Friday Question #228

By , February 22, 2013 6:26 am

How do you share your calendar/schedule with your family… if at all?

Gosh, I swear I have asked this before! It’s a very interesting topic to me. I put a lot on my schedule and want Steven to know where I am and what I am doing. 

We have a dry erase board in our kitchen. I am the only one who uses it. Ha ha. 


So we rely on google calendar. We both are big google fans, and use google for work and personal use, so I have shared calendars that Steven can see – Exercise and Social Appointments. And we also send each other invites for appointments as well. Are we super dorky? Or do other people do this too?


Work items in light blue, exercise in dark blue, social appointments in red, regular appointments/reminders in yellow. 

33 Responses to “Friday Question #228”

  1. oooh you’ve got a GREAT way of sharing. I like that!
    with family, friends, or bfs, I usually go on a day to day basis..just ask each other what’s planning the next couple days etc.
    i like plans and planning though, so i really like the way you do it!

  2. Allie says:

    Since I live by myself, I only have to keep track of me, but MAN, that’s hard enough! I have pages of to-do lists–maybe I should import them all into Google! I’m just dorky enough that that sounds like fun ;D

  3. ChezJulie says:

    What a timely question! I just bought a big colorful calendar made by Post It for me and my husband. It is to record social things we have planned (concerts, dinner with friends, etc.) to encourage us to get out there and do more.

    For myself I use Google calendar to record my exercise schedule and plans with my mom and my friends.

  4. Anne says:

    I’m useless without calendars. I have an appointment book on my desk at work (which is kind of silly since I’m there so rarely), my Outlook calendar for work, an appointment book for food/exercise tracking, and then Bob and I do use the Google calendar together. We don’t actually have a shared calendar, but send each other invites, including FYIs when one of us will be gone.

    But to answer your question, yes, you’re super dorky. 🙂

  5. Do you have an hour? LOL

    At home, we two wipe boards on our fridge- a monthly calendar and weekly. This is mainly so Rich and I are the same page because I am the organizer. The monthly is almost just like yours and the weekly has sections for to-do, reminders and schedules. I write out the weekly one every Sunday with our planned workouts/social engagements, meals and tasks that need to get accomplished.

    At work, I use my Outlook calendar to keep track of appointments/reminders. Plus I have a notepad that I keep a running list of my deadlines on. (huge for me since my deadlines are very tight)

    I also have a paper planner I keep with me at all times with my whole life schedule in it- work appointments, workouts, social engagements, etc.

    Not neurotic at all, huh?

  6. Kandi says:

    Ummm… we have a paper calendar in our kitchen but we really don’t write much on it. I think February has my FIL’s wedding and President’s Day written on it. I decided this week that I wanted to start using Google Calendars and once I get into using them, seeing if Joey would use it and link them. Do you use Google Calendars on your phone? I couldn’t find the app when I searched the other day. I have an Android but I assumed there would be an app?

    • kilax says:

      I have google calendars synced up to the calendar that comes with the iPhone. I would really hope Android would have that built in to the phone… since they are owned by Google. I suppose it is different for each Android! Did you go a Google search to see what you could find? I hope you figure it out! I LOVE having my calendar on my phone!

      • Pete B says:

        I have an android phone and it came with google calendar. It automatically keeps my phone calendar and google calendar up-to-date. I use Outlook on my home computer so I have to use google calendar sync.

  7. Valerie says:

    OMG! My husband and I are total calendar nerds haha! I think I am worse though…I am old school and have a planner and I write down EVERYTHING. If I don’t write it down, it doesn’t get done! You should see mine–it’s a crazy calendar of chaos! I want to try using that Washi tape to organize it a bit better…we’ll see! 🙂

  8. We all have such chaotic lives so a calendar is so necessary! I have an old school wall calendar that I fill out (doubt Jon even looks at it) but he knows it’s there in case he needs to see it. It makes me feel better that it’s all out there in the open so we can’t double book or mess it up!

  9. sizzle says:

    I live and breathe by my Google calendar. I share it with my husband so that he can know what I am up to. He, on the other hand, rarely puts anything on it.

  10. outside time says:

    I love shared calendars on gcal! But what is this “Chicago Running Beer Run” thing I see on Saturday? How do I get in on that?

  11. kelsey says:

    I use my work calendar for everything. it connects to my phone so I always know what is happening and work and what is happening in my social life. As for sharing it with anyone-I don’t. My close friends typically just know my life and max I just tell him the morning of if I’m going out or have plans that night…but then again neither of us are really planners 🙂

  12. Maggie says:

    I try to do this with Robert but it never catches on with him. In fact, he just messaged me earlier this morning that he could see my Google Calendar appts in his calendar. He ended up turning it off. Harumph!!

  13. Heather says:

    We couldn’t survive without our shared Google calendar. It’s nice, too, b/c the first one who gets their “event” on the calendar gets first dibs on that day/time. 🙂
    We use Google docs, too!

  14. Matt and I share our google calendars with each other. In general I keep mine much more up to date than his. I mostly just use it to keep track of what we have going on on the weekends so we can plan visits.

  15. I use google calendar and outlook for my schedules (personal/running + work) but I don’t usually share it with Ian. I just tell him what my plans are the day before or morning of. I don’t think Ian keeps a calendar either.

  16. J says:

    Brian and I share our calenders at work and on google. But I recently found out that he stopped having my work calender on his because he was getting confused (Its a simple “uncheck” and the calender disappears from yours) but still i was like wow i see how you feel about me! Usually I just have to tell Brian that we are doing things on Sat/Sun and he goes along with it. i am the planner.

  17. Erin says:

    Since Jason uses the Apple calendar I switched to that instead of Google calendar. He FINALLY started putting his class schedule on it along with other things and we can see each other’s stuff. Obviously I like it that way. I also print out a blank calendar that I use to plan my blog stuff. For some reason I like writing it out as opposed to having it digital.

  18. Beth says:

    I love Google Calendar. Having it sync with my Android phone is so awesome. When I was in grad school I created a Google calendar for this piece of equipment we had in my lab so my labmate and I could work around each other and that was really convenient.

  19. Marcia says:

    I just use fhe calendar in my phone and email or text important dates to the Caveman. I finally went paperless!

  20. robyn says:

    Wow, you guys are pretty organised!!! I can’t imagine spreading my whole life out like that:) If we have a joint outing to attend, I’ll text/ or chat to see if he is available and then lock it in.

    • kilax says:

      So, he remembers after you text/chat? It doesn’t work that way for me. Hence… the calendar (that doesn’t get looked at too much).

  21. Michele says:

    Totally dorky, but in a good way!

    Since our schedules don’t vary week to week, we don’t do the calendar thing. I do however have to use one for my son since certain days of the week mean certain things for him at school. Mostly this is for his benefit, since it does not effect me in any way. I do write down when I’m on break, or when my son is on break or out of school, but that’s about it.

    I bought a calendar for school, but have yet to use it…

  22. My hubby & I keep a shared google calendar. Neither of our works use GoogleMail/Cal, so it’s mostly for tracking the personal stuff — races, social activities & travel schedules (mostly his). It works well – I can see it on my phone, etc. Although I do have serious envy for the people who can still manage the paper appointment books that look so pretty!

  23. Jacky says:

    Google calendar saved my marriage. My husband travels so much and it is the only way we can keep everything straight with our schedules.

  24. martymankins says:

    I don’t, but my step daughter does with her mom for her 10 yr old grand daughter. They share via Google Calendar and it’s easy. My wife is not technical by any means, although she’s learning more as the years go on. But it’s easy to simply open a browser window and she can see the calendar.

    Some day, I plan to get in on this whole online calendar sharing thing. For now, it’s just my own calendars (4 of them, including an archive)

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