lame to remember any.

  7. kelsey says:

    I LOVE dream interpretation!! I bought my gf a dream bible one year for xmas and am still upset I didn’t go back and buy one for myself

  8. J says:

    I dream a lot, often times I can remember my dreams afterward too. I write them down on occasion and look up the meaning in my dream app on my phone. My dreams are usually so confusing and the interpretation from them never really pans out so I have no idea why I was dreaming things! Sometimes if something is bothering me it ends up in my dreams. Just interesting how dreams work.

  9. Erin says:

    I never remember my dreams. Ever. Is that weird?

  10. Marcia says:

    I do not have the books but have had a recurring dream where I’m ice skating and I’m doing triple jumps (that I never had a prayer of doing when I skated) and I’m up so high in the air waiting to land and I always land them perfectly. My google search-fueled interpretation of this was I was not performing up to my potential….hmmmm.

  11. I haven’t had recurring dreams in a looong time..or really, any dreams that I really remember(is that good/bad/weird?? I don’t know). I definitely used to have the breaking/losing teeth one a lot in the past and spent soo long on the internet reading about it and trying to decode it!!

  12. Michele @ Running for Oreos says:

    I used to have the dream about teeth all the time!!! I swear the hubby and I just talked about this last night!! (Weird, was you listening in our house last night?!?!) Did you know that it’s the 6th most common nightmare? Weird! I looked it up years ago when I was having the same “teeth” dreams over and over. I read it means that there are things that are happening in your life that you cannot control. I have them VERY often when the hubby is deployed, so I think it makes perfect sense!! I don’t know about the phone thing though or the on time thing, but I know about the teeth thing!!

    • kilax says:

      Wow! 6th most common?! That is really interesting. I often feel like things are out of my control, so I wonder if that is what it is when I have it.

  13. Pam says:

    I have two recurring themes–tornadoes and bombs. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve dreamed about tornadoes, and there have been several times I dreamed we were getting bombed. Every time, I’m inside my house (or my parents’ house, where I grew up) peeking out the window watching it happen.

  14. Losing Lindy says:

    I just had a dream about breaking my back teeth. I have dreams all the time. Last night was one where the basement was flooding, and we don’t even have a basement.

  15. Emily says:

    I almost never remember my dreams, unfortunately. I wish that I could somehow videotape my dreams and then rewatch them in the mornings like Saturday morning cartoons! But Adam says that he frequently dreams about having to take an exam but not having done any studying for it, then wakes up terrified.

  16. I actually do have a dream decoder book that I keep in my nightstand! I definitely believe that dreams have hidden meanings, even if those meanings are only our secret subconscious fears/feelings/thoughts/etc. This is kind of embarrassing but one reoccurring dream that I have is one where my iPhone falls into water and gets ruined. I’m pretty sure this is because I lost two iPhones in the past and dropped one in a cup of tea! I’m scarred for life 🙂

  17. martymankins says:

    To be honest, I don’t dream that much anymore, but back in my 30’s I had the same dream at least once a week: that I got lost in an amusement park. When I was a kid, my mom used to tell me to stick with her or else I would get left behind. This was a childhood fear of mine that came back to haunt me in my adult years. Guess I got over it since it’s been a good 12 years since the last time I remember having this recurring dream.

  18. I have one repeat dream that usually comes when i am super stressed out. In it I am driving a car along a crazy busy or winding road and my break won’t work. It is pretty easy to figure out what that means.

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