Personality trait: feisty?

By , August 3, 2013 7:40 am

I think you guys were right when you said to ride my bike a bit and figure out its personality before naming it. 

I planned to run 7 miles to my friend’s house this am, check in on his cat, and run 7 miles home. I woke up to run and thought, “Why not take the new bike out?!”

So I was riding it, loving how smooth and fast it was, wondering how I was ever going to get any running miles in anymore, since I just want to ride my bike all day, when…


(no, not me farting)

I got a flat. I don’t have a spare kit yet. Darn it! 

So I got really well acquainted with my bike as I walked home for an hour. 


The good news is, one cyclist stopped to try to give me air, and another stopped to ask if I was okay. And a stranger asked if I needed a ride, too. People are nice. 


And the thing is super light weight. Maybe carrying it for three miles can count as a strength workout?!

Now I’ve wasted so much time I better drive to check in on my friend’s cat!!!

23 Responses to “Personality trait: feisty?”

  1. Michele says:

    I didn’t name Cherry Limeade until a couple of weeks ago, it took me about 3 weeks to figure out her name.

    Boo for having a flat! At least you weren’t too far out!

    I haven’t have a flat…yet…but last week I my chain came off and I knew how to fix it! YAY!!

    • kilax says:

      I think you were smart to wait. Raspberry Kitten was just ALL wrong, right?! 😉

      I would know how to get my chain back on. Sigh!!! Do you have the chain thingy that keeps it from coming off (now)? Hmm, what is that called? 😉

      • Michele says:

        It is actually quite easy to get it back on, believe me, if I can do it…ANYONE can!!

        I don’t have the thingy to keep it from coming off. It has only happened to me once so far (that day), and only because I was trying to switch gears too quick. I was trying to beat my husband on a segment he did a while back. (I still beat him…by one second!!!)

        • kilax says:

          That is good to hear!

          Ha ha ha! You are always trying to beat him! Did you go show him you are faster on that 5K course (the one you have to sneak in to) yet?

          I do seem to have to shift more slowly and deliberately on this one. I shift a lot. Hope that is okay on the bike!

  2. Jenny Gill says:

    I always joke we need to carry two spoons!!! thats how my dad would take the tires off our bikes when we were little. Boo for your flat, thats a major suck, maybe theres an issue with the tape on the rim, def sucks to have a flat on her maiden voyage :-/

    • kilax says:

      Ha ha ha! That is a good idea, to carry a spoon!

      Yeah, I will have to ask why I got a flat when I got it fitted. I hope it was just a fluke thing 😉

  3. Michelle says:

    I love riding my bike too! Been researching for a good one as my Walmart Schwinn is a bit
    Sad lately. So glad you are ok and made it home safely!

  4. Oh no!! I’m sorry! That just stinks.

  5. Linda says:

    Dang nothing worse than a flat. I think it clearly counts as a workout!

  6. jan says:

    Oh no! I agree it counts as a workout.

  7. Michel says:

    Oh boo! Nothing like taking it out on it’s maiden voyage and having trouble. Maybe you can name it Minnow?

  8. Xaarlin says:

    OH NOOOO! Poor bike! 🙁

    I think you should name the bike “luchadora” or “Lucha” for short. Means feisty en Espanol. 🙂

  9. Declan says:

    That was just the running god being jealous and wanting you to get more miles in, DUH!

    • kilax says:

      So, so, so true. All morning, I was thinking “I should have just RUN!” (especially since I didn’t have time yesterday or today to run more)

  10. Losinglindy says:

    wow people are really nice! I hope there isn’t anything wrong with it.

  11. Emily Jones says:

    THIS is exactly why we should have just run together! Ugh… I made it 8 miles and kept thinking “I could have run further with Kim…”

    Glad you got some good Samaritans offering help though. Restores faith in humanity 🙂

  12. Kandi says:

    Oh no! I was worried a little bit on my ride the other day about getting a flat. I’ve never actually changed a bike tube before. I can do other basic maintenance though.

  13. Erin says:

    Cyclists seem pretty nice! I had several stop one time when my bike was making a weird noise. Turns out I had a leaf stuck in the brakes.

    Did you pump up your tires before riding or check the PSI? That might be why you got a flat.

    I haven’t named my bike. I didn’t even realize that was a thing!

    • kilax says:


      That could very much be it – I couldn’t check the PSI. No pump yet, and we don’t have the adapter for our air compressor (not sure I would want to use it, anyway). Very dumb moves!

      You didn’t know that was a thing?!?!?!?!?!?!?

  14. No fun! Sweets did the same thing when he bought a new bike (went for a ride, got a flat, was offered help by a number of people while he waited for me to pick him up). Only, it happened a second and maybe even a third time. And he was without a spare. So, please, learn from his lesson, and go buy that spare before you venture out on any other long rides. =D

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