Training Week 197

By , July 28, 2013 9:50 pm

Highlight of the Week: Everything. This week rocked. I wish every week could be like this. But, um, yeah, I don’t have five-day weekends every week. Must work on that.


Monday | July 22, 2013: 6 m bike + teaching strength class
Loc: Millenium Trail + hood, Temp: 89°/90°, Time: 32:59, Pace: 10.9 avg, Difficulty: medium, Felt: frustrated with my day
Strength: bench and bells, Difficulty: medium/hard, Felt: stinky
Tuesday | July 23, 2013: 10.5 m run (all w/Bobbi, last 6.5 w/Emily)
Loc: Grayslake, Temp: 67°/66°, Time: 1:48:46, Pace: 10:21 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: great!
Wednesday | July 24, 2013: swim (32 x 25m) + 7 m run (w/Liz) + strength class
Swimming: alternating freestyle and updated: breast stroke, Time: 26:00, Difficulty: medium, Felt: like I should slow down and focus on breathing
Loc: Grayslake, Temp: 58°/66°, Time: 1:07:24, Pace: 9:37 avg, Difficulty: easy/medium, Felt: fabulous after I went to the bathroom at mile 3
Strength: indoor/outdoor class, Difficulty: medium, Felt: tired
Thursday | July 25, 2013: 4 m run + Full Moon 5K (w/Rachel)
Loc: hood, Temp: 54°/55°, Time: 39:33, Pace: 9:53 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: tired-o
Loc: Madison (around Monona Bay), Temp: 72°/69°, Time: 27:28, Pace: 8:48 avg, Difficulty: medium, Felt: good

Friday | July 26, 2013: rest
Saturday | July 27, 2013: Tread the Trail for Epilepsy 5K (w/Dad)
Loc: Paradise Valley Campground Garnavillo, IA, Temp: 54°/55°, Time:35:43, Pace: 11:57 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: great
Sunday | July 28, 2013: 14 m run (w/Dad on bike)
Loc: Guttenberg, IA, Temp: 54°/59°, Time: 2:23:09, Pace: 10:13 avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good


  • I notice I am must less “planned” with my fuel on long runs now. I used to religiously take a GU every 4 miles… today I ran 14 miles and took two GUs. And just when I felt hungry. I wonder if that strategy will backfire, as I used to get SUPER hungry on long runs. Or maybe my body has become more efficient in creating ATP from stored fat and carbohydrate. Ha ha ha. Riiiiight. 
  • Two races this week! Woo hoo! It wasn’t planned that way on purpose (at first), but it turned out to be really fun. And the races were quite different from one another – one was in the dark on a paved trail and one was a trail race!
  • My dad says he plans to continue running! He at least has to finish the plan he was following. Then I will help him develop a new one and we can plan our next race. Yay! I am still giddy over the fact that I got to do a race with my dad!!!
  • I remembered something funny from the 5K Dad and I did – they gave you a sticker with your name and age on it for your “bib.” Then they took it off at the finish and put it on the board for age group placements. I knew from the get go that I was one of one in my age group. Ha ha. 
  • I enjoyed swimming laps at the pool one day this week. I found it relaxing. It would be nice if I could somehow work that in to my weekly schedule. And I think I’d like to get a refresher on technique. I can tell I am straining my neck when I do the freestyle stroke. 
  • I have some more fun cross training planned for the upcoming week! And! A 3-day work week! Woo hoo!

15 Responses to “Training Week 197”

  1. Michelle says:

    so cool you and your dad raced together!!!!!!!

  2. Declan says:

    How do you have so much energy to do all these! I think you take Gu when you aren’t exercising too!
    Now if you will excuse me, I need a nap after reading this

  3. Sounds like a good week to me! And I’m very intrigued to hear about this new cross-training stuff.

    I am curious, too, about the Gu situation. I was always a 5-mile interval girl or whenever girl but I’m switching it up this cycle and going every 4. Previously, I tried to stretch it out on fuel so I didn’t consume too many calories but I decided that it was dumb. Or could be dumb. I am trying to see if taking more Gu, regularly, will keep energy up and help me perform better.

    • kilax says:

      Hee hee hee 😉

      Well… you and I should both know that athletes should consume 30-60g of carbs every hour of exercise, for exercise that lasts more than an hour. Uh huh. Because we are really calculating that crap. And because the same thing works for everyone…

      Yeah. Don’t stretch it out to try to skimp on calories! That is all a wash when you are working out! It’s not like you are fueling by eating a donut!

  4. I would love to start swimming and take a refresher course too. I really need to find a decent gym with a pool!

  5. Pete says:

    So awesome that you ran a race with your dad! 🙂

  6. Erin says:

    Fueling while running is weird! I stuck to a strict schedule when training for Milwaukee and then sort of did whatever at Las Vegas and Illinois. And they were all around the same time so who knows??

    It’s really interesting that swimming makes you feel so relaxed. I wonder why that is.

  7. Alyssa says:

    I used to be more regular about taking fuel but now in my training I’m more or less just winging it. Especially during the week, my after work workouts fueling varies a lot. Sometimes I’m just extra hungry! I think for me it depends on how much I ate for lunch and what, if any, snack I at before the workout. I mostly just always take fuel with me just in case.

  8. Oh Monona Bay… I used to live in one of the apartment complexes along the Bay & West Washington Street. I never did do that 5K though. Glad to hear you enjoyed it!

  9. Kandi says:

    Sounds like an awesome week. I could use a refresher on technique for swimming also. I’m really impressed that you did butterfly for some laps! I am not even sure I remember how to do that stroke!

  10. Kiersten says:

    That is so great that you got to run a race with your Dad. My family used to do a 5k today every year on Columbus day. We didn’t run together, but it was still a great experience and I wish we had kept it up. And I am liking the swimming lately too, which is a big change.

  11. Michele says:

    “ATP from stored fat and carbohydrate”

    Dude, you are talking my language now!!! Yeah!!! LOL!

    ATP was all over this semester!!

    And it’s so awesome your dad ran a race with you!! How cool!!

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