What is all this studying for, anyway?

By , June 22, 2013 5:05 pm

In case you don’t know. I do. Ha ha.

I am ALL DONE reading these two American Council on Exercise (ACE) books! I am ready to take my test!


Hee hee hee. NOT!!! I WISH!

Not close, but getting closer. With 950 pages of reading behind me, I feel a lot more prepared for the ACE Personal Trainer exam, but I still have a lot of studying and memorization to do. It’s flash card time, baby! Expect to see pictures of study cat replaced with flash cards. Or maybe study cat will read me the flash cards?


While I have been teaching strength class since the beginning of March, and doing some one-on-one training since May, I am not a certified personal trainer yet. My trainer, Brian, oversees all that I do (and will continue to after I am certified).

The awesome thing is that teaching class along with reading this book has made me super comfortable in designing group and specific workouts. I kind of can’t imagine going in to take the test without a little bit of experience in the field. 

So! My test* is July 25th at 9:00 am. I will continue to be somewhat absent until then. Sigh. Silly studying!

Luckily, I have Trex to keep me company while I study. Thank you, Kelly!


Anyone else think studying outside of school is miserable?

I kid! I kid! This is actually super interesting. I enjoy the studying, just wish I had more time to do it. Silly job. Silly sleep. Silly exercise. 

*If you are interested, the test is 150 multiple choice questions. 25 of the questions are experimental and not included in your score. I can’t remember how much time I have to take the computer based test… or how many I have to get right. 100% or bust, yo!

17 Responses to “What is all this studying for, anyway?”

  1. Declan says:

    Only thing I have been studying lately are potty training and marathon training. I don’t miss the time it takes, but I do miss feeling like I know something outside of internet funnies.

  2. Losinglindy says:

    what a great gift! I know you will do great on your exam!

  3. Heather says:

    I initially read that as trex, like one word “tr-ex” instead of the dinosaur haha.

    You will rock your test! Your passion for different kind of workouts really shows through – but on the plus side at least CBTs aren’t as subjective as essay questions. That was always comforting for me 🙂

    • kilax says:

      Thank you! Yes – an essay would be tough. The practice questions I have taken so far have been too – all the answers are nearly the same. LOL!

  4. Amy says:

    I love learning and studying new subjects! And I know you are going to do really well on your exam – and make a great personal trainer, I just know it!

  5. Kristina says:

    While it must be a TON of work and a huge time commitment, it also sounds like you are really enjoying it!

  6. Kelly says:

    I’m glad you like the necklace!

  7. Erin says:

    Do you think it would have been easier or harder if you took a prep class in a classroom? I know a gal in my running club is doing that for her exam.

    • kilax says:

      I think that definitely would have helped, but I just don’t see how I could fit it in my schedule. And… $$$ 😉

  8. Kandi says:

    What a cute, helpful study cat!

  9. Hm. If I’d just done my blog update reading I would have known what you were studying for. Sorry about that! Good luck to you! It sounds like a ton of information, but it does sound like it’s at least pretty interesting. And it’s cool you get to use some of what you’re learning in the class that you’re teaching.

    • kilax says:

      No worries at all! I don’t expect you to know everything about me. Especially since we just started reading each other, hee hee. 🙂

      It is SUPER interesting! I wish I could dive in to it more! I look forward to doing continuing education after I get my certification! 🙂

  10. martymankins says:

    As for the answer to Data’s question, that would be 200 calories. He’ll burn it off in a couple of days of sleep.

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