Am I the new fixer-upper in our house?

By , August 2, 2013 9:41 am

Um. No. Ha ha.

Remember when this happened in March?

The darn band just broke right off* and took some plastic pieces of the watch along with it. It wasn’t a big deal – the watch itself still worked, and I had just received a new Garmin watch for Christmas (the battery on the old one wasn’t lasting very long**).  So actually, the old watch has been sitting in a bag on my desk since March, unused. 


Last week, Steven suggested I look in to getting the band fixed and loaning the watch to my dad to use! My dad’s been successfully using gmap-pedometer to track how far he goes on his runs, but he doesn’t have a stop watch and said it’s annoying to constantly look at his phone for the time*** (which doesn’t even have a timer function!****).

So anyway. I was looking at Amazon for replacement bands. I know they sell the fabric/velcro one, because my friend Mica purposefully put that on her Garmin, as the regular band is too big for her wrists. I found the band and looked at it and thought… “Wait a minute! My new 410 came with one of those!”

So I got it out, watched a video on how to attach it, and voila! The watch is good as new!*****


I was super proud of myself for watching a video and doing that all on  my own. I didn’t ask Steven for help ONCE! I just showed it to him when I was done. Normally, I would have just given it all to him to figure out. Am I making in progress in actually trying to figure things out before having Steven do it?! Should I try to install my new schweet medal rack from Bobbi all on my own?


Hmm, maybe it if invokes drilling in to the wall… Steven should do it. Hee hee.

Have you tackled any projects “on your own” lately?

Pretty funny this is a big deal for me, right?

Oh! And my dad got the watch yesterday and plans to try it out on his run tomorrow! He’s already run twice since the race!

*We’ve had this Garmin 405 since December 2008! It’s still going strong, minus this band issue.
**It died 26 mile in to the ultra I did and on the long arse bike ride I did on my birthday in 2012. 
***But he also said sometimes he runs further since he doesn’t have the time on his wrist, and that can be a good thing!
****What! Is this phone from the 90s or something?!
*****Only not, as it is dirty and has hours and hours of sweat and other grime in it, muah ha ha. I guess I could have cleaned it… ha. 

17 Responses to “Am I the new fixer-upper in our house?”

  1. bobbi says:

    Ahhhh! THANK YOU for linking the video. I AM going to figure out how to switch out my strap for my skinny wrists. The only thing that makes me nervous is getting the fabric strap all sweaty over and over again. Gross.

    And I totes hung my medal rack by myself. I am decent with a power tool. You can too!

    • kilax says:

      Yes! You should totally change your wrist band! And give me your back up plastic one. Muah ha ha ha ha…

      I am not sure if I am even ALLOWED to use power tools in the house unsupervised!!!! I should though. I want to put that bad boy up and my first new medal on it this weekend! 🙂

  2. Kandi says:

    Awesome! As I just mentioned in another comment, I put my freakin’ bike together! I’m so proud of myself! Joey said he wasn’t going to do it and I told him I could do it without any trouble.. and then I realized that I knew next to zero bike part terminology. It was frustrating and annoying (and Joey had to help me get a wrench unstuck from a pedal… oops) but I did it! I’m going to learn how to install new brake pads and adjust brakes next. I’ve always considered myself fairly handy though.

  3. That’s tricky! I have a 405. That’s good to know you can switch it like that if/when my band breaks.

  4. abbi says:

    Woohoo! I’m sure it will be put to good use now. It’s funny how sometimes we rely on others. I’ve definitely gotten that way with a few things around the house. Though, sometimes, I still try to conquer things on my end and they occasionally end badly! Haha! Should I admit my latest issue is a pair of sandals I bought, without trying them on, and I can’t figure out how they are supposed to work. I’m going to have to ask my husband to help me figure it out. That one might be a low.

  5. Rachel says:

    If you can fix a Garmin, you can do ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Feel the empowerment!

  6. Michele says:

    I am the official plumber in our house. I’m writing about it soon, quite funny actually.

    Oh and I made a medal rack last year! It was my “project” for the winter!

  7. J says:

    I just broke my garmin strap after having it for two years and i had to replace it. it was the worst. I hope i never have to do it again, changing garmin straps is tough.

  8. Emily Jones says:

    So proud of you!!

    And, I’m not allowed to use power tools either… Lol

  9. Erin says:

    Look, if I can hang my medal racks so can you! Although, I did have Jason supervise me the first time so that I knew what I was doing. Although, there’s probably a youtube video for that, too! I swear, you can learn to do almost anything via youtube.

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