No summer wishlist this year

By , May 28, 2013 12:26 pm

Are you starting to fantasize about summer plans? What is on your list this year?

It’s odd for me to ask this question now. I say “now,” because in the past, I was someone who put so much thought in to summer expectations and made lots of plans (read: fantasy plans). And would feel let down when summer was over, like it flew by and I didn’t get to fulfill any of my plans (fantasies).

But I’m not really like that anymore. Now, I spend time outside year round. I don’t feel like I am waiting for “good” weather to go enjoy the great outdoors. Sure, there are things I like to do that can only be done in warm weather (lay on the beach/swim outside) – but as long as I get to do that a few times*, I’m content. I am not waiting for that, year round. I am enjoying what I have, when I have it.

I like to think this means I am growing up? 

Really, I suspect this could just be me trying to block any fantasies from going on in my head. Because if I am good, I will spend the summer with these two:


*And the truth of that is, the things I enjoyed a lot as a kid are not as fun as an adult when I have to think about being responsible, and when I am fully aware of everything going on around me. Hey! It’s the truth! Things aren’t as carefree as they were then. That should be a post of its own. 

24 Responses to “No summer wishlist this year”

  1. Michelle says:

    I fantasize about a nice vacation, but we will be having lots of ‘staycations’ instead to keep on budget. <3

  2. Rachel says:

    oh Study Cat! Such a good helper. 🙂

  3. RunningLaur says:

    Now that you’re outside of a summer-free school schedule (I assume) it makes sense that you do things outside more year round 🙂 take all that outside time while you can!
    Your timing of the post is perfect for my summer-dreaming. We just booked our summer trip campsites last night and I’ve been trying to arrange the physical travel today. I’m quite excited about it, especially because it will be summertime and outside 🙂

    • kilax says:

      That is SO very true. Ugh. I felt like I never had time to myself in school. Real life is so much better!

      Yay I am excited you are planning out some camping trips! And isn’t reciprocity > taking the exams? ha!

  4. I don’t have too much on my list either! I’m planning on a family vacation and going to a wedding but besides that I’m just enjoying myself!

    • kilax says:

      Ooo! What is your family vacation? 🙂

      • Going to northern Michigan (or “up north” as Michiganders call it).. so likely we’ll go to Traverse City, Petoskey, and Mackinac Island. I used to go every summer when I was little but haven’t the past four years. It should be fun 🙂

        • kilax says:

          I have heard great things about those places! We have a friend out here who is from Traverse City. She invited us to go up a few years ago… I should fish around for another invite. Ha ha!

  5. RunningLaur says:

    Of course I should be filling out PE reciprocity forms, but I’m in denial about that at the moment…. Vacation!

  6. Sizzle says:

    I start to fantasize about warm weather plans around February because by then it’s been gray and rainy in Seattle for a good number of months and I’m over it. Our summer really doesn’t kick off until August. We’ve got a family wedding in August in California so there will definitely be sun then. I’ve also booked a beach weekend over Labor Day for my husband’s 40th birthday. But mostly when the sun shines here, we like to get out for picnics, walks, hang out by the water, maybe kayak.

    • kilax says:

      Kayak!!! You are speaking my language.

      I love that your “summer” starts so late! I should be done with my studying by then, so maybe I should follow your lead! 🙂

  7. Erin says:

    There are so many things I want to do in the summer in Chicago but in the past I didn’t have many people to do them with. I’m hoping this year I can make some of them happen. However, I’m also trying to focus on the fact that I don’t have to do ALL THE THINGS right now. It’s okay to wait.

    • kilax says:

      Yay! And if you wait and don’t fill up your schedule, so cool spontaneous things will probably find their way in! 🙂

  8. You are so cute and I just want to pinch those dimples. Gah! I don’t have big plans for summer and don’t get too pumped. A toddler makes it hard. Plus, if I’ve learned anything, you put all this effort into great plans and build up expectations only for things to go haywire. (Think: Delayed flights, fighting with a spouse at pickup and almost getting arrested, intestinal problems, etc)

    • kilax says:

      I was thinking that as I wrote this… but only that maybe people with children look forward to summer and their kids getting to be outside? Most parents I know dread the kids being off from school. Ha!

      I have to learn to set my expectations soooo low for some things 😉

  9. Michele says:

    HA! My list for the summer:

    To survive clinicals and nursing school…and not die in the process!

    That is all!

    I spent last summer at school too. Lucky me! Part of next summer I’ll be studying for my state board exam! Woo Hoo! I LOVE being an adult!

  10. Emily says:

    For me, I think it’s all about just wanting what I can’t have. During the winter, I am filled with nostalgia towards my favorite summertime activities (going to the beach, grilling, outdoor festivals, etc.) – but during the summertime I am filled with nostalgia towards my favorite wintertime activities (ice skating, cold weather running, the holidays, hot chocolate, etc.). Terrible, I know!!!

  11. Chris says:

    I’m looking forward to the “post on its own.” 😉

  12. Meghan says:

    I am so with you! I don’t typically make wish lists for the summer, because summer in itself is a “wish” 🙂 Plus, I don’t have to work in the summer, so I feel like I can create these adventures on a daily basis.

    Ok, that made no sense whatsoever. Can I blame it on the baby? 🙂

    • kilax says:

      LOL! You can blame it, but it makes sense. And even with working in the summer… and all year round… I feel I can create adventure. So maybe that is it! I am finally at a good place with a work/life balance 🙂

  13. Kandi says:

    We usually plan a beach vacation every summer but this year it probably isn’t in the cards since we just did our grand European adventure. However, my SIL & BIL just moved to SC so we’ll likely go visit them a few times in the next year and she told me they live really close to the beach.

  14. Maggie says:

    I’m making an epic summer wish list in my head because as soon as I am living in the city, I want to DO ALL THE THINGS. Immediately.

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