Channeling my inner Homer

By , April 6, 2013 9:10 am

Have you guys seen The Simpsons episode “Life on the Fast Lane“?* It’s the one where Homer buys Marge a bowling ball for her birthday – with his name inscribed in it – and she doesn’t even bowl! Homer thinks he will just get to use the ball, but Marge spites him and gets bowling lessons so she can use it. 

Confession – I feel like I’ve acted like Homer in that episode sometimes – by giving Steven things that I end up using more!


Case in point #1 – in December 2008 I bought Steven a Garmin Forerunner 405. Um… he used it a few times. Then I used it. For the past four years.**

Case in point #2 – my mom asked me if I thought Steven would like a milk frother for his birthday last December. Hmm. I thought about it. He does drink coffee. Maybe he wants frothy milk for his coffee? Of course he does!


Whatever. You guys know I am totally using it the most to make awesome chai lattes! Muah ha ha. 

Case in point #3 – I bought Steven a flight lesson where I got to ride along as the passenger. Hee hee (<— okay, this is a weaker example than the others). 

Case in point #4 – I (along with Steven’s family) got him a nice DSLR for his birthday last year. You totally know I am using it too. Unless I want a body/face shot. Because, damn. The DSLR does not lie. And I’d rather show you skewed iPhone/point and shoot photos of me. <— truth

So… it’s best to maximize usage of an item/experience, no?!

Ha ha. I am mostly joking around, but tell me, what items have you given your partner and maybe gotten some use out of too? Or, am I the only one?! No other Homers out there?!

*Who hasn’t, right?
**Until I broke it a few weeks ago

23 Responses to “Channeling my inner Homer”

  1. Losing Lindy says:

    oooh can I borrow that milk frother?

  2. Beth says:

    Haha, this is so true! Most of the gifts I’ve gotten my fiance lately have been things like video games that I actually don’t really use, but I did just get him the second season of Game of Thrones that we both watch. And I’ve gotten him a few other TV shows that I knew he liked and I really wanted to watch.

  3. diane says:

    Ha ha! What a great idea for a post. 🙂
    Admittedly sometimes I buy cool kitchen gadgets for P with the mindset that some day I’ll get to have it in my house too!

  4. This always happens I’m sure! I bought Jon Apple TV for his birthday and I’d say I def use it all the time!

  5. I’ve wanted to get my husband good tickets to opening day of the Brewers for his birthday so I could go too. We did go this year but it wasn’t his birthday present.

  6. Anne says:

    I’ve done this forever, well before I ever had a partner to shop for. My dad and I used to buy each other CDs that we’d enjoy, and I have about 90% of his CD collection here because of all the times I’ve “borrowed” stuff I gave him over the years. And I buy Bob concert and baseball tickets all the time – it’d be weird if he didn’t take me, right?

    Oh, but Bob just did this too! He said he bought me a present at the Shuffle expo last night – it was a stick (YAY!), and he’s totes been using it.

    • kilax says:

      YAY! So happy you got a stick! I just used a new self massage tool this weekend and I think I am going to buy one to giveaway on the blog this week. Ahh! Are you going to miss the giveaway? You are going online while on vacay to read my blog, no?

  7. I do this all the time because we buy tickets a lot as gifts!

  8. Oh, a milk frother! Maybe I want one of these? Do you like it? Does it work with almond milk?

    Anyway, back to the topic, I am a much nicer person than you are and only buy my husband gifts that he would like – gift certificate for tattoos, clothes and camping equipment. Because Lord knows I’m not camping with him. Ever. BUT, I do make him order horrible things in restaurants so that I can have a bite but not have to eat the whole plate.

    Wait. Maybe I’m not that nice.

    P.S. I hope you love my sarcasm because you are totally nice.

    • kilax says:

      I love it. It works well with almond and soy milk! And with this chai latte crap mixed in too 🙂

      I DO LOVE YOUR SARCASM! I may or may not have been looking at birthday cards for you yesterday, and wanted to buy one that had the word “BITCH” in sparkly letters on the cover, then on the inside said “any woman slimmer or prettier than us” but I held myself back. Bad idea?

      Heh heh heh. Good idea on having the other person order the questionable stuff in the restaurant!

  9. Maggie says:

    You had me at Simpsons episode. That an Seinfeld references are like 99% of my life.

    Anyway, back to your point, I feel like Robert and I have so little in common that it would be hard to pass off something I like as a gift for him. (For the record, we do have the “big” stuff in common – our values, priorities, view of the world, sense of humor, what we want out of the future, etc).

  10. Kandi says:

    Every single time I go to buy a gift for Joey I ask myself if I’m really only buying it for myself or if it’s something he actually would like. He’s so difficult to buy things for! For his birthday this year I bought him cologne that I love (this gift was clearly for me) and some pocket knives that I knew he’d appreciate (definitely for him).

  11. Erin says:

    I just asked Jason if I’ve ever bought him something that then I ended up being the primary user of and he says he can’t think of anything. So, yay me?

    Although, if anyone is wondering what to get me, a milk frother would be amazing. Just saying.

  12. Kelly says:

    I believe they call these “inspirational gifts.” Lol.

  13. Kristina says:

    Too funny – I can definitely think of a number of gifts that we’ve given each other that the other person uses just as much, if not more.
    I was also thinking about the presents that you give someone so that they’ll be more into your interests/hobbies. I’ve totally given Michael running gear so that he’ll go run with me.

  14. Mica says:

    I am not embarrassed to admit that I have also been benefiting from the milk frother. Thanks, Steven and your mom!

    I sometimes ask for baking equipment, but I mostly bake for Harrison. So really, Harrison is the Homer. His name even starts with “H.”

    • kilax says:

      Good point! I am sharing the love! And I made one for Erin, on Monday. So good with the actual liquid chai.

      Ha! Harrison is guilty!

  15. martymankins says:

    A chai latte is a nice change up from an espresso latte.

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