Not an actor

By , March 20, 2013 6:15 am

Walking in to the office this am, I was getting myself pumped up, repeating in my head, “You love Wednesdays! You get to practice your acting skills!”

Um, no.

Those skills are non-existent. As hard as I try, you can always read my emotion on my face.


I can’t hide how I really feel, no matter how hard I try. If I’m irritated, you can tell. Annoyed, you can tell. Frustrated… you can tell.

Wait! I have good emotions too! Happy, hyper, energetic… you can tell those as well. Ha ha ha. I think I need to be smiley to get those feelings going.

What situations make you wish you had some acting skills to hide your emotions? Or wait! Maybe you can’t read your face (and body language)Β like people can mine?!

I am in a particular “I JUST WANT TO BE LEFT ALONE!”* mood, hence this silly post. It’s funny, I was thinking about that last night on the solo-part of my run, how I just want to be left alone, in the quiet… and there I was, running by myself, in nature… in the quiet. Time to appreciate the things I have. Ha ha.

Not quite related, but can anyone guess what the earrings I am wearing today are made of?


*And this really just means I don’t want to be bugged, I think.

34 Responses to “Not an actor”

  1. bobbi says:

    those earrings look like tire tread!

  2. I absolutely cannot hide my emotions. That makes working with kids even more difficult because I have to focus extra hard to hide how I am feeling, especially when I am distracted or frustrated.

    Slate? A tire maybe? (I am an idiot with this stuff, so laugh away if I am totally off base!)

    • kilax says:

      I was thinking about you when I wrote this and wondering how it is to work in a school if you have this “problem”!

      They’re recycled bicycle tire tubes πŸ™‚

  3. Kandi says:

    I was going to guess bike tires!
    I’ve had a coworker tell me that she cracks up with how I show how I’m really feeling with my eyes. She likes watching me in meetings. I sometimes know I’m doing it and just hoping (assume?) nobody important is watching…

  4. sizzle says:

    I have NO poker face. Like you, people can read my emotions easily. It’s hardest at work when I’m annoyed but trying to remain professional. At least with friends and family they always know what they are getting with me and it keeps me honest because I am unable to pull off even a white lie with this affliction. πŸ˜‰

  5. Anne says:

    I was going to guess recycled tires, swear! A friend in high school had sandals made from tires, so I know them when I see them πŸ™‚

    I can usually keep my emotions under control, unless I’m in any kind of situation at all where I might cry. Then I just lose it. As you’ve experienced. I used to be really bad about that, crying at some really inopportune/inappropriate times (one year I even cried in my performance review at work – so not cool!), but I’ve gotten a little better about that over the years.

    • kilax says:

      I was just talking to someone who is worried about crying in professional situations. Has anything helped you overcome that?

      • Anne says:

        Deep breathing helps, and I have a few things that I think about that will make me laugh, so I’d definitely recommend that. And I read somewhere that biting your tongue may help keep you from crying – that only works like half the time for me.

  6. Xaarlin says:

    Wait!?! You are in an “I want to be left alone” mood!?! This doesn’t bode well for our lunch date πŸ˜‰

    I sometimes have to put on my “plastic smile”, but I really try to avoid situations that make me unhappy. But I also don’t really show much emotion ever…

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha. Hence the * with “I just don’t want to be bugged”… by annoying people, it should have said. So. NOT you!!! πŸ™‚ Lunch will be the highlight of my day πŸ™‚

  7. Pete B says:

    I can’t hide my emotions at how awesome it is that we get a couple extra weeks of winter! This is the only blog I feel at home saying this! πŸ™‚

    • kilax says:

      I KNOW! WOO HOO! Everyone and I mean EVERYONE is complaining about the cold! Doesn’t bother me! Hee hee πŸ™‚

      • Pete B says:

        Yes. Everyone is complaining, except you! Yay! Anyway, it’s March in Chicago. Just because it was 80 degrees last March doesn’t mean that March will be like that every year. This weather is more in line with March weather when I was a kid. Secretly hoping that we have this weather until mid-April. But I am probably asking too much. πŸ™‚

  8. I was gonna guess leather but I see the tire tread in them! Too cool! I have a purse that is made by a company that uses recycled tires. They sell them locally and apparently it’s all the rage with celebrities, but I’ve never seen earrings- you are ahead of the trend!!!

  9. kelsey says:

    how cool are those earrings! where did you find those?

    • kilax says:

      They are from etsy! I saw something similar at a fair and told Steven I liked them, and he remembered a few months later and got them for me as a surprise. I can look up the vendor if you’d like πŸ™‚

  10. At home, I have absolutely no skills. I am mad when I’m mad. Period. And let me tell you, it lasts. I can manage a bit better at work but only with certain people.

    Back in the day, though. Yeah. Mad skills: I worked as a server at Cracker Barrel, and I had to act. My friends and I always used to joke that I’d be cranky, mean and, overall, a nasty b—- in the kitchen but the moment I walked into the dining room, I was all smiles, incredibly friendly, gracious and uncharacteristically patient. And those were the days I got the best tips.

  11. I’m the same way. My face always give me away, and it’s why working in customer service was always a bad idea for me. When I thought someone was acting like an idiot, it was clear. It doesn’t matter how hard I try, it’s always pretty clear how I feel.
    And those earrings totally look like they’re made from tires. That’s so cool.

  12. Mica says:

    I know, I know!!!

    I wish I were better at hiding my emotions or, really, being better at not crying. I cry at everything, which sucks and is so unprofessional.

    Also, when I wholeheartedly disapprove of something, I wish I were better at seeming excited for someone who really wants to hear my approval. Like, “Wow, I’m happy for you!” When I say it, it doesn’t sound convincing. AT. ALL.

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha. YES to trying to pretend to be okay with a decision someone is making! Sigh! I really try to show support, but… yeah.

  13. I can’t hide my really face. OOPS.

  14. Erin says:

    I once got called into a supervisor’s office for not hiding that I was irritated with coworkers. I’ve tried to get better about it since then. But it’s hardest for me when someone is being REALLY STUPID.

  15. Rachel says:

    I’m good at holding back any emotions. Or maybe I am just really bad at being able to express them? Sometimes that comes back to bite me though.

    Do you get bugged at work a lot? My coworkers all like to have their own quiet time, so the mornings are usually pretty peaceful around here. πŸ™‚

    Those earrings are cute!

    • kilax says:

      LOL! Teach me the ways!

      I get bugged the most when I go in on Wednesdays, because it’s our day we are all in the office (as opposed to working from home). So, it makes sense that everyone wants to be social, it’s just a bit overwhelming πŸ™‚

  16. Losing Lindy says:

    I can’t play poker myself. I also turn super red as my blood pressure rises

  17. robyn says:

    Yes, I see they are right!! They loo like they are made from tyres:) Cute!

  18. martymankins says:

    Even before reading the comments, I knew the earrings were made from bike tires,

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