From Mr. Leg Tube, himself!

By , August 7, 2013 6:44 am

[leg tube reference]

I was super excited when my younger bro posted this picture on Facebook last week:


A package? For me?! How exciting! And to have his cats Scoot and Squeak plastered all over? Even MORE special.

The box arrived yesterday! What did Anthony send me for a birthday gift?


  1. Cat food – I wondered why the box smelled that way!
  2. A mint
  3. 84 cents (since I was born in 1984)
  4. A stuffed Darth Vader toy
  5. A (used?) Q-tip
  6. Two (2) floss picks
  7. A face mask


Like I said. Best. Gift. Ever.

I feel like Anthony knows something I don’t know, and he sent me these items because I am going to need them to go all MacGyver on something in the future. Right? What could I MacGyver up out of this haul?!

I still think the best part of the package is this:


Keeping that f-o-r-e-v-e-r.

Thanks, Anthony (and Amber)!

18 Responses to “From Mr. Leg Tube, himself!”

  1. ChezJulie says:

    Very inspiring packaging. I am going to have to step up my USPS game!

  2. ChezJulie says:

    Also I love the title of this post, and that I understood it!

  3. kelsey says:

    THIS IS FANTASTIC! I love this so much.

    Which prezzie did you use first?!

  4. Michele says:

    That was hilarious!!! You never know when you might need that used Q-tip…

    I hope you didn’t spend that money all in one place!

  5. EmilyJ says:

    Hahaha!! I love this! Too funny! At least you will have these things handy whenever you’re stuck 😉

  6. Love this present idea. Totally a great brotherly gift!! 🙂

  7. Heidi Nicole says:

    This is awesome! Completely random gifts like this are the best!

  8. Rachel says:

    Isn’t it obvious what this is all used for?

    First you eat the cat food and Steven wears the mask so he doesn’t have to smell your cat food breath. Then, since he decides the Darth Vader plush is more tempting to kiss than you, you decide to floss out the extra bits of cat food and eat a mint to entice him. (and why not clean out those nasty ears with the Q-tip while you’re at it?) He still isn’t convinced so you buy his love back with the pennies.

    See? Obvious.

    • kilax says:

      Gah. You are right. That is obvious. And that explanation would make sense in my bro’s head, for sure.

      What about the 84 cents?!

  9. Declan says:

    Haha, it was like he had 15 seconds to send out the package and grabbed everything he could in that time and said done! LOVE IT. I was hoping the floss was used to. That would be totally hipster, it was used before it was cool

  10. Pete B says:

    The used q-tip was a special touch. I must remember that for future gift-giving!

  11. Erin says:

    If you’re gonna go with random stuff as a gift it’s best to go all the way. This definitely goes all the way!

  12. Kandi says:

    Awesome! I love the comments between your siblings on FB.
    I’m sure MacGyver could think of a ton of uses for those items.

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