Training Week 196

By , July 21, 2013 6:10 pm

Highlight of the Week: Getting some outdoor exercise in, safely, during the high heats. And not wimping out*. And not feeling like death!


Monday | July 15, 2013: teaching strength class
Strength: bench and bells, Difficulty: hard, Felt: like, OMG what was I thinking when I designed this workout?!
Tuesday | July 16, 2013: 8 m run (3 + 5 w/Bobbi and Emily)
Loc: Grayslake, Temp: 72°/71°, Time: 30:22/53:07, Pace: 10:08/10:37 avg, Difficulty: medium/easy, Felt: good
Wednesday | July 17, 2013: strength class
Strength: indoor/outdoor class, Difficulty: easy/medium, Felt: sweat in my eyes
Thursday | July 18, 2013: 5 m run
Loc: hood, Temp: 89°/92°, Time: 55:47, Pace: 11:09 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: sore feet from old shoes the day before
Friday | July 19, 2013: 8 m run + swimming (5 x 25m)
Loc: Nippersink FP, Temp: 77°/83°, Time: 1:27:07, Pace: 10:53, Difficulty: easy/medium, Felt: tired-o
Saturday | July 20, 2013: “rest”
Sunday | July 21, 2013: 20 m run (parts with Emily, Valerie, Bobbi and Riyanti)
Loc: Des Plaines River Trail, Temp: 67°/75°, Time: 3:36:24, Pace: 10:49 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: like I wanted to run 4eva


  • On Saturday, I had a chance to train Erin at the studio! Erin is working on being able to do one pull-up by the end of the summer, so that she can move on to more advanced trapeze moves (that require a one pull-up test to do). So I wrote up a fun full body workout for her that included some focus on core and upper body strength. She kicked butt! Erin has great form. So I mostly got to watch her workout, except for a few partner moves (and that is why rest is in quotes for Saturday). Anyway. Yeah. I totally think Erin will be able to do that pull-up soon, maybe before the end of summer. 
  • I like that I sometimes get a little mini strength workout in when I work one-on-one with someone during the week! It’s fun to fit in strength stuff throughout the week. Makes me feel energized (except when I do it then run 8 miles, aka, Friday). 
  • Have you ever thought about how, depending on your muscular build, height, etc., you may be better at speed or endurance, or strength or power moves?** I was thinking about that during my long run today. I think I am a built for strength and endurance. I am able to lift really heavy weights and go and go and go forever… at slower speeds. 
  • I met friends for an 11 mile run this morning and felt so fab I just kept running! I love it when that happens. That needs to happen a lot this fall as I just signed up for a long distance running event. 

*Saying I did not wimp out, not saying anyone else did (trying to say – not judging, this is about me, ha ha). I could have used heat as an excuse to rest.
**Resisting explaining Type I and II muscle fibers to you guys! Too much ACE talk lately (irl and here)!

18 Responses to “Training Week 196”

  1. RunningLaur says:

    20 miles?!?! Woohoo!

  2. Bean says:

    Wow! Great week! Is that a 20 mile run I spy. Does that mean that this long distance running event in the fall is possibly a marathon?? And yes to kayaking at Independence Grove on Aug. 4th. That sounds like so much fun and no impact so broken Achilles tendon approved! Is it going to be a problem that my arms are just for show…I will work on gaining some more strength between now and then;).

    • kilax says:

      It is! We almost made it to Van Patten! Okay, not really 😉 Yeah, a marathon! 🙂

      Cool! I will put the 4th on my calendar and confirm times closer to that date!

      How was water running?

  3. Michelle says:

    GREAT work this week…I forgot to ask when I thought of it earlier, but are you training for a specific race (and I missed the post?), or just to keep in uber shape?

    • kilax says:

      You didn’t miss anything! Right now I am training to try to lose weight (and for enjoyment). I will start marathon training in Sept for a 11/10 marathon 😉

  4. Declan says:

    Love the Ilaxstudio Angels Photo!!
    I’ve thought about the body build part. I would think with my longer legs, I would be good at sprints, and my larger body, I would be better for putting on mass. But I don’t enjoy doing either of those things a lot. I do find myself coming into my own over distance.

    You’re the energizer bunny!

  5. EmilyJ says:

    Awesome training week (note: only awesome because we ran together TWICE!) haha! Great job this week 😀

  6. I wish I lived closer. I want to take a class you teach!

  7. Kandi says:

    Hi Kim, I thought you might enjoy this article since you’ve discussed this topic on your blog before.

  8. Erin says:

    I want you to train me every weekend!!

    • kilax says:

      Wouldn’t that be awesome? You wouldn’t have to come up with workouts and I would get to see you every week! 🙂

      Have fun at trapeze tonight!

  9. Mica says:

    I want to see Erin in action on the trapeze! I bet she looks super graceful.

    I always wonder what kind of sport my body was “built” for. I always want to think I have a lithe runner’s build (hiding under there somewhere), but I think it’s like a soccer or field hockey build (big legs!).

    • kilax says:

      She has videos on her personal Facebook page! Have you seen them? 🙂

      Yeah, I am more soccer/impact sport too (I’m sturdy, ha ha) 😉 And I am okay with that!

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